Scientists have studied how coffee affects the intestines

Russian and foreign analysts agree that the pandemic has significantly undermined the mental health of residents of many countries. This is manifested by overeating, alcohol abuse and chronic stress. Do you also? Read more.

On March 11, 2021, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Due to forced self-isolation and the introduction of restrictive measures, as well as public fears of contracting a coronavirus infection, the American Psychological Association issued a warning about the possible onset of a national crisis. The latter, according to researchers, could significantly affect the physical and mental health of people around the world in the long term.

Harris Insights&Analytics,

An American analytical company that tracks the mood, behavior and motivation of US citizens conducted a survey. It dealt with how the pandemic has affected the health of the adult population. The survey was conducted from February 19 to 24 of this year, 3013 people took part in it. Key results are presented below:

  • 61% of respondents reported weight gain since the start of the pandemic;
  • two out of three respondents (67%) had disrupted sleep patterns;
  • Almost one in four (23%) began to drink more alcohol to cope with stress;
  • Almost half of Americans (47%) have postponed or even canceled doctor visits;
  • 48% said that the level of stress in their lives has increased significantly compared to pre-Covid times.

What mental disorders can develop in those who have recovered from COVID-19?

Patients who recover from the infection may experience many mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress and anxiety disorder, depression, insomnia, and suicidal ideation. Factors that increase the risk of suicide include:

  • previously diagnosed mental disorder (eg, depression);
  • low psychological stability (stress resistance);
  • living in a region with a high incidence of coronavirus;
  • death from COVID-19 among relatives/friends.

The results of a study published in JMIR Publications showed that patients hospitalized due to coronavirus who had a medical history of so-called premorbid mental illness (pre-illness - a state on the border between health and illness) had an increased risk of developing affective disorders (mood disorders). In addition, it was found that those hospitalized with respiratory failure developed cognitive impairment (decreased memory, mental abilities, concentration, etc.). In total, about 70-100% of those who have recovered from COVID-19 are discharged from hospitals with such disorders. Moreover, in 46-80% they persist for a year.

What diseases cause stomach pain after drinking coffee?

If discomfort appears periodically, even if the drink is not consumed on an empty stomach, and is of high quality, then there is a likelihood of developing some gastrointestinal pathologies. They may still be in the initial stages and, with normal, relatively healthy nutrition, may not manifest themselves in any way. When exposed to active substances contained in coffee, the pathology begins to progress. This may occur in the following situations:

  • The development of gastritis or inflammation of the mucous membrane. Damaged areas of the gastric mucosa are especially susceptible to the aggressive environment that the drink creates; it is predominantly overly acidic. In this case, not only abdominal pain appears, but also nausea, sometimes turning into vomiting, and changes in stool. Often, it is after eating or drinking certain drinks that the symptoms of gastritis manifest themselves most intensely.
  • Stomach ulcer. The disease is characterized by ulcerative formations on the gastric mucosa. When problem areas come into contact with irritants, of which there are plenty in coffee, painful attacks occur. In addition, other disorders of the digestive system and intestines may occur. For example, it is likely that after coffee your stomach becomes bloated, since with a high concentration of caffeine of some other compounds, changes in metabolic processes occur, leading to flatulence.
  • Pancreatitis. Changes in the digestive system can also affect the pancreas, which can become inflamed, leading to pancreatitis. It is difficult to name coffee as the direct cause of pathology, but this drink, consumed in large quantities, can provoke a relapse.

Despite the certain beneficial properties of natural coffee, for some people this drink can cause some health problems. To exclude this, you need to choose only a high-quality product, drink in moderation and not on an empty stomach. If you experience systematic pain after drinking coffee, gastrointestinal or intestinal dysfunction, you should consult a therapist or gastroenterologist. There is a possibility of developing pathologies of the digestive system, as well as some other parts of the body.

What is the situation with mental disorders in Russia?

According to the Ministry of Health, back in May of last year, alcohol consumption by Russians during self-isolation increased by 3%. In addition to alcoholism, the list of psychiatric disorders whose prevalence has increased includes:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorder (including panic attacks)
  • Suicidal ideation

“In addition to stress disorders and adaptation disorders, the emergence of more severe psychiatric disorders, such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and an increase in suicides, is described. And this includes restriction of social activity, forced isolation, exacerbation of family problems, alcohol abuse, insomnia,” said Vladimir Mrykhin, associate professor of the department of psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy at Rostov Medical University.

