Which grind is best for carob, drip and geyser coffee makers?

Only a professional barista can correctly select the degree of grinding of beans to prepare a specific drink. When a personal coffee machine appears in the house, it would be wrong to use it without first understanding all the intricacies of preparing your favorite drinks. Today we are going to learn about what coffee grind to choose in a coffee machine in order to surprise and delight your loved ones.

Today we are going to learn about what coffee grind to choose in a coffee machine in order to surprise and delight your loved ones.

What influences the degree of grinding of coffee?

The taste of coffee is influenced not only by the quality of the beans and the mixture of types, but also by the degree of extraction. It is what saturates the water while preparing your favorite drinks. The strength itself will depend on the degree of grinding. When it comes to simple street spots, no one really works there to improve the taste. All actions follow the same pattern.

1. The barista pours a mixture of beans into the machine’s container. 2. Turns on grinding in auto mode. 3. Fills the portafilter and creates the correct tablet with the tamper.

Most often, the finest grinding is used for these purposes, which turns the grains almost into dust. Despite the fact that the average citizen loves such drinks, it is difficult to call it correct. Coffee is best prepared in special establishments and coffee shops. Where the barista will take into account the guest’s preferences before preparing the drink. This is where the grinding technique will be used, which will create a unique and very tasty drink.

Coffee is best prepared in special establishments and coffee shops.

To summarize, there are several main points that every coffee lover should know.

1. If the extraction (grinding process) is too short, then the final drink will not save milk and cream even at the correct temperature. It will be sour and not very pleasant. 2. If the extraction is too long, the coffee will be very strong and bitter.

Much depends on the machine where the drink will be prepared. For example, in a coffee machine the process takes no more than 5 seconds, but in a French press it takes as much as 4 minutes. In the second case, particles that are too small will begin to burn, which will ultimately ruin the drink.

Much depends on the machine where the drink will be prepared.

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Design and principle of operation

Drip coffee maker, a very common device. It is the lightest among all other devices.

It consists of a heating element that is connected to a stove, and a coffee pot is placed on it. There is also a container for water, a place for coffee, usually above the coffee pot so that it can be filled from above, and a control panel. Depending on the model of the coffee maker, there may be several buttons, but in the most common types there is only one button - on and off.

The principle of action is also simple. Water from the container moves to the heating element and becomes a hot consistency, which moves through the pipe into the compartment with coffee. From inside the compartment, steam drips into the coffee, where it passes through the beans and flows into the container.

As soon as all the water has passed through the compartment with coffee and entered the coffee pot, the heating element starts up and does not allow the finished drink to cool down.

The main thing is that the heating temperature is designed so that the device will not burn out without water supply; the heating plate always works weakly, so at first the hot coffee may even cool down a little to a comfortable temperature.

How does grinding affect the taste of coffee?

When researching information about what the correct grinding of coffee in a coffee machine affects, several interesting facts can be identified. 1. For a drip type machine, experts recommend using coarse grinding. This will have a great effect on the strength and taste of the finished drink. The coffee will not be bitter and will not seem over-roasted. 2. Medium grind – ideal for coffee time in the middle of the day. The strength will be at a medium level, perfect for making drinks with milk - latte or even cappuccino. 3. Fine grinding – for preparing coarse and masculine drinks. The end result is a very strong and invigorating espresso that you can drink without wincing. 4. “Dust” - this type of grinding can be classified as ultra-fine, since in the end very small particles should remain. This option is more suitable for those who are tired of drinks in bags and granules and want to please their partner with a homemade Turkish drink. The taste will be no worse than in an expensive coffee shop.

The choice of grinding depends on the taste preferences of the user. However, it is worth recalling that the most important thing is to learn how to prepare espresso correctly, since these are the “basics”.

The choice of grinding depends on the taste preferences of the user.

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Manufacturing Features

In the device in question, you can get coffee of different strengths, but you need to firmly know the basic rule: this coffee maker produces one type of coffee - “Americano”. Therefore, if the client prefers only this type of coffee, then he does not need to take an espresso machine or other strong coffee maker. The drip model will handle this perfectly.

If you want to brew strong coffee, then you need to use finely ground coffee and set the water flow to a minimum. Then the water will absorb more of the smell from the coffee beans and the drink will be stronger. And vice versa: for a more liquid and lighter taste, the speed of passage of water should be accelerated, and it is recommended to grind the coffee more coarsely. An important fact is that virtually all coffee makers of this type pass all the water through the coffee compartment, so it is recommended to fill it according to those who want it, and not just completely fill the reservoir.

