Myths and truths about coffee: breaking down the properties of the drink

If you ask different people to describe the effect they get from coffee in one word, in most cases it will be the word “energy”. There are no discrepancies in the phrase “drink a cup of invigorating drink” - everyone understands that we are talking about coffee. But not everyone knows why coffee invigorates, how it manifests itself, and why it doesn’t work for everyone?

Invigorating component of coffee

Vigor is caused by caffeine consumption. It is found in various products, for example, not only in coffee, but also in tea leaves, cocoa beans, and also in kola nuts. And most of all it is in a drink made from natural grains, and not in a soluble one. To produce instant coffee, the outer shell of the fruit, which contains a large amount of caffeine, is removed and used separately in pharmacology for the preparation of medicines. Therefore, instant coffee almost does not cause the effect of vigor, but natural coffee, especially freshly ground and freshly brewed, does.

Energy from coffee from the point of view of biochemical processes

The human brain contains many adenosine receptors, which, among other tasks, regulate the mechanisms of sleep and wakefulness. The desire to sleep is caused by adenosine, but caffeine is similar in molecular structure, and it replaces adenosine, preventing it from connecting to receptors. That is, you stop wanting to sleep.

But even after coffee is eliminated from the body, and there are no longer any traces of caffeine (2.5 - 3 hours), the receptors still remain blocked for up to 5-6 hours. This explains the recommendations to drink coffee 5-6 hours before bedtime, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep. After this time, the receptors return to normal and can again connect with adenosine.

Some people believe that the more coffee you drink on a sleepless night, the more alert you will be. It doesn't work that way. Approximately 2-3 cups of coffee block almost 50% of the receptors, and the effect lasts 5-6 hours. A few more cups of coffee will not give much vigor.

Get excited or fall asleep

The effect of caffeine on the body, as it turned out, is individual.

“Adenosine receptors are responsible for sensitivity to coffee,” says Candidate of Biological Sciences Igor Smolin. — Adenosine is a substance that is produced by the body and suppresses excitation processes. Caffeine is similar in structure to adenosine, therefore, when it enters the body, adenosine receptors are blocked, and after drinking coffee, the feeling of fatigue weakens and an influx of strength occurs.

At the same time, there is a fairly small group of people in whom caffeine, on the contrary, stimulates adenosine receptors, so when drinking coffee they experience weakness and drowsiness. Such people can drink coffee even late in the evening without the risk of spending the night without sleep.”

The effect of coffee on the body also depends on the work of the liver, which processes everything that enters the body. If a person has liver disease, caffeine is less filtered and more of it enters the body. In this case, caffeine hits the brain harder. If the liver is healthy and working as it should, the effects of caffeine will not be as noticeable or noticeable.

How does coffee give you energy?

Despite the fact that caffeine affects everyone differently, there are main manifestations of the invigorating effect:

  • Sharp awakening from sleep and lethargy, activation of mental processes;
  • Increased heart rate and increased blood pressure, increased breathing - blood with oxygen reaches the brain and organs faster;
  • The gastrointestinal tract is active, gastric juice is released, appetite awakens;
  • The body's excretory systems are stimulated, toxins are removed, the person feels fresher and lighter;
  • Metabolism accelerates.

How to raise body temperature with coffee?

This recipe will help raise the temperature for half an hour. You should not resort to this method again; it is fraught with consequences.

Instructions for increasing body temperature with coffee:

  • Take 2-3 teaspoons of instant coffee and mix with a spoon of honey
  • Try to eat the pasta as quickly as possible
  • Do not drink the mixture with water
  • After 30-40 minutes, body temperature will increase

How to raise body temperature with coffee?


  • Most people experience the energizing effect of coffee, but not everyone. It makes some people sleepy.
  • Freshly ground natural coffee produces maximum vigor, especially in combination with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, while instant coffee is almost unable to increase concentration.
  • 2-3 cups of coffee are enough to completely invigorate you for 5-6 hours; there is no point in drinking more, and it is risky for your health.
  • Caffeine is eliminated in 2-3 hours, but vigor can remain for 5-6 hours, so you should not drink strong coffee in the evening.

Myths and truths about coffee: breaking down the properties of the drink

Legend has it that the tonic properties of coffee were discovered by an Ethiopian shepherd who noticed that his goats began to behave excitedly after eating the dense leaves and dark red fruits of the coffee tree. He told the abbot of the monastery about this strange incident. Having tried the effects of unusual grains on himself, he was amazed by the power of the drink. The monks learned to roast and grind grains, and drank coffee during night prayers. Today, the drink, previously considered elitist, is drunk by almost everyone, and researchers never cease to discover its new properties.

Does it relieve depression?

Scientists from Harvard have concluded that people who regularly consume coffee are much less likely to suffer from suicidal thoughts. Caffeine, according to scientists, has an “antidepressant” effect. It affects the brain, and more precisely, the production of the hormone of joy (serotonin) and dopamine. Thus, it improves mood, increases performance, concentration and reaction speed.