Do not forget that the coronavirus outbreak is also called the “domestic violence pandemic.” According to Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova, “in the period from April 10, the number of victims of violence and cases of domestic violence increased by 2.5 times.” Risk factors that may lead to the development of an abusive relationship include:

  • the presence of mental disorders in one of the partners;
  • mental instability (aggression, hot temper, cruelty, etc.);
  • Machiavellianism (manifests itself in manipulation and thirst for power);
  • psychopathy (a syndrome that manifests itself in heartlessness, inability to empathize, etc.);
  • narcissism (narcissism).

How does coffee affect the intestines?

The effect of coffee on the digestive system, including the small and large intestines, is very direct. If you drink it on an empty stomach, the effect can be noticeable within 10-15 minutes, during which time the drink passes through the stomach and begins to be absorbed. If you first have a hearty breakfast or at least eat a sandwich with your morning coffee, the effect may occur after 30-40 minutes and be weaker.

It doesn’t matter whether you drink a natural or instant drink, decaf or regular. The effect is caused not only by caffeine, but also by other components, and there are about 2000 of them in the grain, and not all of them have been studied.

So, let’s understand the effects that are caused by the influence of coffee on the intestines, and the reasons for their manifestation.

Sharp pain in the abdomen

Usually occurs in the small intestine and may feel like a pain in the stomach. Quite strong, it comes suddenly, it feels like your stomach is cramping.

The reason most often is drinking coffee on an empty stomach, especially if the person has not had enough sleep, is stressed, is sick, or the body is weakened. A sharp intake of hot, strong black coffee (especially instant) leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood, caffeine quickly reaches the brain, and the weakened nervous system perceives it as a toxin. And you need to get rid of the toxin. The intestines contract, peristalsis accelerates, the muscles actively work - you need to move the stimulus faster and remove it from the body.

To get rid of intestinal pain after coffee, try to drink more water and induce vomiting. Or just drink water, after 15-20 minutes you will feel better.


Actually, the result of quickly ridding the body of toxins. If, according to the body, there were a lot of toxins, diarrhea can be very rapid and severe, however, it will pass quickly. Just remember to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

The problem may be caused solely by coffee with milk, since it is often poorly absorbed by the adult body. Since it is not digested, the product enters the intestines as is, dilutes the stool, fills the gaps, and the stool becomes liquid. Giving up milk can completely solve the problem.

The urge to have a bowel movement

If the dose is small, the effect of coffee on the intestines is weak, but it is there. About a third of people clearly want to go to the toilet after drinking coffee, but their stomach does not hurt. Intestinal motility accelerates, this is a good effect for those suffering from constipation or those who want to lose weight, but you should not use it too often. It also helps in cases after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, when you cannot strain too much.

If you can’t go to the toilet without coffee, you need to see a doctor; over time, the intestines will cope with their work worse and worse, accustomed to the fact that coffee stimulates it. Constipation cannot be treated with coffee.


The opposite effect, but in some people this is exactly what appears, especially in those who drink large amounts of the drink, sit a lot and drink little water. Caffeine is in some way a diuretic, that is, it has a diuretic effect. When water is constantly eliminated, stool becomes dry and hard.

In this case, it is illogical to fight the problem with another cup of coffee, or you can try washing it down with plenty of water. But in general, it is better to reduce the volume of the drink, switch to coffee with milk or drink a weaker one. By the way, adding sugar can also give the drink a fixing effect.


The effect occurs for various reasons. For some people, coffee entering the stomach slows down the digestion process; food is not digested and ends up in the intestines. It may also be due to the ice-cold drink, which also stops the digestion process. Or too hot, scalding.

In any case, semi-digested food cannot be quickly processed in the intestines, and due to the abundance of bacteria and enzymes, the process of rotting begins, which is accompanied by bloating and flatulence.

How to control your habits, behavior and weight during COVID-19

1.Identify your unhealthy habits:

pay attention to whether you often overeat and drink alcohol, what foods predominate in your diet, etc. Answer yourself the question, what time of day do you drink, how much and why. Are you bored or stressed?

