What is the difference between an Arabic invigorating drink?
In eastern countries, coffee with a pleasant aroma is poured into small cups. It is not prepared using a coffee machine. The ground cardamom seeds turn into dust, which clogs the filter of the device.
The main distinguishing feature of Arabic coffee is its rich, bitter taste. It is prepared with the addition of spices.
To ensure a rich taste of the drink, several varieties of coffee beans are used. Residents of European countries do not know exactly what raw materials are used to cook it. It is only known that Arabs often use Arabica and Robusta to prepare it.
For proper cooking, use cold water. It turns into steam, which colors the grains yellowish.
You cannot turn coffee beans into dust by hand. For this purpose, a special grinding device is used - an electric mill.
The combination of Robusta and Arabica makes this drink delicious. The fruits of the first type of tree give the drink strength and bitterness, while the fruits of the second type give it subtle and delicate notes.
According to Arab gourmets, to get delicious coffee, you need to brew it using different types of beans. It is advisable that they be taken from different plantations.
One of the favorite Arabic coffee varieties is Mocha, grown in the city of Moho. These grains are easy to grind and have a pleasant taste and aroma. Drinking a drink made from mocha fruits invigorates the body. To feel a surge of strength and energy, just drink 1 small cup.
History of coffee with cream
The origin of coffee remains mysterious to this day. The history of this drink goes back to the first civilizations of the Middle East.
Hot Ethiopia is considered to be the birthplace of coffee; it was in this country that in the 10th century the leaves and fruits of the coffee tree were first used to prepare an invigorating drink.
The triumphant march of coffee across Europe began only in the 17th century. The first country was Italy. However, the tradition of adding heavy cream to coffee originated in Austria. – The classic recipe for coffee with cream is called Viennese Coffee.
In Vienna, there is even a special monument to Pan Kolchitsky, who pours a milk drink into a cup of coffee. Returning from Turkish captivity, the resourceful Pole decided to amuse Europeans with a sweet tooth with a new taste of the aromatic drink. The tasty combination quickly gained popularity and trust among coffee gourmets.
Rules for brewing Arabic coffee
The main requirement for cooking is a good mood and a pleasant atmosphere. To enjoy the unusual taste of Arabic coffee, you don’t have to go to another continent in search of a unique recipe; you just need to collect the right ingredients.
Anyone can brew coffee, but to make it tasty, it must be done according to the rules. The main tool you will need is a Turk. The average cooking time is 5-7 minutes.
Cooking rules:
- The grains must be finely ground. You need to cook the dust obtained during the processing of raw materials.
- An acceptable option is grinding cardamom along with the grains.
- Use whatever spices and herbs you like.
- You can use any type of coffee as the basis for the drink.
- Brew it only in a quiet and calm atmosphere.
The ideal option is to turn on relaxing music beforehand.
If you like sweet drinks, we recommend adding a few tablespoons of granulated sugar to the raw materials for cooking.
Which cream to choose: liquid or from a can
When choosing coffee creamer, first of all, you should pay attention to its fat content. On store shelves you can find cream with fat content from 9% to 60%.
Ten percent cream is best for coffee, but if you want to whip it, the best fat content is 35-40%
Be sure to read the ingredients. It is best to use a natural product, which is not always easy to find. There should be no vegetable fats or milk powder in the composition. You cannot buy cream that is in the freezer or on a regular shelf.
Classic recipe
You can prepare classic Arabic coffee in any kitchen where you feel comfortable. To do this you need to take 3 components:
- ground coffee;
- granulated sugar;
- cold water.
Step-by-step cooking method:
- A good Turka is the main tool for creating an exquisite Arabic drink. You need to put granulated sugar on its bottom. You should not put it “with a reserve”, as in this case the drink will turn out very sweet. Place the Turk on low heat.
- After 2-3 minutes you will be able to observe caramelization - the process of sugar hardening. As soon as this starts to happen, pour water into the Turk.
- After the water boils, remove the Turk from the heat and pour coffee into it along with the selected spices. The cooking process can be completed after boiling again. All that remains is to pour into cups.
It is believed that Arabic coffee is a gourmet drink. But in fact, anyone can appreciate its excellent taste.
In order not to spoil the impression of the ceremony, it should be consumed hot. It is recommended to do this with slow sips. Coffee connoisseurs advise brewing and drinking it first of all after waking up in the morning. In their opinion, this will give a boost of energy for the whole day.
Helpful tips for making coffee with cream
It is better to drink the prepared drink hot or warm, but if you need to heat it up, do it on the stove. Microwave use is not recommended. It is also better not to prepare a drink with instant coffee. The method of serving coffee depends on the environment in which it is going to be drunk. Coffee for negotiations or coffee for a romantic meeting will differ in the way it is served and decorated. Coffee with cream is served in 170 ml glass cappuccino glasses; chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, nuts and other ingredients are used for decoration.
