How to make coffee with syrup? Home Recipes

Coffee recipes in a coffee maker.
  1. Ingredients for coffee recipes in a coffee maker are given in the text.

Coffee is a drink of real connoisseurs; there are a huge number of variants of this old drink, with the addition of various spices, alcohol or milk. In this article I will look at completely classic and more simple-to-make coffee recipes in a coffee maker, which do not require any special ingredients or special equipment. Making a drink according to these recipes is not difficult if you have a regular home espresso coffee maker.

Moccaccino coffee recipe in a coffee maker

  1. One tablespoon of coffee for making espresso
  2. 120-150 g cool milk
  3. 20-25 ml. chocolate syrup
  4. 10 g grated chocolate

Pour the chocolate syrup into an Irish glass (latte glass). Boil 40 ml. espresso, and then pour it into a glass. Using the cappuccino maker attachment on your coffee maker, froth the milk. Carefully, to prevent the layers of the drink from mixing, pour the milk into a cup with ready-made coffee and chocolate syrup, then decorate the glass with the finished drink with milk foam and grated chocolate. You can also use marshmallows or cinnamon as decorations.

Cooking features

The secret of popularity and love for the treat lies in its pleasant taste, beautiful presentation and the opportunity to show imagination in preparation. The coffee treat is easy to recognize - it is served in a transparent glass so that the layered structure is visible. Here are a few secrets of properly preparing the drink:

  • Espresso is poured into the glass first, but if milk comes first, then this is a latte macchiato;
  • Coffee is of particular importance - it is important to brew espresso correctly and it is best to use a coffee machine for this;
  • You need to brew strong coffee, it’s good if it contains at least 10% robusta beans;
  • to prepare milk foam, you need to use only milk with a high percentage of fat content, otherwise the foam will not work;
  • if you want to make a drink according to the original recipe, do not use citrus syrups, as the milk will quickly turn sour;
  • for a party, you can cook a treat with the addition of an alcoholic drink - liqueur or rum;
  • Grated chocolate or cinnamon is used to decorate the drink.

Latte coffee recipe in a coffee maker

  1. One tablespoon finely ground coffee
  2. 170-220 ml., depending on the capacity of the glass, cool milk
  3. A pinch of grated cinnamon or chopped nuts for decoration

There are two traditional methods for making this drink: mixed and layered. The recipe for making them is similar; to make any version, we need about 40 ml. freshly brewed espresso. Let's pour it into a tall Irish glass. Then we will prepare frothed milk and milk foam; for this you can use a coffee machine or a special whisk. After which it is recommended to pour the milk into a glass, carefully along the side of the glass if you prefer a layered latte, or mix well to make a “mixed” latte. The drink is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate the glass with milk foam, sprinkle with cinnamon or grated nuts.

Three-layer drink

A three-layer drink is more difficult to prepare than the previous version. To make a 3-layer latte, you will need 50 milliliters of espresso and 200 milliliters of milk.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour the finished espresso into a tall glass.
  2. Whip the cream with a cappuccino maker.
  3. Carefully pour half of the hot milk into the glass in a thin stream, so that the layers do not mix.
  4. Place the rest of the foam on top. Within a minute, the layers will be completely distributed and the coffee will be ready to serve.

If everything is done correctly, you will get three layers of equal height. It is important to meet 2 conditions: thoroughly beat the foam and carefully combine the components.

The layered structure is obtained due to the different densities of the components. Another secret is the difference in temperature. Espresso should be hot, 90-95 degrees, milk - no higher than 60 degrees.

Cappuccino coffee recipe in a coffee maker

  1. One tablespoon of coffee for making espresso
  2. 130-150 ml. milk
  3. A pinch of cinnamon and grated chocolate (optional)
  4. A couple of sugar cubes (optional)

What distinguishes latte coffee from past recipes is the introduction of a special cup with thick walls. This cup can be heated before making the drink, so it will retain the heat longer. Prepare 40 ml. espresso, as in previous recipes, and pour it into a cup. Similarly, froth the milk and add it to the coffee. It’s better to start pouring the milk carefully from the cent, draw a circle along the edge of the cup, and then seem to cross it out at an angle. You can sprinkle the top of the foam with cinnamon or grated chocolate. Cappuccino is served with a teaspoon; it is customary to first eat the foam with a spoon and then drink the drink.