Is coffee bad for the heart?

Coffee with a high caffeine content increases blood pressure and increases heart rate. Doctors advise hypertensive patients not to drink coffee, but for those with low blood pressure, the drink can help normalize the condition.

However, a team of scientists from the University of Madrid has proven that filtered coffee, even in large quantities, does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in most people. The mortality rate of people who drink strong drink is no greater than that of those who do not drink it at all. But the most interesting thing is that coffee drinkers are 25% less prone to heart disease than coffee drinkers. Japanese researchers, in turn, found that a cup of coffee significantly improves blood flow.

What about diabetics?

Harvard researchers have found that 6 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of diabetes for men by half, and for women by a third. The researchers found that people who reduced their coffee consumption by 1 or 2 cups a day had a 17 percent increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In turn, increasing coffee consumption by one and a half cups per day reduced the chances of developing type 2 diabetes by 11 percent.

Is coffee bad for teeth?

Experts' opinions on this matter are divided. On the one hand, enamel, which has many microcracks, easily absorbs food dyes, which include coffee. Even more harm can be done to it if you drink hot coffee outside in cold weather or eat it with ice cream, since contrasting food leads to the destruction of the enamel. On the other hand, researchers at the Italian University of Pavia have proven that coffee helps prevent tooth decay. This happens due to the bactericidal properties of the drink. But coffee has this property only if you drink it without sugar and cream, and brush your teeth regularly.

Is coffee addictive?

Many people cannot wake up without a cup of coffee. And after lunch, if they don’t drink this invigorating drink, they begin to “nod off.” The thing is that coffee contains up to 1500 mg/l of caffeine. With systematic use of this substance at a level of 1000 mg per day, a person will develop a constant need, reminiscent of addiction, for example, like nicotine. At the same time, researchers from Harvard University discovered six specific gene variants associated with caffeine metabolism. They concluded that genes may influence our love of coffee and how much we drink.

Can coffee make you fat?

Those who are watching their figure should know that preservatives, which are so abundant in instant coffee, negatively affect metabolism and provoke the appearance of cellulite. As for the natural drink, Australian researchers have found that five cups of coffee a day doubles the amount of fat enveloping the abdominal organs. Experts associate the negative effect with the chlorogenic acid it contains. However, in normal quantities it is considered beneficial to health, and some experts believe that drinking a cup of coffee before a sports workout will only increase endurance.

Does coffee prevent cancer?

Fans of the invigorating drink are much less likely to suffer from cancer. Numerous studies conducted by institutes and independent experts show that those who drink coffee regularly are much less likely to suffer from malignant tumors. For example, drinking more than four cups of coffee daily reduces the risk of developing mouth, throat and liver cancer by almost half.

Does coffee cause insomnia?

Coffee with a high caffeine content disrupts sleep, scientists say. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using it in the evening. At the same time, coffee affects the body differently at different times of the day. Many coffee drinkers prefer to take their first sip of this invigorating drink early in the morning to quickly wake up and get a boost of energy. However, American scientists believe that the best time for coffee is between 9:30 and 11:30 am.

Can coffee cause infertility?

Men who drink more than one cup of strong coffee a day have a one in five chance of becoming fathers through IVF. Those who drink no more than a cup are more than twice as likely to have a baby, according to researchers from Massachusetts. They explained this by saying that caffeine can harm sperm quality. However, this property of coffee needs additional study, experts emphasize.

Is your liver protected?

Coffee may help reduce the risk of death from cirrhosis. Singaporean scientists studied the effects of consumption of coffee, alcohol, black and green tea, and soft drinks on the risk of mortality from cirrhosis. It turned out that only coffee reduced these risks, while drinking alcohol increased the likelihood of death from this disease.

Causes of drowsiness

If you feel sleepy even after a large cup of strong drink, it’s worth understanding the reasons for this loss of strength. They may be as follows.

  • Health problems.
  • Habit or poor quality coffee.
  • Overdose.

Let's look at these reasons in more detail.

Health disorders

If you feel sleepy after just one cup of coffee, you should not put off visiting a doctor. After all, such a violation can indicate various pathologies:

  • Poor functioning of the adrenal glands. They are the ones who produce adrenaline, which makes us more alert and energetic. If you drink coffee often, then the functionality of the adrenal glands weakens. They also stop working in case of various diseases. Thus, a person can drink a lot of invigorating liquid, but there will be practically no effect.
  • Active work of the Epstein-Bar virus. The herpes virus is present in the body of almost every person. But when he “sleeps”, he is harmless. When activated, the virus depresses the human nervous system, which does not sense active pathogens.
  • Liver problems. If liver disease is present, fatigue may be constant. This is why it is so important to see a good doctor.
  • Infections and fatigue. All this overloads the nervous system so much that even stimulants cannot help. In this case, you just need a good rest, thanks to which the person can return to normal.
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