Coffee with halva - an oriental drink and dessert

Coffee with halva.

It is believed that coffee was first prepared in the East. But this part of the world is famous not only for its fragrant drink; the whole world is famous for its breathtakingly delicious oriental sweets, namely halva. What will happen if you combine seemingly incompatible things - coffee and halva? You may not be amazed, but the end result will be a mind-blowing dessert. It is precisely the creation of this yummy that we will deal with you now.

Coffee with halva: recipe for making

  • espresso or Turkish coffee – 150 ml,
  • halva (both peanut and sunflower are suitable) – 100 gr.,
  • cream 20% fat – 100 gr.,
  • honey – 1 teaspoon.
  1. Strain a portion of coffee freshly brewed in a coffee machine or in a Turk.
  2. After the drink has cooled a little, add honey to it. If necessary, honey can be replaced with maple or nut syrup and even regular sugar.
  3. Break the halva into medium-sized pieces. Place in a blender.
  4. Add cream. Beat into a homogeneous mass.
  5. Add sweet coffee to the acquired consistency. Beat well again.
  6. Pour the finished dessert into cups and enjoy its unusual taste.

Hot drink recipe

For one serving you will need:

  • halva of any kind – 50 g;
  • fat milk or cream – 100 ml (half a glass);
  • ground coffee - 2 teaspoons without top spoon.

How to cook:

  1. Mash the halva with a fork or hands until it forms small crumbs.
  2. Pour hot milk (cream) over the prepared raw materials. It is not recommended to boil the liquid so that milk foam does not form on the surface.
  3. The mixture must be whipped in a blender or mixer until smooth.
  4. Brew espresso according to your favorite recipe using a Turk or any other device.
  5. The hot drink without grounds must be poured into the whipped mixture. It is recommended to mix the composition and let it brew for 2-3 minutes.

It is better to serve coffee with halva in tall glasses, with a straw or spoon, depending on the thickness of the resulting dessert. You can decorate the dish with strawberry or raspberry topping, whichever suits your taste best. It's a good idea to sprinkle some chocolate chips on top if you like the flavor of cocoa. The lack of sweetness is compensated by the addition of honey, sugar or syrup from fruits and berries.

Coffee with halva. Ice version

  • milk – 1/2 cup,
  • water – 3/4 cup,
  • finely ground coffee beans - 2 teaspoons,
  • almond flavored syrup - 2 teaspoons,
  • halva – 100 g,
  • ice - several cubes.
  1. Grind the halva into crumbs. This task can be done by hand or using a blender.
  2. Pour the boiled but cooled milk into the bowl with halva.
  3. Add syrup. Some people do without this ingredient during production, but we still recommend not using it, as it will give the dessert a pleasant smell.
  4. Carefully beat the resulting mass with a blender until smooth.
  5. We make coffee. Again, you can resort to the help of technology, but if you are not the happy owner of a coffee machine or coffee maker, then it will not be difficult to prepare a portion of dark coffee in a Turk. Just cover the coffee beans with water. Put it on fire. Bring to a boil. If you like stronger coffee, then after the coffee has cooled a little, bring it to a boil several more times, but do not boil.
  6. Pour the strained coffee into the mixture of halva, milk and syrup. Beat again.
  7. Place ice cubes in coffee cups or transparent glasses and pour the prepared coffee with halva. Enjoy your coffee!

Coffee latte with halva.

Who likes coffee with halva?

For lovers of dense, creamy, sweet flavors, as well as fans of oriental sweets.

Please note that when pouring halvicha crumbs with hot milk or cream, it reveals its taste brighter. Keep this in mind when choosing halva for your drink. Use only fresh product. Stale halva will give the drink an unpleasant aroma.

Those who watch their figure and count calories should take into account that halva is a fatty, high-calorie product. Therefore, in pursuit of a slim waist, use tahini halva. It has a lower percentage of fat, and a little less calories. Replace cream with skim milk.

If you follow all the recommendations, you can easily prepare this thick, sweet, slightly oily drink, which will add strength and warm you, lift your spirits and even satisfy your hunger. This cocktail is perfect for a bachelorette party or friendly get-togethers. It is not too hot and can be served in tall glasses with straws.

