Ways to make foamy coffee at home

Coffee with foam not only looks impressive, but also tastes better. The fact is that foam prevents the evaporation of aromatic substances, and more essential oils are retained in the drink. It’s not for nothing that Italians recommend drinking espresso immediately after preparation, before the golden crema disappears. The consistency is similar to cream or melted ice cream, and coffee with foam seems thicker.

Theory. Foam is formed from water, air bubbles, proteins and other organic compounds that coffee grounds are rich in. Water supplied under pressure literally whips up the coffee “cocktail”. The same thing happens if water is supplied under pressure into any container. Only there are few impurities in the water, so the foam quickly settles. Coffee foam lasts longer because it contains many chemical compounds that give it stability.

What does foam depend on?

Now we will talk about the foam on a coffee drink without milk.

The foam on an espresso depends on too many factors - from how the coffee beans are processed and their country of origin to the preparation method, roasting and equipment.

For example:

  • the more the beans are roasted, the darker they are, the less foam you will get;
  • beans from America and Africa, due to the dry climate, are processed using a dry method, which in the future produces more foam than, for example, coffee from Indonesian beans grown in a humid climate;
  • The fresher and better the grains are, the denser the foam.

Why is there no foam when brewing a drink? Most likely, the grains are old or of poor quality.

Which one is suitable?

In fact, absolutely any coffee is suitable - from grain to instant. Of course, it is desirable that the grains are fresh and of high quality - this ensures the best foam.

The only thing is that the method of preparing the foam will depend on the type of coffee:

  • grain/ground can be simply boiled in a Turk and get foam;
  • an instant drink will have to be additionally whipped with a blender or whisk.

How to make milk foam

If you want coffee not only with foam, but also more delicate, then you can add milk. This coffee is called cappuccino.

Milk foam is made not only because of its beauty, but also because of the special taste that whipped warm milk adds to the drink - it makes the drink softer and sweeter.

And the transition of the drink from aromatic foam to more tart coffee makes the drinking process more interesting and reveals the taste of the drink from a new side.

Another plus is that with foam, the drink cools down more slowly, so you can enjoy it longer over a cozy conversation with friends or your significant other.

Rules for preparing milk velvety foam

Of course, you can simply pour milk into coffee and stir it vigorously - at least some foam will appear, but it will not be the same.

We suggest that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use only ultra-pasteurized fat milk from 2.5%, the protein content must be at least 3 grams per 100 ml.
  2. It is advisable to cool the milk - it will whip better and the peaks will be as stable as possible.
  3. The foam is not just laid on top, but carefully mixed in.

How to cook at home

Cappuccino, like most coffee drinks, consists of only two ingredients - espresso and milk.

The milk must be whipped until foamy. This can be done in several ways:

  • through the steam wand in a coffee machine or pitcher;
  • using a French press - this is also the fastest “handy” method;
  • using a hand blender-cappuccino maker;
  • using a fork, spoon or hand whisk;
  • mixer;
  • Pour into the jar and shake it for a minute.

The same can be done with cream, but you must take fatty ones - from 30-35%, otherwise the foam will not work or it will settle too much.

When the foam is ready, it is poured into the espresso at an angle of 45 degrees. The foam can be decorated with a design made from the remains of whipped milk or chocolate chips.

Foam creation process

It occurs during the brewing process due to the fact that, due to high pressure, water combines with coffee, releasing the oils. They remain in micro-bubbles of air, which rise into foam.

Another factor is that when green coffee beans are roasted, gas is released. This happens 2 days after the end of the process. Therefore, fresh coffee releases carbon dioxide, which affects the foam.

Coffee foam contains essential oils, that is, chemical compounds, which is why the foam does not settle quickly.

It is not always possible to get foam at home. One of the reasons is poor quality coffee. If the grains are not fresh, the effect will not be achieved. The grind size also affects this. You need the finest grind possible.

Foam forms when filtered, cold water is used for cooking. The process should take place over low heat. Another possible mistake is choosing the wrong cooking tool. The wrong Turk will ruin everything.

Cooking methods

And now we will learn how to prepare a drink with coffee rather than milk foam in various ways.

On an electric or gas stove

Of course, it is best to cook on gas - maximum heating. But if this is not possible, then simply turn the “fire” to maximum, and select the burner that best suits the size of the container in which the coffee will be brewed.

In Turk

In Turks, coffee was prepared long before the advent of various types of coffee makers, and the foam was already there, so it’s a win-win. But it is important to use only freshly ground coffee, because the foam in this case depends on the content of essential oils in the beans. They quickly dissipate, so even two weeks of ground coffee will no longer produce high foam.

It is important to maintain the correct proportions:

  • good foam appears if you add 8–10 grams of ground coffee to 100 ml of water;
  • The classic proportion is 18 grams of grains per 160 ml of water;
  • If less than 6 grams of ground grains are used per 100 ml of water, then you don’t have to wait for foam at all.

The Turk herself plays a significant role:

  • if the neck is narrow, then the pressure in the Turk is higher, which means the foam will be better;
  • if the neck is approximately the same width as the bottom, then the foam will be thin and disappear quickly.

