Recipes for coffee with cola and what the likely effect of the drink is

People mix coffee and energy drinks for a variety of reasons. Some people want to get the maximum boost of energy, others have fun all night under the influence of energy drinks, and at dawn they drink coffee in order to somehow come to their senses and go about their business. There are even those who try to use Red Bull to brew ground coffee! Whatever it is, it happens, and it doesn't always end well. We found out what will happen if you mix coffee with an energy drink, what the effect will be and possible consequences.

Caffeine in coffee and energy drinks

Rarely does anyone make this mix simply because they suddenly want to try two of their favorite flavors at the same time. Usually the reason is precisely the desire for vigor, when one thing (usually coffee) does not seem very reliable in terms of providing vigor. But you need to understand what kind of mixture you will get.

Caffeine in coffee

One 250 ml cup contains between 80 and 200 mg of caffeine. It depends on the method of preparation, the degree of grinding and roasting, and, to a lesser extent, on the variety and type of beans. Interestingly, light roasts retain more caffeine, while longer roasts burn them. Here are some average data:

  • Brewed coffee, 250 ml – 95 mg;
  • Espresso, standard serving – 65 mg;
  • Americano diluted with water – the same 65 mg;
  • Americano from a coffee machine, water is poured longer – 80 mg;
  • Latte and cappuccino - since they are made on the basis of espresso - 65 mg or 130 mg in double;
  • Soluble – per 200 ml – 30–90 mg.

Few people drink a latte to perk themselves up, so for comparison, we'll use an average cup of Americano as 85-90 mg of caffeine.

Caffeine in energy drinks

For example, let's take the most popular - Red Bull. It is usually associated with a huge boost of caffeine and energy, greater than that of coffee. But in a regular 250-gram jar there is only 80 mg of caffeine.

However, caffeine is not the only stimulant present in Red Bull - there is another compound called taurine, which enhances the effects of caffeine and has some stimulant effects, but the exact effects have not yet been studied.

One can of Red Bull contains 1 gram of taurine, and the maximum amount of taurine an adult can safely consume in one day without risk of serious long-term effects is 3 grams.

general information

Coffee has a long history. Initially it was used by Sofia monks, and in the XIV century. residents of the Middle East tried it. In Russia, the tradition of drinking an aromatic invigorating drink in the morning was founded by Peter I. Today, over 0.5 million cups of coffee are drunk in the world, and in terms of sales it is second only to oil.

Energy drinks became popular in Europe in the 80s. last century. They began to appear on Russian shelves in the next decade. Despite the invigorating effect, drinks can cause significant harm to health.


After sleep, people all over the world begin their morning ritual: brewing coffee in cups and pots; Enjoy and absorb the energy of ground grains or instant powder.

The caffeine in the drink, affecting the nervous system, motivates it to work actively. A tired or sleepy body feels a surge of strength: the brain begins to think faster, metabolism accelerates, and the endocrine glands are activated - thyroid, pancreas and adrenal.

People are used to drinking coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, which should not be done. This increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which will corrode the walls of the stomach.

Coffee invigorates for an average of 2 hours. To prolong the effect, you can drink 2 more servings with an interval of 3 hours, but with snacks.


This drink falls into the high-calorie category. It is permissible to consume 1 can of 450 ml per day, containing a daily caffeine intake of 150 mg. The energy drink contains additives: taurine, sweeteners, vitamin B.

Performance lasts 3-4 hours. At the same time, 1 can is the maximum you can afford per day.

What happens if you mix and drink coffee with an energy drink?

On the one hand, it may seem that nothing bad will happen. The daily safe dose of caffeine for an adult is 400 mg, and in a cup of coffee and a can of energy drink – 90 + 80 = 170 mg. But there are three important points:

  • Taurine will enhance the effect of both stimulants at once.
  • A safe dose is designed for a relatively long-lasting effect, spread over time. A single dose is rapidly absorbed into the blood and acts more strongly.
  • If you are already tired, have not slept or are stressed, 200 mg is considered a safe dose.

If you do not have obvious problems with the cardiovascular system, you feel well, a single dose of stimulants will not harm. But it’s impossible to say for sure what will happen if you mix coffee with an energy drink when you are weakened or have problems with blood pressure or heart.

Big plus: an overdose of caffeine is very unpleasant and scary, but not fatal. In extreme cases, you can call an ambulance and they will save you.