By the way, we want to warn you that anyone can look for the sweet aroma of coffee with halva, so don’t be surprised if you suddenly find unexpected guests at the table.

Enjoy every cup of coffee and every minute of life!

Manufacturing abstract

For a vegan version of the latte, replace cow's milk with any plant milk, for example, the most neutral in taste, almond.

Recipes for coffee with halva.

You can endlessly experiment with the taste of coffee, each time discovering its versatility with different additives. Coffee with halva is rightfully considered a unique dessert that can replace breakfast or a snack during the day. Sweet and thick, it will not leave anyone phlegmantic.

The recipe uses halva made from oil seeds and nuts. Each type of oriental sweet has its own unique taste and smell. The sweetness and thickness of the drink can be changed at will by adding or reducing the amount of ingredients. You can drink it hot, warm, cool, actively discovering the wonderful notes of a new taste.

How to choose ingredients

In order to try out the taste characteristics of the dessert, you can first try it separately, as a bite. If you like it, make the mixture in a blender.

To prepare coffee with halva, you need to select the ingredients:

  • Sunflower halva is suitable. The combination best complements coffee beans - at least that’s what people write.
  • Take milk of medium fat content to reduce calorie content, because it also contains sugar or honey.
  • Cream is suitable 20%. There is no need to whip them into foam.

Grains are selected to taste. You can even try bitter robusta, you might like this option.

To make stronger espresso, it is better to cook it in a Turk, bringing it to a boil three times and turning off the gas, or removing it from the stove. It will be a real oriental masterpiece.

Be sure to use spices, such as cinnamon or cardamom. They will add new flavor and aroma notes to the dessert.

Video: Halvic Latte - recipe

Hot drink recipe

For one serving you will need:

  • halva of any kind - 50 g,
  • fat milk or cream – 100 ml (half a glass),
  • ground coffee - 2 teaspoons without top spoon.
  1. It is recommended to mash the halva with a fork or hands to small crumbs.
  2. Pour hot milk (cream) over the prepared raw materials. It is contraindicated to boil the liquid so that milk foam does not form on the surface.
  3. The mixture must be whipped in a blender or mixer until smooth.
  4. Brew espresso according to your favorite recipe, using a Turk or any other device.
  5. The hot drink without grounds should be poured into the whipped mixture. The composition should be mixed and allowed to stand for 2-3 minutes.

It is better to serve coffee with halva in large glasses, with a straw or spoon, depending on the thickness of the purchased dessert. You can decorate the dish with strawberry or raspberry topping, which is more suitable for taste. It's good to sprinkle chocolate chips on top if you like the taste of cocoa. The lack of sweetness is compensated by the addition of honey, sugar or fruit and berry syrup.


For the simplest recipe on how to make coffee with halva at home, you will need:

  • 75 ml espresso;
  • 50 g halva;
  • 50 ml cream.


  • Brew the base in a coffee machine or Turk. If necessary, strain.
  • Add syrup, honey or sugar.
  • Grind the halva briquette by hand or with a fork.
  • Add cream to it.
  • Combine all ingredients and beat well with a spoon.

The fact is that preparing one portion in a blender is not very convenient if it has a large mixing container, so the manual method is suitable for testing.

Puff version

In this case, you need to mix halva (50 g) with milk (100 ml) and put the mixture on the stove to warm up. Bring to a boil with constant stirring, remove from heat. a little (50 ml) cream into foam. The finished coffee is poured into a glass, then the milk mixture, then the foam.

How to make a cool dessert

The recipe for making the chilled version is the same as for the roast version. But it is recommended to cool the coffee and milk mixture before stirring. Place a few ice cubes in a glass. Lemon or mint syrup will give freshness and “chill” to the cooled coffee drink, perfectly complementing the taste of the dessert.

Milk and halva can be combined when chilled, but the flavor palette is fully revealed if the ingredients are hot. Using oriental sweetness from different ingredients (seeds, nuts), the taste of coffee acquires a unique color.