Without Turks

If there are no Turks, then you can get by with any enamel cookware. It is best if the container is small in size with high walls. The procedure is no different from what is used to make Turkish coffee:

  1. Lightly heat the dishes on the stove.
  2. Add ground coffee following the proportions above.
  3. Add sugar and heat it (to taste).
  4. Pour in cool water and turn on low heat.
  5. After a minute, stir with a long-handled spoon.
  6. Remove from heat when the foam begins to rise.
  7. Let sit for 1-2 minutes and pour into a mug.

In the coffee machine

Probably a coffee machine is the easiest way to get good foam. Let's highlight two points:

  • If you want to drink cappuccino, that is, coffee with milk froth, you should pay attention to a coffee machine with a cappuccino maker so as not to froth the milk separately.
  • Capsule coffee machines make coffee with excellent foam, and you can also experiment with flavors.

If we talk about espresso, there are no secrets for choosing a machine for whipping good foam. All you have to do is rely on reviews, buy good beans and follow the instructions.

In a carob coffee maker

For a carob coffee maker, the quality of water and its softness are very important. Distilled water is not suitable; mineralization is required at a level of 75–250 ml/l.

Another secret for a carob coffee maker is adding a small amount of robusta to Arabica: no more than 10%. Italian chefs also add 20% robusta, but it is of a completely different quality - less bitter, better quality and only wet processed.

With cappuccino maker

A manual cappuccino maker is a wonderful thing that will make foam out of everything. In addition to its intended purpose, it can even be used for whipping omelettes and other ingredients!

The advantage of a cappuccino maker is that it is small and suitable for even the smallest mug. You can whip both the drink itself and the milk - and then combine them.

With blender

If you don’t have a cappuccino maker, you can get by with a regular blender. In fact, this is a simple recipe that everyone should definitely try - it turns out a very delicate and long-lasting foam from coffee and sugar.


  1. Take instant coffee, sugar and water in equal volumes - not by weight, but by volume, for example, one glass of each ingredient.

Source: iamcook.ru

  1. Pour all ingredients into a tall, narrow bowl and whisk to combine. If you don’t have a whisk, you can use a mixer - preferably with only one blade. The speed should be maximum.

Source: iamcook.ru

  1. After a minute, the mixture will lighten and increase in volume, but it will be liquid, so it is important not to stop.

Source: iamcook.ru

  1. In a couple more minutes, this liquid will turn not just into foam, but into a real coffee mousse. It can be transferred to a container with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.

Source: iamcook.ru

  1. To make cappuccino, you need to mix a few spoons of this foam with milk. You can add it to the same instant coffee - depending on your taste.

Source: iamcook.ru

Good cream

A sign of high-quality espresso will be dense, velvety light brown foam. The cream lasts for several minutes after preparation, gradually disappearing.

Unfortunately, some coffee machines use aeration technology when preparing coffee, which results in a lot of foam. Therefore, high-quality espresso will have good crema, but good crema is not always a sign of high-quality espresso.

Arabica gives the cream golden shades, and robusta gives dark brown shades. After drinking espresso, a thin rim should remain on the walls.

Drawings and patterns

A great option to spice up your everyday life for yourself or your loved one is to make drawings on the foam in your cup of coffee:

  • if you are whipping milk or cream, try to create a pattern with the remainder at the bottom;
  • if you want to make the color of the design more saturated, then you can sprinkle the coffee with cocoa powder, and only then pour in the milk;
  • if artistic skills are not your thing, then you can use a special stencil;
  • or you can cut this stencil yourself from plain paper;
  • advanced users can switch to engraving using syrup.

Methods for creating latte art drawings

Baristas use three techniques for applying images to coffee foam:

  • Stencil method;
  • engraving method (pitching);
  • etching.

Stencil method

The easiest way to create a beautiful design is using a stencil. To do this, a circle is made from cardboard, with a cut out shape and placed on a cup. The design is created using powdered sugar, cocoa, cinnamon or chocolate.

Engraving method

This is a more complex method that involves the use of a pitcher and other devices to decorate the latte. The essence of the procedure is to smoothly pour milk onto the surface of the coffee foam. In this case, the pitcher must be as close as possible to the surface layer of the drink, otherwise the milk will simply drown.

Beginners often ask the question: “How to draw a design on coffee with chocolate topping?” Indeed, a pitcher and other traditional tools will not help here. Professional baristas use a pastry syringe with a fine nozzle. In addition to topping, they can be used to dose syrups and any other viscous substances.


You've probably noticed how baristas in restaurants deftly use small chopsticks or even ordinary toothpicks. At this moment they demonstrated etching - drawing with sharp objects. The essence of the method comes down to immersing grated chocolate, cinnamon, and any other ingredients that act as a toner in foam and then shaping the resulting dark spots into the desired patterns.

Is coffee with foam harmful?

Scientists and doctors do not have a consensus on this issue. But what can be said for sure: if you do not have chronic diseases, then drinking coffee rarely will not harm you.

Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it and drink 5 cups a day - this can lead to leaching of calcium from the body and brittle bones. The presence of bubbles does not make coffee more beneficial or harmful.

As you can see, making coffee with foam is not a difficult task at all. Sometimes regular instant coffee and a teaspoon are enough. Experiment and enjoy.

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