Coffee is an aromatic, invigorating drink for all seasons. And the happiness hormone serotonin, which is contained in coffee, will come to the rescue even on the gloomiest day. Making coffee is a creative process; everyone can create a unique masterpiece for themselves or use the classic recipe for this noble drink. If you like the sweetness of coffee with cream, be sure to try coffee with marshmallows and Frappuccino.
Delicious, aromatic hot coffee with cream has a richer creamy taste. You can prepare it in different ways. The easiest option is to simply add cream to hot coffee. It is very tasty to make coffee with whipped cream. Let's tell you some interesting recipes.
Cardamom treat
To prepare Arabic coffee, you can use different herbs and spices. The most commonly used are:
- cardamom;
- red pepper;
- lemon juice;
- salt.
The taste and aroma of this coffee with cardamom is unforgettable. The recipe for such a delicacy is one of the most useful. Cardamom is a component that improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It cleanses the blood and stimulates its flow to the internal organs. This spice also has pain-relieving properties.
Regular consumption of this type of coffee will help relieve fatigue and insomnia. It is also an excellent aphrodesiac. But this is not all of his “advantages”.
Benefits of the spice:
- Cleanses the oral mucosa from pathogenic microflora.
- Stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, helps relieve stress and improve the quality of sleep.
- Helps strengthen the immune system.
- Relieves pain that occurs in different parts of the body.
- Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Cardamom helps reduce the effects of caffeine on the body, so even hypertensive patients can drink a drink with it.
This coffee is brewed in a Turk. For 1 spoon of ground grains there is 1 cardamom fruit. To obtain a homogeneous composition of the drink, it is recommended to grind this spice together with grains.
To enjoy this drink more, let it steep for 10 minutes. It is also advisable to serve it with oriental sweets.
Types of coffee with cream and its calorie content
The popularity of cream in preparing coffee drinks has grown over the centuries, and has led to the emergence of a number of varieties. They differ not only in recipe, but also in the number of calories.
- Con Panna is an Italian version of coffee with cream, it is an espresso topped with whipped cream, served in a clear glass. The second name of this drink is Franciscan coffee. Drink from large cups and often serve as dessert. Calorie content – 115 Kcal per 1 serving.
- Irish coffee (Irish coffee) is a classic recipe for coffee with cream. It is a cocktail based on black coffee, brown sugar, whipped cream and Irish whiskey. Calorie content 60 Kcal per serving.
- Cappuccino – espresso, heated milk and a delicious cap of milk foam, sprinkled with cinnamon, cocoa or grated chocolate. Calorie content 211 Kcal per 1 serving.
- A latte is a delicious drink made in layers: a layer of milk, a layer of espresso, a layer of steamed milk. It is customary to serve in an Irish glass. There is a variety of latte macchiato. In this recipe for preparing a tonic drink, we use a different order of adding ingredients: coffee is added to milk, and not vice versa. The Latte Macchiato was created for children, with less caffeine and more milk. The calorie content of a latte is approximately 250 Kcal per serving.
- Mochaccino - based on the classic latte recipe with the addition of hot chocolate or syrup. Approximate calorie content: 289 kcal per cup.
- Rough coffee – espresso, cream and vanilla sugar. Sometimes vanilla sugar is replaced with a spoon of honey. Honey Raf is able to win the heart of any coffee gourmet. Served like a cappuccino. Calorie content 170 Kcal for a standard serving.
- Affogato is a delicious dessert - a scoop of ice cream drenched in espresso. Add whipped cream, chocolate and orange. Great combination. Approximate calorie content 235 Kcal.
- Glasse - cold coffee. Cool a double Americano or double espresso to room temperature and add a scoop of ice cream to create a refreshing tonic drink. Calorie content 155 Kcal per serving.
- Frappe – beat cold milk, espresso and a few ice cubes in a mixer. The coffee drink for the hot season is ready. The calorie content of one serving can reach 820 Kcal.
You can make a cold refreshing drink with coffee and cream
How to serve Arabic coffee correctly
According to oriental etiquette, a guest can ask for coffee in Arabic no more than 3 times. Recommendations for serving the drink:
- Never pour it into large cups. Small dishes will do.
- Pour the prepared Turkish drink immediately after removing it from the heat.
- It is advisable to use ceramic or porcelain dishes.
- To give the drink a caramel flavor, we recommend melting the granulated sugar first.
- If you are serving Arabic coffee to several people, use cups from the same set.
It is important to drink this drink in a relaxed home atmosphere. During the ceremony, you should not sort things out, negotiate or plan events. Remember that a cup of aromatic Arabic coffee is a great way to relax and throw away anxious thoughts.
The benefits and harms of coffee with cream
An invigorating strong drink made from grains fried without oil, with the addition of hot cream, is very healthy.
Arabica or robusta fruits normalize digestion, but their abuse leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Dairy products soften the effect of caffeine on the stomach, neutralizing its negative effects.