If a person follows a vegetarian diet, you can use plant-based milk (soy, pumpkin, almond, etc.).

Varieties of coffee recipes with halva

There are hundreds of ways to prepare coffee. Coffee taste and aroma are combined with everything: with spices, seasonings, toppings, sweets.

There are also very unusual recipes. Coffee with halva, for example, is much more reminiscent of an original dessert than a traditional coffee drink.

It is better to serve coffee with halva in tall glasses, with a straw or spoon, depending on the thickness of the resulting dessert. You can decorate the dish with strawberry or raspberry topping, whichever suits your taste best.

It's a good idea to sprinkle some chocolate chips on top if you like the flavor of cocoa. The lack of sweetness is compensated by the addition of honey, sugar or syrup from fruits and berries.

In order to prepare coffee with halva, we will need the following ingredients:

  1. Halva . 50 grams will be enough for one small cup. If you are preparing a large portion, you can take 100 grams.
  2. Cream or milk . ½ cup or about 100 grams.
  3. Ground coffee . 2 teaspoons per serving.

The recipe for coffee with halva is not too complicated. Let's start with preparation. Mash the halva into fine crumbs. It is best to do this simply with your hands, or, in extreme cases, with a fork.

Mechanical grinders of various kinds will be useless here, since halva is a product with a high fat content, and under the action of a blender, it does not loosen, but, on the contrary, is churned into a dense mass.

Heat the prepared cream and milk, but do not bring them to a boil, otherwise you will have to remove the foam that has formed. Place the crushed halva in a tall container, pour hot cream or milk. Beat the resulting mixture. At this stage you can and even need to use a blender.

Barista tip:

At this point, you can add syrup to the mixture to enhance the flavor. Raspberry or strawberry topping goes well with the drink. Chocolate lovers can replace the syrup with a few squares of melted treats. It will give the drink a deep and bright taste.

Barista tip:

This cocktail is delicious served cold. If you want to enjoy it on a hot day, do not heat the cream and milk, but use cooled ones. Cool the brewed coffee before mixing it with the cream mixture. Throw a few ice cubes into the finished drink. Try mint or lemon syrup as a topping; it will give the dessert a pleasant, refreshing note.

Brew regular black coffee using your favorite recipe. Our example uses a Turk, but espresso or another electric coffee maker product will work just as well. Pour coffee into the prepared mixture. Let it sit for a few minutes and you can pour the drink into cups. Your coffee with halva is ready.

How to make a cold dessert

The recipe for the chilled version is the same as the hot one. But you should cool the coffee and milk mixture before stirring.

It is recommended to put a few ice cubes in the glass. Lemon or mint syrup will add freshness and “chill” to the cooled coffee drink, while perfectly complementing the taste of the dessert.

Milk and halva can be mixed when chilled, but the full range of flavors is revealed if the components are hot. Using oriental sweetness from various ingredients (seeds, nuts), the taste of coffee acquires an original shade.

If a person follows a vegetarian diet, you can use plant-based milk (soy, pumpkin, almond, etc.).

Preparing coffee dessert

The cold dessert recipe involves adding ice cream. It's perfect for a hot summer day:

  • chilled coffee - 0.4 l;
  • halva (sesame or peanut) - 30 grams;
  • vanilla ice cream - 80 grams;
  • ice - 3 or 4 cubes.

Ice cream can be replaced with milk, but the drink will be less thick and lighter. Peanut halva will give a more nutty taste, while sesame halva will give it a more bitter taste.

For decoration you can use cinnamon, vanilla sugar, grated chocolate, coconut flakes, powdered sugar or even fresh berries. First you need to prepare strong espresso in a familiar and convenient way, for example, brew it in a Turk. Wait until it cools down, pour into

Recipe for a coffee drink with foam

Ingredients for making halva latte:

  • 200 ml of freshly brewed coffee;
  • 200 ml of fat or skim milk (for people on a diet);
  • halva 70 g;
  • grated dark chocolate 2 cloves;
  • sugar, honey, syrup to taste.
  1. Pour 150 ml of milk, heat without bringing to a boil.
  2. Mix with crumbled halva and beat in a blender.
  3. Whip the remaining 50 ml of milk into a stiff foam.
  4. Pour strained coffee into a tall glass.
  5. Add sugar, syrup or honey to taste.
  6. Place the whipped mixture on top.
  7. Pour thick milk foam over the dessert.
  8. Decorate with grated chocolate.