Cocoa lovers can also pay attention to this device. After all, you can place ground cocoa beans in the compartment and the principle of the action will be repeated, as a result of which you can enjoy a mug of delicious cocoa. This feature will especially amuse those who, due to circumstances, cannot actively enjoy coffee, and rich ground cocoa is in no way worse than a fragrant Americano.

This device is also very convenient because you don’t have to brew coffee manually. Just pour the ground grains into the compartment, pour water into the reservoir and press the button. After a couple of minutes, the finished drink will be in the coffee pot.

As mentioned above, drip coffee makers are designed to produce real filtered coffee. Espresso or cappuccino lovers are unlikely to get this device, because it is simply not intended for making these drinks.

How to choose grind level

Before you start choosing a grind for your daily drink preparation, you need to understand the types of beans. For household use, experts recommend using a mixture of Arabica and Robusta. Arabica gives off its characteristic sourness, which everyone loves very much, but Robusta is responsible for the aroma and richness. It is desirable that the proportion be 90% to 10%.

For household use, experts recommend using a mixture of Arabica and Robusta.

On packages purchased within the country, this indicator is usually reflected in the composition. If you purchase separately, you must make sure that the seller does not deceive you. The grains can be tasted; Arabica is difficult to confuse with something else.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the degree of grinding. 1. “Dust” - ultra-fine grinding, more reminiscent of cinnamon. 2. Fine grind (espresso) - reminiscent of iodized salt for a salt shaker. 3. Fine grind – more reminiscent of powdered sugar particles. 4. Medium – looks like a sugar crystal. 5. Large – resembles ordinary household salt.

If you brew a drink “Warsaw style”, then it is advisable to choose an ultra-fine grind. It is brewed in a regular cup with boiling water and covered with a saucer.

Interesting! In Europe, in the Starbucks chain, coffee of this grind is sold in special bags as a replacement for regular instant coffee.

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Types of ground coffee

There are several classifications of ground coffee. Among them:

  1. According to the place where the grains are grown - Mexican, Ethiopian, Yemeni and Brazilian;
  2. In composition – natural pure and with flavoring additives (berries, cognac, dessert);
  3. According to the degree of roasting - weak, medium, strong, as well as highly roasted coffee;
  4. By degree of grinding - coarse, medium, fine, fine (Turkish) and espresso grind.

But the main criterion is, of course, the type of coffee tree - Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, Excelsa.

  1. The Arabica variety (Coffea arabica) is also known as the Arabian coffee tree. This is the most common type of ground coffee, accounting for 70% of the world market. It is characterized by a complex multi-component aroma and a delicate velvety taste with a slight sourness. The Arabica variety is more expensive than Robusta.
  2. Robusta (Coffea Canephora) ranks second in popularity, with about 28-29% of the market allocated to this variety. The species is characterized by a high caffeine content compared to other varieties. The taste is stronger and astringent than Arabica. More often used to produce instant coffee rather than ground coffee.
  3. Liberica has similar taste qualities to Robusta. It is almost impossible to find it on the shelves as a single variety. Most often used in mixtures to add extra strength to the drink.
  4. The Excelsa variety is even less widespread than Liberka. It has no economic significance at all.

What a novice coffee lover needs to know.

1. If you prepare drinks in a Turk, it is advisable to use an ultra-thin one. 2. Espresso machine – requires fine and coarse grinding. 3. Geyser coffee maker (looks like a teapot, consists of 3 parts) - Fine grind. 4. Aeropress and siphon - medium. 5. Chemex and French Press - coarse and coarse grind.

The selected information about what determines the taste of the finished coffee in a coffee machine will be enough to prepare your favorite drink. Additionally, it is worth highlighting that excess coffee cannot be stored - the coffee quickly runs out of steam, even if the technique is followed, the result “like the first time” will no longer be obtained.

Excess cannot be stored - the coffee quickly runs out of steam, even if the technique is followed, the result “like the first time” will no longer be obtained.

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Types of grinding: from coarse to fine

Based on the degree of grinding of coffee beans, there are five main types:

  • When the grain pieces reach 1.5-2 mm, then it is coarse grinding.
  • Grinding to the size of a sugar “grain of sand” is considered coarse.
  • If the coffee particles are a cross between semolina and a grain of sugar in size, then this is an average option.
  • Fine grinding allows your fingers to feel the texture, which is finer than semolina and close to flour.
  • Real coffee dust is called “Extra” fine grind.