Making coffee according to these recipes will help you experience new flavor facets of your favorite drink. These are just three options from the countless huge number of recipes for this drink recorded by the population of the earth, because coffee is a drink that is open to testing. Don't be afraid to try and find your own personal coffee taste.

Making latte coffee. Recipe for home.

Caffe latte is a popular drink with Italian roots; its name practically translates as coffee with milk. It was often prepared for children, and they had the opportunity to drink a cup of coffee with older family members. But due to the huge amount of milk, the drink was not so strong.

Gradually, this delicious coffee with milk, created for kids, gained recognition among adults. Nowadays, savoring a latte has become commonplace in all countries of Europe and America and is far from being something special. Amazingly, this coffee is rarely prepared in Italy. They prefer the traditional option - strong espresso. But if they do make a latte, they usually do it at home for breakfast, and use dark coffee and hot milk as the main ingredients. Since now the espresso culture has become very widespread and virtually every home has an espresso coffee maker, espresso is being used more and more often for homemade lattes. The drink will look great in a transparent glass container, but it is usually customary to serve it in thick-walled ceramic or porcelain cups.


Before you start making a latte in a coffee machine, you need to carefully study the sequence of actions. You also need to have all the ingredients.

The main components that make up a latte recipe in a coffee machine are as follows:

  • 1 serving of espresso (you can use instant coffee);
  • 150 g milk;
  • syrup or sugar (optional).

Traditional latte. Crafting recipe

So let's try making a latte. The recipe is completely simple and accessible to anyone who has access to matches and a stove.

  • First you need to make stronger coffee. It is better to choose not pure Arabica, which we usually prefer to take because of its rich aroma, but a mixture of coffee beans with Robusta. Robusta will give sufficient strength, which will be diluted with a portion of milk.
  • Next, mix the heated hot milk with coffee in a ratio of three to one. It should be noted that it is specifically added to the finished coffee (and if you do the opposite, you will get a recognizable latte macchiato - with specks on the surface). Try to keep both ingredients at the same temperature.
  • You can add sugar according to your own taste, although this is a deviation from the rules of traditional production.
  • Finally, put whipped milk foam on top of our drink. You can beat it in a suitable container using the steam dispensing tube of a home coffee maker, but you can also do this with an ordinary blender or other similar device. The result of your efforts should be light and warm foam.

Congratulations, your latte is ready! You can decorate the foam cap with grated chocolate, cocoa, nuts, and ground cinnamon. In addition to this, there are other options that use mate, tea or matcha (Japanese “ground” tea) as a base.

How to make coffee?

To make a latte, you will need coffee beans or ground coffee. The choice of raw materials depends on the technical characteristics of the device. Coffee machines are easy to use and do not require additional effort to grind powder and form tablets. The user just needs to pour fresh beans into the coffee grinder and add water to the appropriate reservoir.

After pressing the “Start” button, the system will independently prepare the powder (the grinding fineness is regulated separately), boil the water and pass the boiling water through the coffee tablet under a pressure of 9-15 bar. In 30 seconds, a standard coffee machine brews 1 serving (30 ml) of espresso. Some devices have a 2-cup function. It speeds up the cooking process to 60-80 ml in half a minute.

How to make latte macchiato at home

Many coffee lovers, when they mention a latte, essentially mean a latte macchiato. This excellent drink with a delicate taste is usually served in high-quality glassware to allow for the creation of layers - in a proper macchiato this “layering” is characterized by fairly clear boundaries. To make it, you will need to take three parts heated milk, part coffee and part milk foam.

First, you need to pour hot frothed milk into a glass - there will be a layer of milk foam on top, and in the middle we will have a coffee layer. Pour espresso last, slowly, in a narrow stream; the temperature of the espresso should be slightly higher than the temperature of the milk.

Latte macchiato differs from the traditional recipe in that the layers of the drink must be clearly distinguishable. The espresso layer, which is located between the layers of hot milk on the bottom and milk foam on top, does not mix with the adjacent layers due to the different temperatures and densities of the liquids.