Negative effects of energy drinks with coffee

In case of an overdose, a sharp increase in pressure is felt, the pulse is pounding, tinnitus is often heard, and dizziness may occur. The body is intoxicated, so nausea may occur as it tries to get rid of the poisoning. The feeling of anxiety, fear and even panic increases sharply, up to a panic attack.

  • If you feel sick from the energy drink plus coffee shortly after drinking, try drinking water and inducing vomiting. It would be good to lie down and try to breathe more deeply with fresh air. Usually after 20 minutes the attack begins to subside.
  • If the condition does not go away for a long time, it is difficult to breathe, and also if the nasolabial triangle turns blue, speech is confused and slurred, there are short-term blackouts - immediately call an ambulance.

In most cases, if there is no allergy to individual components (they may be in an energy drink that is new to you), everything goes away on its own. Or you will be saved in the hospital by gastric lavage and detoxification.

Contraindications and consequences

This drink, in principle, is not safe for any person , however, depending on the state of health, for some it poses a real threat, while others will experience absolutely no unpleasant symptoms.

The invigorating mixture is most dangerous for heart patients, as well as those with diseased blood vessels, since carbon dioxide affects them directly.

The list of people for whom the drink is contraindicated, in addition to heart patients, includes:

  • pregnant women, nursing mothers;
  • people with kidney disease;
  • children and teenagers.

Increased heartbeat, physical malaise, inadequate (albeit short-term) perception of the surrounding world, and sometimes emptiness can cause so much harm that any positive aspects of drinking an energy drink will be crossed out.

People often ask: mocha coffee - what is it? How to prepare the drink correctly and what does it taste like? Everything you would like to know is in this article.

If you are interested in what kind of coffee this is - Frappuccino, be sure to read our publication.

Is it possible to drink coffee after an energy drink and vice versa?

It’s tempting to drink coffee after a night out and drive or go to school/work. We do not recommend doing this: while the energy drink is affecting your body, you are still not sleeping. Better to wait. Again, the mix may not harm a healthy person, but why take the risk?

Is it possible to drink an energy drink after coffee and what will happen? If you just recently drank your espresso, wait and let it sit. On average, the peak concentration of the substance in the body occurs after about 45–60 minutes, and initial vigor is felt at least after 20 minutes. If you feel so overwhelmed, either give coffee time, or take a nap for 20–30 minutes, there is no need to torment the body. If reserves are depleted, an energy drink will not save you for long.

It is advisable to drink coffee after an energy drink, like an energy drink after coffee, within 4–6 hours, this is the half-life and elimination period.

The effect of the drink: how it works

The combination of two drinks - coffee and cola - in one mug is sometimes called an explosion carried out for peaceful purposes.

The main active forces of the energy drink are caffeine (both components contain it) and carbon dioxide in carbonated cola , which is rich in substances that help dilate blood vessels.

Thanks to carbon dioxide, an ideal situation arises for caffeine: the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, irritated by carbonation, quickly absorbs it, and it immediately gets to work.

Her results:

  • increased adrenaline levels;
  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • slight diuretic effect;
  • activation of the removal of toxins from the body;
  • restoration of physical capabilities;
  • improvement of brain activity.

One of the important properties of the drink is its very long-lasting effect on the body.

If, for example, a student drank it in the evening in order to prepare for an exam, then in the morning he will retain a feeling of vigor and will have the opportunity to adequately demonstrate his knowledge.

We talked about the lethal dose of caffeine for humans here.

Is it possible to mix energy drinks with coffee with milk and what will happen?

Dairy products curdle when exposed to acid, which is found in chemical stimulants. You can try it as an experiment by pouring a little energy drink into your cup of latte or cappuccino. Soon a slimy lump, viscous flakes, a thick slippery mass forms in the cup, falling apart. The effect depends on the specific drink, but in general, it is clearly not good not only from the point of view of caffeine, but also for the gastrointestinal tract in general.

Wait at least a couple of hours to eat something to help your stomach digest the latte and food. And only then mix coffee with energy drink.


Yuri O.: “This drink saved me during the summer session. It’s stuffy, makes me sleepy, I had to cheer myself up somehow. And here is a very pleasant soft drink that acts (at least for me) like a cold shower. True, it also had an effect on me as a laxative; the combination of carbonated cola and coffee was very unusual for the body. Fortunately, these troubles ended quickly."