The resulting coffee dessert is energetically very filling, so you should not drink it in large portions. It is advisable to use fresh ingredients so that foreign odors do not spoil the noble bouquet of the drink.

Recipe for a coffee drink with foam

Ingredients for making halva latte:

  • 200 ml freshly brewed coffee,
  • 200 ml of fat or skim milk (for people on a diet),
  • halva 70 g,
  • grated dark chocolate 2 cloves,
  • sugar, honey, syrup to taste.
  1. Pour 150 ml of milk, heat without bringing to a boil.
  2. Mix with crumbled halva and beat in a blender.
  3. Whip the remaining 50 ml of milk into a stiff foam.
  4. Pour strained coffee into a tall glass.
  5. Add sugar, syrup or honey to taste.
  6. Place the whipped mixture on top.
  7. Pour thick milk foam over the dessert.
  8. Decorate with grated chocolate.

The purchased coffee dessert is energetically very filling, so it is not recommended to drink it in large portions. It is better to use the freshest ingredients so that foreign odors do not spoil the generous bouquet of the drink.

We advise you to read: Coffee with honey is more exciting and delicious.

Coffee with halva.

Hot coffee with halva for two


  1. Halva - 100 g.
  2. Dairy products, no matter cream or milk - 1 glass.
  3. Ground coffee - 4 tsp.

Cooking method:

  • Mash the halva to a fine consistency in a blender.
  • Pour hot milk or cream into it.
  • Using a blender, beat everything.
  • Make some coffee.
  • Pour it into a blender.
  • Mix everything.
  • Let the drink sit for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Pour into tall glasses.
  • Drink with straws. If the drinks are thick, then use teaspoons.
  • Raspberry or strawberry toppings are suitable for decoration. What, who likes it more?
  • Garnish with chocolate chips if you like cocoa. It will not be sweet, then add sugar, honey, syrup.

Step-by-step manufacturing recipe

Let's knead the halva. It's better to do this with a fork. Mechanical grinders are not suitable - halva has a high fat content and under the influence of, for example, a blender, it will form a dense mass.

Warm the milk or cream, but do not boil.

Halva + milk 1-2 min. beat in a submersible blender or flash press.

Brew coffee using any convenient method: espresso, Turkish, etc.

It is better to strain coffee brewed in a Turk.

Pour into a cup and add halva with milk.

If desired, you can add: cinnamon, chocolate slices, syrup.

I like it without everything or just with cinnamon. So the taste is cleaner.

This coffee is delicious both hot and cold.

This is a meeting of an aggressive drink with a narrow smell of the east.)))

Four recipes for fragrant coffee: Mexican, Vietnamese, with pepper and with halva.

PHOTO: MIR MTRK / Svetlana Rodina

Vacations and holidays are over, but I still want to receive small joys from life every day. Pamper yourself and your friends, arrange a tasting of coffee or other hot non-alcoholic drinks. They relieve lethargy, lift your spirits, warm you up and give you a feeling of comfort and celebration. Chef baristas and chefs of the capital's restaurants shared their recipes.


  1. Brew espresso;
  2. Strain the coffee from the grounds, add honey and stir, let the drink cool slightly.
  3. Grind the halva and then place it in the blender bowl.
  4. You can add cream to the halva and beat it with a blender into a total mass.
  5. Pour coffee into the mixture and whisk.
  6. Coffee "Halva" is ready. Pour it into coffee cups and serve.

This drink can be served immediately after preparation or pre-cooled, in which case it is recommended to throw a few ice cubes into the glass.