The article “Types of coffee grinding and what it affects” will help reveal the features of powder with grains of different sizes.

Did you know that there are so many types of grinding?

Not really

For Chemex, percolators, drip and geyser coffee makers, coarse or medium grinds are often used. It takes 2-3 minutes to brew. For tips on choosing the degree of grinding of beans in automatic units, see the article “Which coffee grind is best for a coffee machine.”

How to adjust the grind level in different types of coffee machines?

As practice has shown, adjusting the grinding degree is quite difficult. Especially when it comes to professional and expensive machines. Separately, you can consider the current models that are most often found.

As practice has shown, adjusting the grinding degree is quite difficult.

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Automatic coffee machine Delonghi

There are several pressing problems that owners often face. Among them are the following.

1. There is no foam; the resulting drink is too liquid and tasteless. To correct, you need to turn the grinding knob a few notches counterclockwise. Next, several cups of coffee are brewed; if the result has not changed, you need to turn it another notch. 2. Coffee does not pour or barely drips. There are several possible solutions. First, you need to turn the grinding lever 3 notches to the right, make a few drinks. If nothing changes, you need to set it to the finest grind. Be sure to check if the filter is clogged.

If none of the above helps, you need to examine the “cake” of the used tablet. You can even determine the degree of grinding by using it. If after changing the mode it does not change, then we are talking about a breakdown. You need to take it to a service center or call a technician.

You can determine the degree of grinding in this machine by the tablet used

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Carob coffee maker

When working with this type, you need to take into account not only the degree of grinding, but its moisture content, as well as the grain used. To make the drink tasty, it is recommended to grind the grain yourself before preparing. To do this, you need to get a good coffee grinder; in the end, it will fully justify itself.

To make the drink tasty, it is recommended to grind the grain yourself before preparing.

For the carob type, the grind used is fine espresso. If you grind it into powder, the drink will turn out to be too bitter and tart. You can determine the ideality of the raw material using the stream that flows from the spout. If it is straight and resembles a mouse tail, then everything is fine with grinding.

For the carob type, the grind used is fine espresso.

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Pod espresso maker

Unlike the carob type, this coffee machine independently forms coffee tablets for preparing drinks. There are several advantages here. 1. Manufacturers have already provided ready-made tablets that are loaded into the coffee machine. The taste will always be stable. 2. There is no need to wash and constantly clean equipment. Used pods can be easily removed and disposed of.

Despite this, it is easy to confuse tablets for preparation with other types. Moreover, each manufacturer pours its own coffee into pods. This can be expressed in different proportions of varieties, and maybe in the grinding itself. For this type, it is recommended to choose a fine espresso. The characteristics are usually indicated on the packaging itself. If the coffee turns out unsuccessful, you should open the package and familiarize yourself with the contents.

If the coffee turns out unsuccessful, you should open the package and familiarize yourself with the contents.

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Grinding for carob coffee maker

It just so happens that this type of device only works with medium-fine powder. This is due to its good compression into a tablet.

Owners of coffee makers with high steam jet pressure are allowed to use an ultra-fine grinding spray. In this case, the invigorating drink has a richer taste and a more pronounced aroma.

Attention! Only a powder that is homogeneous in structure is effectively compressed into a tablet.

Basic rules for choosing grinding

If you look at it, you can understand that the less time it takes to prepare coffee, the smaller the grind should be. Speaking of large granules, we can say that they will provide the most delicious and vibrant aroma of the drink. However, it is worth considering that it will take at least 10 minutes to cook.

Speaking of large granules, we can say that they will provide the most delicious and vibrant aroma of the drink.

The choice of grinding often depends on the workload. It is unlikely that anyone will want to get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning to prepare themselves the perfect drink that will not only invigorate, but also lift their spirits. Therefore, most often, citizens use less complex machines that can provide a boost of energy within 2-3 minutes.

The choice of grinding often depends on the workload.

If grain grinding is done at home in the most ordinary machine. 1. 6-7 seconds will provide a coarse grind that is ideal for a French press or Chemex. 2. 10 seconds for medium grind. 3. 15 – small. 4. 20 – “dust”.

If grain grinding is done at home in the most ordinary machine

You should not focus on the composition of ready-made coffee in packages. Each country has completely different ideas about the level of grinding, since the cooking traditions are also different. The only option is to grind your own coffee.

The only option is to grind your own coffee.