In order for the milk foam to come out as fluffy as possible, you need to take whole milk, with the highest protein content and quite fatty. Warmed, it whips better than cooled, but it does not need to be heated above 60°. Beat it using a mixer, blender, French press, automatic whisk: any method will do if the desired result is achieved - fluffy and persistent milk foam.

There are a huge number of latte macchiato options; usually, recipes require the use of espresso. But when you prepare a latte at home on your own, no one will judge you for violating the canons and rules, especially when the drink will appeal not only to the creator, but also to his loved ones. We hope that making latte will become the newest tradition in your kitchen and will bring maximum pleasure.

Latte classic

Of course, you should start by preparing a “regular” drink. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 spoon (teaspoon) of coffee (in any form: ground, grain, instant);
  • Half a glass of hot boiled water;
  • A glass of milk (it should be thicker, at least 3.2{ff3290b889689e93688dc8b73290c9f83eb66bc381a1eb5e1a8ac1930feb8ef5});

Coffee should be brewed in any way that seems more convenient to you. The main thing is that the coffee is quite strong.

The most delicious latte is considered to be one made from a mixture containing at least 15{ff3290b889689e93688dc8b73290c9f83eb66bc381a1eb5e1a8ac1930feb8ef5} robusta.

The milk needs to be heated, but not boiled: the optimal temperature is 50-60 degrees. After this, you need to beat it thoroughly using a blender (or mixer). The procedure will take about 5 minutes until air foam forms.

The next step is to pour the milk into a previously prepared tall glass (the so-called Irish glass is best suited for this). The foam will still remain on top in the end.

Then you need to pour coffee into the milk. This must be done very carefully, the coffee should flow in a thin stream. Why is this done? The fact is that only in this way can a correct three-layer drink be obtained: milk, coffee and foam on top.

The preparation of a classic latte is completed by adding cinnamon or chocolate on top. However, you don’t have to add anything at all.

Have you ever thought about the calorie content of coffee? After all, depending on how you drink it, it will have a different effect on your figure!

You can find out which coffee maker to choose to make a delicious latte here!

Latte recipe with syrup

We will need the following ingredients:

  • espresso coffee – 30 ml,
  • milk – 100 ml,
  • any kind of fruit syrup - 25-30 g,
  • chocolate topping.

Making a latte with syrup

  1. Take a tall glass and slowly pour syrup into it.
  2. Using an espresso coffee maker, whip the milk into a fluffy foam and carefully pour it over the syrup. So, you get the 2nd layer.
  3. Brew espresso in a carob coffee maker and slowly pour it into a glass through the milk in a narrow stream. The espresso will settle on the bottom, giving a third layer.
  4. Decorate the drink with chocolate topping. Drink through a straw, stirring a little beforehand.

Topping is a kind of sauce or syrup for adding to drinks, cocktails and confectionery for their decoration and contrast of taste. Chocolate topping can be purchased ready-made or you can make it yourself.

How to make chocolate topping

  • milk-100ml,
  • sweet sand -80 gr,
  • water-150ml,
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp,
  • cocoa powder - 30 g,
  • dark chocolate -100g.

Mix sweet sand with cocoa powder and stir with cool water. Boil.

Mix starch with milk and pour into hot syrup. Stir until dissolved.

At the end of production, add grated chocolate and stir until dissolved, then cool.

Tip 1: Latte coffee recipe.

  • Latte coffee recipe
  • How to make a latte
  • Coffee latte: what is it anyway? Manufacturing secrets

A few important nuances

Making this kind of coffee should start with choosing quality ingredients. It is recommended to give preference to the Arabica variety. If you do not use a ground product, you will have to prepare the fruits for frying yourself.

First you need to sort them out. Green grains should be bright. If there are spoiled fruits among them, remove them. After this, start rinsing. Manipulation will remove dirt and dust from the raw materials.

Dry the fruits. Now comes the frying process. The longer you keep them on the fire, the richer the coffee taste will be. At the last stage, you need to use a mill to grind the roasted grains.

To properly brew a latte in a coffee machine, you need to whisk the milk well. If it doesn't turn into a creamy, fluffy foam, it will simply mix with the espresso.