Another recipe for making this type of coffee

In order to make Halva style coffee, we will need the following ingredients:

  • Halva. For 1 small cup, 50 grams is enough. If you are preparing a large portion, then you can take about 100 grams.
  • Cream/milk. Half a glass or approximately 100 grams.
  • Ground coffee. You will need 2 teaspoons per serving.

The recipe for this coffee is not too complicated. Next, let's start with preparation. Mash the halva into crumbs. It’s better to do this simply with your hands, or, in extreme cases, with a fork. Mechanical grinders will be useless here, because halva is a product with a high fat content, and under the influence of a blender, it will rather not loosen, but, on the contrary, will form a dense mass.

  1. Make espresso.
  2. In a blender, beat 120 ml of milk and halva into a liquid. Pour into a saucepan and add honey to it, bringing it almost to a boil, whisking the milk all the time and remove the resulting mixture from the heat. You will need a Blender.
  3. Whip the remaining milk into foam using a cappuccino maker or French press.
  4. Make a latte: first pour coffee into a glass, then pour milk into it, and put foam on top. Serve immediately, topped with some halva crumbs.

Coffee in cezve “Halva”

Combining your favorite oriental sweet with fragrant coffee gives a great recipe, which Anna Brovkina, chef barista of the Kazbek restaurant, shares with us.

Photo courtesy of the Kazbek restaurant

  • Ground coffee 40 g
  • Water 280 ml
  • Suluguni cheese 30 g
  • Almond milk 40 g
  • Handmade halva 100 g

First you need to prepare the halva sauce. The halva needs to be broken into small pieces, poured with almond milk, placed on the stove and cooked over low heat for approximately 25-30 minutes. When the sauce is ready, you need to grind the coffee, add water and add 60 ml of halva sauce, you can add more if desired. Bring almost to a boil, but still do not let it boil.

This coffee should be served with slices of Suluguni cheese. It’s better to take the cheese out of the refrigerator in advance so that it comes to room temperature - only then will you be able to fully enjoy its rich, creamy, salty taste coupled with hot and unusual coffee and halva.

How to make coffee with halva and foam


  1. Freshly brewed espresso - 400 ml.
  2. Milk - 400 ml, can be full-fat or low-fat.
  3. Halva—140 g.
  4. Sweets made from chocolate, honey, syrup, to taste.

Let's cook.

  • Heat, but boil, 300 ml of milk.
  • Pour into a blender containing the crumbled halva.
  • Turn the remaining milk into foam by whipping.
  • Pour espresso into glasses.
  • Add sweetness.
  • Pour the halwa mixture on top.
  • Make foam caps on top and then sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Important! These are very high-calorie drinks, so try to drink them in small portions. Always use only fresh ingredients to prepare such hearty and tasty drinks.

Video. Coffee with halva | Halvic Latte | Raf halva | Halva coffee | Juli_Food

Video. Coffee with halva conquers Toronto

Pepper mocha latte

The taste of this coffee drink, prepared according to the recipe of Elbek Gaziev, a coffee professional at the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop chain, has the colors of black pepper, star anise and chocolate. What you need on a cool day to warm up and pamper yourself with the thick, extraordinary taste of coffee!

Photo courtesy of the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop chain

  • Hot chocolate – 10 g
  • Milk – 250 ml
  • Espresso – 30 ml
  • Star anise – 2 pcs.
  • Black pepper – 1 g
  • Star anise – 2 pcs.
  • Hot chocolate – 5 g

Combine all ingredients, not counting coffee - milk, chocolate, star anise, dark pepper - in one bowl and heat to 70 degrees. Then pour the mixture into a French press and foam with it. Please note that the volume of water should not exceed 1/3 of the volume of the French press. Now whisk the milk with chocolate and spices using the up and down motion of the piston. The whole process should take from 30 to 60 seconds, no longer. If in the end the top bubbles on the milk foam come out large, then spin the French press tube a little around its axis, and then gently tap the bottom on the table 2-3 times. The milk foam will become as it should be.

At the same time, you need to prepare coffee (in a Turkish coffee pot or using a coffee machine). Pour the contents of the French press into a glass, having previously decorated the edges of the glass with hot chocolate, add coffee and garnish with star anise.