I can't imagine a better combination for toning the body and improving mood. If Arabica fruits stimulate the removal of fluid from the body, then full-fat milk, on the contrary, retains it. The same thing happens with stomach acidity. The first component helps to increase it, and the second - to decrease it.
But these are not the only reasons why adding cream to freshly brewed coffee is advisable:
- normalization of the nervous system;
- calcium enrichment;
- stimulation of intestinal patency, treatment of constipation;
- decreased appetite.
Thus, cream and coffee are not only a tasty, but also a healthy combination. However, abuse will lead to dehydration, increased excitability and anxiety, as well as insomnia.
In order not to provoke negative manifestations, you need to drink coffee with cream only in the first half of the day.
Number of calories in different types of cream
Type of cream | Calories per 100 grams | Calories per 10 gram portion pack | Calories per 20 gram serving (tablespoon) |
Low fat (50% milk) | 60 | 6 | 12 |
Fat content 10% | 120 | 12 | 24 |
Fat content 20% | 205 | 20 | 40 |
Fat content 30% | 300 | 30 | 60 |
Fat content 35% | 337 | 33 | 67 |
Soy, fat content 29% | 510 | 51 | 102 |
Dry | 579 | 58 | 115 |
Whipped | 260 | 26 | 52 |
There is nothing wrong with enjoying coffee with cream or milk. Just remember that coffee with these ingredients will be higher in calories, so you need to adjust your diet accordingly. This is especially true for people who are trying to lose weight.
Cool coffee with cinnamon and cream
- cinnamon – 1 stick
- dark coffee – 1 cup
- sugar – 1 teaspoon
- ice – 5-6 cubes
- cream 30% - 30 ml
- Pour hot coffee over a cinnamon stick and leave to steep for an hour.
- Take out the stick, add whipped cream and sugar to the coffee, stir very well and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes.
- Serve the drink in large glasses with ice.
With whipped cream, chocolate and zest
- 50-60 ml of freshly brewed coffee;
- 30 ml cream;
- A piece or two of chocolate;
- Orange or lemon zest, grated.
- Heat the chocolate and half the cream in a water bath, stir and place at the bottom of the cup.
- Brew the coffee so that there are no grounds in it, for example, in a geyser or in a French press; Americano from a coffee machine is also suitable.
- Pour over chocolate. Whip the remaining cream and place on top, garnish with zest.
With whipped cream
Italians are big fans of coffee and know many recipes for the drink. One of them is Turin coffee. Probably, the residents of Italian Turin were the first to come up with it.
- strong coffee (for example, espresso) - take 100 milliliters;
- chocolate (preferably black) – ½ bar;
- milk (you need fat) – take 175 milliliters;
- granulated sugar - solely to your taste;
- cream with a fat content of at least 35% - at least a couple of tablespoons.
- Break the chocolate into smaller pieces, pour them into the milk and put them in the oven - let them melt over low heat. You can add granulated sugar and milk at the same time.
- We wait until the chocolate milk boils. And we don’t just wait, but without ceasing we stir it. Let it simmer for another minute and remove from the stove.
- We brew espresso. Whip the cream with a mixer. Actually, almost everything is ready. All that remains is to serve and decorate the yummy food correctly. Take a tall glass or Irish glass. First pour in the chocolate milk.
- Very carefully pour the coffee to the top. We do this so carefully that the layers do not mix. Place the cream on top no less carefully. For added effect, you can sprinkle them with chocolate chips/crumbs.
Coffee with cream and rum
- black brewed coffee – 500 ml;
- sugar – 80g;
- cream 30% - 150 ml;
- chocolate;
- yolks – 2 pcs.;
- rum – 40 ml.
- Pour the yolks into a container, cover them with sugar, and beat in a blender until foamy. Then whip the cream separately. The resulting components are combined and mixed until creamy and placed in the refrigerator.
- Rum is added to the prepared mixture. The cups are filled with freshly brewed coffee, cream is placed on top and sprinkled with grated chocolate.
French cappuccino
- coffee – 1 teaspoon,
- cream – 50 grams,
- sugar – 50 grams,
- milk – 200 ml,
- water – 100 ml.
- Combine milk with sugar. Mix thoroughly.
- Place on the fire and bring to a boil.
- Pour in the cream. Mix. Remove from heat.
- After the milk mixture has cooled, beat it in a blender.
- We make coffee.
- Mix coffee with milk consistency. Mix well.
- Pour the drink into cups. From the indicated amount of ingredients you will get 4 servings, so you can enjoy this tasty and fragrant drink not alone, but together with your beloved household or in the company of friends.
There are dozens of varieties of coffee as an invigorating drink, and most of them contain milk or cream in the recipe. This beloved drink by many attracts with its creamy taste, airy foam, soft mixture and a dozen other indescribable feelings. Is this combination of goods useful, and what are the unique recipes for making it?