Tricks for serving a drink:

  1. This cocktail is best drunk from a tall, transparent glass. This will allow you to get not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure, since you will be able to see how one light layer is superimposed on the second, dark one.
  2. It is better to drink it through a straw.
  3. To be able to enjoy the milk foam, you should serve the latte with a dessert spoon.
  4. Chocolate cake goes perfectly with this drink.

You can improve the taste of milk espresso by adding the following components:

  • chocolate or vanilla syrup;
  • ice cream;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • halva;
  • honey;
  • caramel;
  • alcohol.

Traditional latte coffee prepared in a coffee machine

To make a homemade latte, you need fairly full-fat milk and freshly brewed espresso. Approximate proportions are 1 to 1, in other words, coffee and milk are taken in equal parts. But if you like a more delicate taste, you can slightly change the recipe by increasing the amount of milk.

You will need: 3 tablespoons of ground coffee, 100 ml of water, 100 ml of milk, chocolate syrup, cinnamon powder.

First, prepare the espresso in the coffee machine. Then heat the milk, without bringing it to a boil, and whip it into foam, this can be done using hot steam from a coffee machine. Pour milk into heated cups, and then add coffee, pouring it along the wall so that a head of milk foam remains at the top.

The finished drink can be decorated. Experienced baristas draw patterns on milk foam with hot coffee. But if this method seems very difficult for you, do it differently. Place a few large drops of chocolate syrup on the surface of the drink at an angle. Use a toothpick to pull out the drops, turning them into a chain of hearts. You can draw flowers, stars and other shapes, or simply sprinkle ground cinnamon on the milk foam. Italians consider latte coffee the perfect breakfast drink. True gourmets do not add sugar to the drink; a properly prepared latte has a very gentle sweetish taste due to the huge amount of milk.

How to serve a latte

Serving a latte from a coffee machine can be presented in a presentable manner:

  • in a tall cup or glass with transparent walls, decorating the drink with a straw or spectacular decor;
  • It is imperative to consider the height of the foam before adding coffee to milk
  • The delicacy should be served with a small spoon (it is advisable that it has a long handle - this will make it more convenient to collect and eat the foam);
  • The taste of the foam will be much better if it is made from whole milk;
  • due to lack of experience, the layers of the drink may partially or completely mix at first (sometimes it is difficult for non-professionals to avoid this due to the different densities of the two liquids contained in the latte).

Often, just the sight of a latte, prepared by you yourself in a coffee machine, can lift your spirits and bring joy from a job well done. Having enjoyed its unusually pleasant taste in the morning, you can easily imagine how successful and positive your day will be today.

Latte macchiato brewed without a coffee machine

Latte macchiato, a layered drink with an increased amount of milk. For a third of the finished coffee, take two-thirds of the milk, half of which will be converted into foam. A fundamental condition for making the right drink is proper frothing of the milk. The foam should be fluffy and dense.

You will need: 4 tablespoons of natural ground coffee, 300 ml of milk, 150 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of nut syrup, grated dark chocolate for decoration. Instead of nut syrup, you can use chocolate or blackcurrant syrup. Do not add citrus syrup to your latte macchiato as the milk may curdle.

If you do not have equipment for making espresso, you can prepare the drink in a Turk. Place ground coffee in a Turk, fill it with cool water and place on the stove. When the drink rises into a foamy head, remove it from the stove and strain; there should be no grains in the finished latte.

Heat the milk and divide it into two parts. Beat one with a blender or a special milk frother. Pour the syrup into a heated glass mulled wine glass, then add hot milk. Carefully pour the coffee into the glass, and then add the milk foam. You can sprinkle grated chocolate on top of the latte macchiato. Serve the drink with a straw.

Coffee latte – what exactly is it and how to make a latte at home.

Italy is considered the birthplace of latte coffee, but despite this fact, this drink is more popular in the United States, whose inhabitants prefer to drink an average of 2 cups of coffee a day.

Making lattes in capsule machines

Along with conventional coffee machines, capsule models have now gained popularity. The process of making coffee with these devices is fully automated. You just need to regularly replenish the supply of special coffee capsules, which come in different types for different types of coffee.

Advice. To make a latte in a capsule coffee machine, purchase capsules sold in pairs - milk and coffee.