Additional recommendations

When preparing this drink, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Use only fresh product. A stale one will give the cocktail an unpleasant taste and aroma.
  2. The halvicha crumbs should be filled with hot cream or milk . Due to this, the taste qualities will be fully revealed. When using cold dairy products, this result cannot be achieved.
  3. Oriental sweets are very high in calories. People watching their figure are recommended to give preference to tahini halva, made from ground sesame seeds. In addition, skim milk should be used.

Oriental sweets combined with coffee are an amazing dessert that can give you strength, warm you up, lift your spirits and satisfy your hunger. This unusual cocktail is easy to prepare, and the result exceeds all expectations. It turns out incredibly tasty and aromatic.

Vietnamese coffee

Perhaps not everyone knows that Vietnam has a permanent position in the world market as a coffee-producing country. The Robusta variety is grown and cultivated there. What makes Vietnamese coffee special is that the beans are roasted in duck fat. After this roasting, the coffee acquires a very strong chocolate-nutty taste and smell. It may even seem as if some kind of flavorings have been added there. In fact, this is not true: the thick coffee smell is provided only by an unusual method of roasting the beans. In Moscow, Vietnamese coffee is sold in large chain hypermarkets.

For Vietnamese coffee, it is best to use the Robusto coffee variety. Or blends of Arabica and Robusto. Arabica gives fruity notes and generous sourness, while robusto gives strength and nutty-chocolate tones.

Photo: Alan Katsiev/Mir TV and Radio Broadcasting Company

  • Ground coffee 20 g
  • Water 150 ml
  • Condensed milk – 10 ml

This drink is prepared practically on the table, using a special filter. Such filters are sold in large hypermarkets; this is currently a fairly prestigious direction in the production of a popular drink. The filter is an iron container, the bottom of which is not solid, but has small holes. Pour the ground coffee into an even layer at the bottom, screw in the second mesh filter, which presses down the coffee. The main thing is to not screw the filter too tightly so that the layer of coffee is not too compressed and allows droplets of water to pass through. The burning water slowly seeps through the coffee and turns into a fragrant drink. The water should be about 80 degrees, not boiling water.

Before pouring water into the filter, you need to pour condensed milk into the bottom of the cup. You don’t have to do this if you don’t like sweet coffee, but this is how this drink is traditionally prepared. Now pour hot water into the filter with ground coffee. For a few seconds nothing happens, then the coffee begins to drip, passing through the filter and a layer of ground coffee. It fills the cup evenly. The coffee takes about 8 minutes to prepare and is not hot, but warm. In Vietnam, it is customary to serve this coffee with ice, but in the Russian winter this is absolutely not necessary. Try it, this coffee is very tasty, unusual and effective in production. How cool it is to play this while hosting guests! A whole coffee ceremony is coming out.

Mexican coffee

This coffee tastes like a great combination of softness and spiciness. The drink comes out thick, enveloping, spicy and immediately hot: the real spectrum of Mexico!

Photo: Alan Katsiev/Mir TV and Radio Broadcasting Company

  • Ground coffee – 20 g
  • Milk – 80 ml
  • Cream – 80 ml
  • Condensed milk – 10 ml
  • Lemon and orange zest - one strip each
  • Coffee spice mix – 1 tsp

The spice mixture here is special, it must be prepared separately: mix 10 g of cocoa powder, 10 g of sweet powder, 2 g each of ground nutmeg, hot reddish chili pepper and cinnamon.

We prepare a standard portion of espresso coffee. Pour milk and cream into a separate bowl, add condensed milk, spices, lemon and orange zest. Then in the Latin Quarter, everything is whipped and heated with a cappuccino maker. But at home, you can warm everything up to 70 degrees and froth it manually in a French press, as described in the “Pepper Mocha Latte” recipe. Then pour the fragrant mixture of 3 types of milk with spices into a cup, and pour espresso coffee on top.

Try it, just be careful: with the first sip the spiciness is not yet felt, it comes on the second, filling you with the hot breath of Mexico!

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