Igor G.: “Coffee with cola is a drink for truck drivers when they need to stay alert while driving. However, I only used this product a couple of times. I know that it is not recommended to abuse it; you can drink it only in exceptional cases.”

Vera P.: “Of course, I already knew that coffee and cola have a powerful effect on the body, but the drink that I prepared for myself in order to finish my coursework overnight was simply killer. I first added a little mineral water to Coca-Cola (about a 3:2 ratio) because I didn’t want the drink to be too sweet. Then I combined it with instant coffee. What happened... Probably, mineral water is still superfluous in this recipe. I don't advise anyone to experiment. It took a few minutes to calm down a little, but then the work went well, I managed to get everything done by the appointed time.”

What happens if you mix coffee with an energy drink and brew it?

It's amazing how much people experiment in an attempt to get even more energy. Among other things, they try to brew coffee with an energy drink in a Turk, in a geyser, or even in a coffee machine. Heating energy drink does not lead to anything good; rather, during boiling, a significant part of the components disappears.

There is an option to “drip” it through a filter or infuse it in a French press using a stimulant instead of water, but it’s completely unclear why complicate everything. It’s easier to brew coffee and drink two drinks one after the other. Judging by user reviews, when combined, the result is something very tasteless.

Don't forget about chemistry: energy drinks already contain caffeine, therefore, its extraction from coffee beans will be weak. You won't get a double dose of caffeine.

Chemistry of energy

According to one of the authors of Wiki, energy drinks are non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks , advertising of which promotes their ability to stimulate a person’s physical and intellectual abilities (not literally). Be that as it may, an energy drink is, first of all, a mixture of chemical components that affect the functioning of the human body. In principle, substances that tone the body have been known to the population of our planet for quite a long time. In the East they consume coffee, in Asia they drink tea, in South America they drink the unusual drink mate, which I will definitely mention later, in Africa they eat cola nuts. In the North-Eastern part of Asia, people are addicted to various stimulant plants: ginseng, eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass and aralia.

The first energy drinks appeared at the end of the 20th century, when the “inspiring” Red Bull hit the market. Of course, the Pepsi and Cola conglomerates immediately sensed the threat and began producing their energy drinks - Burn and Adrenaline Rush. Today, with energy drinks, things are not as smooth as they used to be. A couple of overdoses, a couple of deaths, and the governments of different countries sensed the threat. In some countries, energy drinks can only be bought at a pharmacy; in Russia there is an entire article of the law that specifies restrictions on components and sales rules.

The composition of all energy drinks is approximately similar. The origins lie in sucrose and glucose . Sucrose is regular sugar and is broken down into carbohydrates, the body's main source of energy. Glucose is quickly absorbed into the blood and supplies energy to all vital organs. Glucose is also closely related to adrenaline, which is known to stimulate the cardiovascular system. Tonic substances are caffeine (mateine, theine, etc.) , theobromine (cocoa alkaloid) , taurine, guarana, carnitine and many others. Energy drinks also contain a heavy dose of vitamins.

Caffeine is the most popular component of energy drinks, which is a powerful psychostimulant. It gives a temporary effect (about 1-2 hours) - relieves fatigue, drowsiness, accelerates the pulse, etc.

Studies have shown that among people who regularly drink coffee, the suicide rate is significantly lower than among those who neglect this drink.

Theobromine is a cocoa alkaloid that is found in small doses even in chocolate. In principle, the substance is poisonous, but after chemical treatment it is quite tonic.

Taurine is a derivative of cysteine ​​(an amino acid). Stimulates the activity of the nervous system, accelerates metabolism, etc. It is synthesized in the body independently.

Carnitine is something like a B vitamin. It is synthesized in the body independently and affects metabolism.

Ginseng and guarana are natural stimulants found in plants. They contain the same caffeine, so the effect is similar.

Mate – contains matein, which has the same effect as coffee.

In general, the list could go on forever. In one jar of energy, almost the entire periodic table. I don’t think it’s worth telling how all these components work. In a nutshell, caffeine-like substances accelerate the blood, which already contains a shock dose of vitamins and other “energy” substances that accelerate metabolism, the breakdown of carbohydrates, and brain and muscle function. But this is, in essence, the removal of a large amount of energy from the body overnight, after which total fatigue sets in.