How to make a latte using a capsule coffee machine?

  1. Pour milk inside a transparent container.
  2. First load the milk capsule into the special compartment, and then the coffee capsule.
  3. The coffee separates itself into layers, and a lush foam forms on top.

Modern devices for making coffee are becoming more sophisticated and affordable. The question of how to make coffee at home using a coffee machine is no longer so relevant. Nowadays people often ask where to get latte capsules and other ingredients for their coffee machine.

Coffee latte – what is it anyway?

Many people who order a latte at a cafe don’t even know what it is.

This coffee is recognizable throughout the world due to its light foam and layered structure. The drink usually consists of milk, espresso and foam.

When serving, you can sprinkle it with chocolate, or draw a sketch using cocoa. To vary the taste, some gourmets prefer to add caramel or vanilla syrup. Due to the larger amount of milk in the composition, this coffee drink has the most delicate taste. This type of coffee drink was invented for children, because it contains more milk than coffee. But, after some time, the fashion for drinking latte spread to adults.

Making coffee in 2 layers


A standard latte serving is 200-220 milliliters in volume. To prepare it correctly, take 50 milliliters of espresso and 150 milliliters of milk.

For a strong espresso you will need 70 milliliters of filtered water and 10 grams of ground coffee.

Step-by-step instruction

Grind and pour the coffee mixture into the holder and compress. Then you need to brew one shot of espresso in an automated mode and pour it into a tall, thick glass.

Interesting! How many grams of coffee are in a teaspoon and a tablespoon?

Pour milk into a mug 3/4 full, whisk with steam under high pressure. To get the right foam, immerse the cappuccino maker 3 centimeters into the container at an angle of 45 degrees. Beat for 1-2 minutes until large bubbles disappear and the foam reaches the desired consistency.

Only 3-6% fat milk produces dense foam. Low-fat latte is not suitable.

Pour the milk into the coffee base in a thin stream along the side of the glass. As a result, the drink will consist of two layers: coffee-milk and milk foam. The height of the second layer is 1 centimeter. If desired, the components can be mixed.

Decorate the double-layer latte with cinnamon or grated chocolate. Serve coffee with a straw and dessert spoon.

Composition and calorie content

The traditional latte recipe is based on two ingredients.


  • 1 part espresso (usually 50 ml),
  • 3 parts of hot frothed milk (150 ml is enough).

With all this, in Western Europe, a coffee drink cannot necessarily be made from espresso. The initial Italian recipe involved the introduction of only Arabica. At this point, you can already change the grains at your discretion. The top layer of a latte should definitely be foam. To make the coffee sweeter, sugar is added.

The calorie content of the drink is based on the amount of heated milk. Depending on the fat content of the milk, as well as the amount of sugar and cocoa, the nutritional value of coffee may vary. So, if you prepare a standard serving of latte based on milk, the fat content of which is only 2.5%, then the calorie content of the drink will be approximately 110 kcal. While milk with 3.2% fat content adds another 8 kcal to the nutritional value of a standard drink. Apart from this, you need to consider the amount of added sugar. It is recommended to keep in mind that just one spoon of sugar contains 20 kcal. To make the most nutritious and high-calorie coffee, you can add 10% fat cream to the drink. They immediately increase calorie content to 200 kcal.

What is needed for cooking

The drink is based on 2 ingredients: espresso coffee and milk. The quality of the final product depends on the choice of base. Gourmets love to use coffee raw materials for lattes, consisting of 80% - 90% Arabica beans and 10% - 20% Robusta beans. It is believed that this combination best reveals the tart and slightly rough notes of coffee combined with the delicate creamy component of milk. Coffee beans are subjected to medium or fine grinding. To obtain the desired delicate taste and foam of the required density, milk is taken with a fat content in the range from 2.5% to 3.2%.

The water for brewing the drink should not contain chlorine. Artesian or bottled with a mineral content of 70 – 200 mg/l is best suited.

Traditionally, granulated sugar is added to latte coffee to make the taste even softer and reminiscent of a delicate creamy dessert. For those who have difficulty losing weight, you can slightly transform the generally accepted recipe and replace sugar with a sweetener, and cow's milk with coconut or soy milk.