Here we can highlight several advantages: 1. The raw materials do not erode. The aroma of the finished drink will be no worse than what an experienced barista prepares. 2. Independent selection of the ideal grind for different cooking techniques.

Important! It is almost impossible to achieve “dust” at home. To prepare coffee for brewing in a cup, it is advisable to purchase ready-made powder. If you hold the grains for a long time in the hope of grinding them, there is a chance of burning the grains.

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Why is it needed?

A drip coffee maker is suitable for those people who really adore natural coffee, spending a minimum of time and effort in its production. Especially during the day, in a hurry, no one wants to waste a lot of time brewing coffee “by hand,” grinding beans, standing at the stove for a long time, then draining and cooling. Or, for example, during lunch in the office it is very convenient to brew beautiful ground coffee with one click. Such a device will become a faithful assistant in the event of principled negotiations, when you want to win over your interlocutor by offering him a cup of fragrant coffee.

This device is perfect for both home and small cafeterias, where you can prepare the freshest and most fragrant coffee in a matter of seconds. It does not take up much space and can easily be installed on a microwave oven or on a small countertop. In addition, it does not require special care, you just need to change the filter just in time and do not forget to add water to the tank.

A drip coffee maker is sometimes called “American”. This is due to the fact that previously the Yankees were considered not very picky lovers of this drink. They could drink a cup of coffee all day long. Therefore, it is believed that if you want delicious coffee, but do not want to “tinker with it” carefully and for a long time, then the best solution would be to purchase a drip coffee maker.

In addition, this device is the most easily accessible type of coffee maker on the market today. Despite the difference in prices for this device, they all remain an economical option for the production of natural coffee. Very often, when purchasing a drip coffee maker, they do not pay much attention to its functionality; instead, they look at the price tag. Or, on the contrary, in the pursuit of innovations, people overpay for completely unnecessary functions, forgetting that a drip coffee maker is a common device and there can be nothing complicated about it. Manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, resort to various tricks that do not affect the taste of coffee, and buyers are willing to overpay for it.

Useful tips

There are several recommendations that will help a novice coffee lover diversify his “diet”. 1. It is very important to know what ristretto, espresso and lungo are. Ristretto is a drink that can give an unforgettable aroma and taste, you can get it by pouring the tablets for 15-20 seconds. Lungo is a drink that contains caffeine and flows out within 30-50 seconds. Espresso is the most common type, pouring out within 25 seconds. Every second of spillage is equivalent to 1 ml of coffee. Lungo is considered the strongest.

Lungo is a drink that contains caffeine and flows out within 30-50 seconds.

2. Ristretto is used to prepare light and very tasty drinks that are virtually caffeine-free. It can be either a milk latte or a flavored cappuccino.

Ristretto is used to prepare light and very tasty drinks that are virtually caffeine-free.

Proper grinding can unlock the full potential of the beans. Each cooking technique should be selected individually, otherwise no ristretto or lungo will work.

Proper grinding can unlock the full potential of the beans.

If you purchase ready-made ground coffee, it is advisable to store it in a dark place, pouring it into a zip-lock bag in advance. This is the most successful option to ensure that the future drink does not lose its aroma and richness.

If you purchase ready-made ground coffee, it is advisable to store it in a dark place, pouring it into a zip bag in advance

The highlighted recommendations are for informational purposes only. Only an experienced barista knows how many nuances and secrets are hidden in the preparation of even a simple cup of your favorite drink. You can learn the art of coffee brewing from the highlighted principles shared by professionals.

Only an experienced barista knows how many nuances and secrets are hidden in the preparation of even a simple cup of your favorite drink.

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When buying coffee beans for home use, a person is faced with the issue of grinding. Some people have a home coffee grinder, some have a coffee maker with this option, and some use the services of a coffee bean seller.

In the latter case, an experienced specialist will ask the client what kind of grinding he needs. But not every buyer will give the correct answer. As a result, the coffee will not get the desired taste. After all, the final result in the cup depends on the degree of grinding. But don’t forget that the life of ground coffee is much shorter than coffee beans. And advantage should always be given to fresh grinding. Within 30 minutes, ground coffee loses most of its aromas, and with them the bouquet of flavors. Therefore, you need to start preparing coffee immediately after grinding.

Just a few years ago, a home coffee maker was a luxury item, and in housewives’ kitchens one could more often find a coffee pot for making coffee. Modern gadgets are so diverse that at home we can prepare espresso, cappuccino, filter coffee, and any other coffee drink.

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