What happens if you mix instant coffee with an energy drink?

The effect, in general, is comparable to the effects of natural coffee and stimulants, but there is a nuance. Do not attempt to pour the contents of the sachet into an open jar. There will be a lot of foam, even if it seems to you that the energy drink is not shaken at all. You should mix it into a cup of sufficiently large volume, and then carefully. First pour in the coffee, and then carefully pour in a little energy drink, stir, and then top up. Do not mix on the go, in moving vehicles, etc. Even if you sprinkle a little at a time, the foam will be sudden and abundant.

Definitely do not try to mix the two ingredients in your mouth! And do not mix with 3-in-1 bags, only pure black!

The effect of coffee on the intestines

In people who frequently consume coffee, the intestines work more smoothly. According to scientific research, optimal microbial formation in the intestines for health is achieved through drinking coffee and some other healthy foods. If you consume plenty of carbohydrates, whole milk, sweets, and spicy foods, then the intestinal microflora is depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to cook only according to healthy recipes, and coffee will act as an auxiliary component in the fight for health and well-being.

Doctor who checked the article: Artem Timurovich Klinskikh Date of update: May 21, 2021

Is it possible to mix coffee with a decaffeinated energy drink, what will happen?

This is still rare in stores, but you can already buy energy drinks that do not contain caffeine. In general, they are intended for people with hypersensitivity to this stimulant. In terms of caffeine overdose, such mixes are, of course, safe, but there are other compounds and ingredients that do not always interact predictably with caffeine.

We do not recommend mixing coffee with energy drinks. In any case, carefully monitor your condition, and it is better to generally prefer one type of stimulation rather than mixing everything possible.

For whom are energy drinks contraindicated?

Not everyone can drink energy drinks. For example, they are completely contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children under 14 years of age. Due to stimulation of metabolic processes and activation of brain activity, energy drinks are prohibited for people with mental and neurological disorders. They are also not recommended for patients with serious heart and gastrointestinal diseases.

If you really need to cheer up, increase concentration and relieve fatigue, it is better to use safer methods. In particular, it is necessary to provide the body with a good night's rest and spend more time in the fresh air. It is better to replace energy drinks with herbal and vitamin teas, fruit juices or clean water. It is also necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and engage in moderate physical activity.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to completely eliminate the need to use energy drinks without loss of vigor and performance.

Let's sum it up

  1. From a single dose of coffee and energy drinks, the consequences usually do not appear or are mild if the person is relatively healthy.
  2. There will be no overdose of caffeine, but individual reactions to combinations of components are possible.
  3. You can drink an energy drink after coffee 4-6 hours later, it will be safe. This also works in the opposite direction.
  4. If you add coffee to an energy drink, it will not taste good. Brewing and infusing is the same, but it still doesn’t make sense.
  5. Is it possible to have coffee with milk after an energy drink? No. The liquid will coagulate in the stomach.

You won't get any super effect from the mix. If you need a powerful dose of a stimulant to perk you up, choose one (hint: coffee is definitely healthier than energy drinks). And once again: even if you feel very bad, you won’t die from this unless you have a serious allergy, so rinse your stomach or call an ambulance if it’s very bad and scary, and they will help you.

Sweet killer

According to the same Consumer Reports, Red Bull and Monster contain about 27 grams of sugar per can. Rockstar brings this figure to 30 grams. One teaspoon contains about 5 grams. That is, imagine that 6 teaspoons of sugar were added to one bottle of energy drink. Why is this being done? And should we be afraid of problems with teeth, which is what mothers so often like to scare with a sweet tooth?

When glucose enters the bloodstream, insulin and sugar levels instantly jump to impossible heights. The person's mood rises. He feels good and has fun. Together with invigorating substances, you want to move mountains. The only problem is that the effect is short-term. And behind him comes fatigue, even greater than before. The nervous system has suffered increased stress, and the body requires rest. But the man drinks another can of energy drink. Because “something is making me sleepy again.” By the way, a similar mechanism of metabolic processes occurs if you drink coffee with Coca-Cola, albeit on a smaller scale.

If blood sugar levels are constantly elevated, hyperglycemia develops. And caries is even the least of the troubles. This condition depresses brain function, leading to dementia, and also provokes diabetes.

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