How to make coffee

To prepare coffee, you can use a coffee maker, pot, or other container for brewing espresso. To whip milk into foam, you need to arm yourself with a mixer, blender or French press (a more labor-intensive and time-consuming method). The drink is served in a tall thick-walled glass glass with a stem and is additionally served with a spoon with a long handle for foam. If the latte recipe does not imply a visual separation of the cocktail into layers, then the drink can be served in cone-shaped ceramic cups. Some believe that this presentation is more comfortable, “homey”.


The chosen method of preparing latte determines the set and algorithm of procedures. In a generalized sense, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Brewing coffee.
  2. Bringing steamed milk to the required temperature;
  3. Whipping some of the milk into a glossy “wet” foam;
  4. Combining the ingredients in an Irish glass;
  5. Using the latte art technique (creating a pattern on the surface of the drink);
  6. Spooning and serving.

Many coffee machines have a latte function.

There is no clear idea of ​​how to make a latte correctly: in a coffee machine or “by hand.” There are requirements for the taste and appearance of the product. The preparation method has virtually no effect on the taste of the coffee milkshake. The composition and sequence of actions when preparing the drink can change in accordance with the requirements of the selected recipe.

What is the difference between latte and cappuccino

Most people don’t know the difference between a latte and a cappuccino, because the ingredients for making coffee are similar.

To see the differences between the two drinks, you need to understand some of the main aspects of making each type of coffee:

  1. To make a latte, you need to take heated milk and espresso with a 3:1 ratio, while for a cappuccino you need to take the same ingredients with a 2:1 ratio.
  2. To make a latte, you need to pour coffee into hot milk that has been frothed in advance, while cappuccino is done the other way around.
  3. The foam in a latte is considered more loose and porous, while in a cappuccino it is more uniform and with small bubbles. With all this, in a latte, each layer never mixes.
  4. Almost twice as much espresso is added to a cappuccino, so the latte has a more gentle taste of milk.
  5. Latte should be served in a glass, cappuccino - in a cup.

Calorie content of latte and what it depends on

The calorie content of a drink is not a constant value and depends on the quality and quantity of ingredients, as well as the presence of sugar in coffee. Adding various syrups to latte increases the energy value.

The calorie content of a classic latte in a medium-sized glass is 150-180 kcal, excluding sweet additives.

Type of milk

The choice of dairy product is very important when making coffee. Sweetness and taste are determined by the presence of lactose. Content less than 4% – tasteless, unsweetened latte coffee.

Stable and strong foam depends on the protein level, and its elasticity depends on the fat content.

Ideal for coffee:

  • amount of protein – 3% and above,
  • fat – 3.2-4%.

Preferably pasteurized milk with natural fat content is used.

Taking into account the above indicators, a dairy product of both animal and plant origin is chosen.


  1. Animal – whole, pasteurized;
  2. Vegetable - almond, soy, oatmeal (easier to whip into foam, ideal for latte).


Many people don't like coffee because of its bitter taste. This problem can be easily solved by increasing the calorie content of the drink, all kinds of sweeteners:


  • White is the most common and highest in calories;
  • Brown – sweeter than usual, but preferable for people on a diet;
  • Raw sugar is unprocessed, the sweetness is lighter, and the calorie content is lower than that of white sugar.

Reference! Consumers interested in weight loss often use artificial sweeteners. There is active debate about how beneficial sweeteners are. This does not hinder their popularity and widespread use.


For you:

Technology for preparing Cappuccino in a coffee shop

Natural, nutritious - a storehouse of vitamins and the best alternative to sugar, despite its high calorie content.


Natural sweetener of plant origin. The main advantage is the minimum number of calories.


There are a great many variations of this latte product:

  • Natural maple – contains antioxidants, fights cancer cells, good for patients with diabetes. Contains a low amount of calories.
  • Berry, fruit, vanilla, caramel, chocolate, coconut and others - the list can take a long time.

Portion volume

Latte coffee is served in transparent tall glasses. Only a translucent vessel allows you to get aesthetic pleasure from a three-layer drink.

Latte is served in three sizes:

  • 300 ml Irish latte glass;
  • 250 – average;
  • and a very small version of 150 ml.

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