2.Try to change your habits/behavior:

write down your diet to make it easier to follow the plan; Determine the days when you can afford alcoholic drinks.

3.Control your weight:

try not to overeat and lead an active lifestyle, set a regimen of three meals a day (or your usual one) using an alarm clock - eat only when signaled.

Is coffee bad for joints?

April 17 – Coffee Day. Some popular articles on the Internet have included coffee in the list of the most harmful products, since caffeine “leaches calcium from the bones,” disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, and has a bad effect on the heart and blood vessels.

On the other hand, there are alternative opinions about the effect of coffee on joints and spine. A number of studies in reputable journals of the scientific community generally speak about the benefits of coffee, due to the content of antioxidants and special hormones of happiness. However, scientists note that we are talking about real high-quality ground coffee. And with extremely moderate consumption, no more than 2-3 small cups with a break, in the morning and at lunch.

What should real healthy coffee be like?

Freeze-dried instant coffee in a can usually has little benefit. The harm of instant coffee in the content of preservatives and GMO products. Conclusion: Make your own ground coffee. It's not that difficult. The grains are ground in a blender, and for cooking, a simple copper pot with a narrow neck is enough. The Internet abounds with detailed recipes. Freshly brewed ground coffee is much healthier and tastier. And it's better to drink it without milk. Coffee is a self-sufficient product; when brewed correctly, it should not be bitter and does not require any additives.


1. When purchasing, always look at the coffee roasting date.

Coffee has its own expiration date, or rather, the period of desirable consumption. And this is just one month. It is during this period that it tastes at its brightest. The coffee packaging must have a date on it and indicate what method of preparation it was roasted for (either filter methods or espresso).

2. Coffee beans are better than ground coffee.

It is best to grind coffee immediately before brewing, for each new cup. All the extractive substances that give the drink its flavor very quickly evaporate from the finished ground coffee.

3. Try different coffees.

There are many countries, regions, processing stations, processing methods, which ultimately changes the taste of the drink. There is such a thing as terroir - this is a set of climatic, soil and topographic features of the area that directly affect the taste. For example, Kenya has a bright berry flavor with pronounced acidity, and Ethiopia has tea and bergamot notes. Colombia – rich and intense aroma, malic and citric acidity. If you prefer something not acidic, but more nutty, chocolatey, a little like nougat, then choose Brazil or El Salvador.

4. Experiment with recipes.

For example, you can take the formula as a basis: 60 g of coffee per 1 liter. water, respectively, per cup 250 ml. you will need 15 g of coffee. And then focus on your taste - change the grind, gram of coffee, gram of water, water temperature to achieve the best taste.

If you are making coffee in a Turk, use cold water and cook the coffee over low heat so that the drink gradually warms up. You need to mix the coffee and water immediately to avoid dry lumps and ensure that the coffee is extracted evenly. But after boiling, on the contrary, there is no need to stir anything, otherwise we will speed up the extraction and there will be more grounds in the cup. Once boiling, let the coffee rest for a minute before pouring into a cup.

Diet against arthrosis. What is good and what is bad for joints?

It has been clearly proven and this is an indisputable fact that degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine, including hernias, osteoarthritis and arthritis, are caused by two main factors:

1. Muscle imbalances (areas of hypotonic - weakened and, conversely, overstrained and shortened muscles).

Constant tension and shortening of individual muscles leads to disturbances in posture, walking biomechanics, and incorrect sitting postures. And most importantly, against the background of imbalances, constant invisible microtraumas occur, the nutrition of the osteochondral tissue is disrupted, which gradually leads to osteochondrosis, arthrosis, hernias, protrusions, spondyloarthrosis, displacement of the vertebrae, instability of the sacroiliac joint, pelvic distortion, and displacement. coccyx, sacrum. The leg muscles become overloaded and get tired faster, and venous and lymphatic drainage from the lower leg and calf area is disrupted.

2. Poor nutrition.

By changing your diet, you can improve the nutrition of cartilage and create more comfortable conditions for its functioning.

To restore health to the joints and spine, it is useless to drink or inject medications. It is important to work with muscles, get rid of muscle imbalances.

If you are worried about pain in the lower back, neck, joints, stiffness, numbness of the limbs or headaches, we invite you to visit us for a comprehensive examination of the musculoskeletal system at a special price - 1000 rubles.

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