Why does Turkish coffee turn out so tasty and aromatic, and are there any differences in preparation?

Home Food Drinks

How to brew Turkish coffee correctly on a gas and electric stove, whether it is possible to achieve the same quality of the drink as with the traditional method of preparation on sand is often of interest to those who want to become a real master of making coffee.

The vessel for making coffee, which today is called a Turk, was invented in Turkey. In its homeland it is called cezva, but the name “Turk” has taken root in everyday life, that is, a thing delivered from Turkey, so sometimes coffee prepared in it is also called Turkish coffee. We usually call the top layer, a suspension of aromatic oils, foam, but in the homeland of coffee it is called “kaymak” in Turkish.

The Turkish drink was so tasty that even after Sultan Murad IV introduced a ban on visiting coffee shops and drinking coffee in the seventeenth century and introducing the death penalty for violating the death penalty (the offender was sewn into a bag of coffee beans and thrown into the sea), people continued to drink Turkish coffee .

The special unique taste of the drink prepared in a Turk is given by some specific features of the extraction of substances from coffee, which are determined by the specific heating in this vessel.

Turkish choice

The quality of the resulting drink directly depends on the choice of Turks. The most popular are: copper, ceramic and clay jazz. A clay Turk is more suitable for a conservative consumer, since the porous structure of the clay absorbs odor well, so the use of different types of coffee or aromatic additives is undesirable. If you like experiments, then a ceramic Turk is more suitable for you, but you must handle it with extreme caution and avoid chips and cracks. The best option is a copper pot with a narrow neck for 2-3 servings.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric Turks

Like any other item, electric Turks have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, but fortunately, the disadvantages of Electric Turks are much less than the advantages. Just a few of them will be listed below:

  • CONVENIENCE: The first and most important benefit is convenience. Thanks to the presence of an electric turk, you only need an outlet. This means that you can take it with you to work or somewhere else where you have a unique opportunity to make delicious and aromatic coffee.
  • SIMPLICITY: Electric Turks are very easy to use and, in fact, the owner only needs to press the power button. Unlike complex coffee machines, there is no need to use numerous capsules and filters - just pour ground coffee inside the flask and add water. In addition, the electric Turk is easy to clean under cold water.
  • SAFETY: Electric Turks are safe to use, as they are protected by reliable insulating materials that prevent short circuits. Thanks to the special materials used to create it, any possibility of getting burned is eliminated.
  • FAST: Compared to regular Turks, electric models are equipped with a drive that allows you to boil water in less than a minute. In comparison, using a regular pot requires you to wait at least 3-4 minutes before the water in the pot starts to boil.

As for the disadvantages, the electric Turk has few of them. The only drawback is, perhaps, the lack of an automatic shutdown function, and even then, this occurs only in some models. In all other cases, you don’t have to worry about this at all.

Classic coffee recipe

In general, making coffee in a Turk is a special ritual. If you strictly follow all the rules, you will get rich, thick, aromatic coffee. Classic coffee preparation:

  1. Wash the Turk thoroughly with running water. Under no circumstances should you use detergents; this may add an unnecessary odor to the drink.
  2. Lightly heat the Turka over low heat for 5-7 seconds - this will help extract the aroma from the grains.
  3. Pour coffee into the pot at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per 100 ml of water, depending on the desired strength of the drink. At this stage, you can add sugar or any spice you wish (anise, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, pepper). You can add a few crystals of salt and the coffee will be smoother.
  4. Pour cold purified water into the jazva up to the base of the neck.
  5. At what heat to brew coffee in a Turk: heat the drink over low heat until foam forms. As soon as it begins to rise to the edge of the Turk, immediately remove the coffee from the heat. Under no circumstances should it be brought to a boil. The foam is a kind of crust, thanks to which the drink retains all its flavor. Boiling will destroy the integrity of the foam.
  6. If desired, after 30 seconds you can put the Turk back on the fire, wait for the foam to rise and remove. Repeated heating will help achieve a richer flavor.
  7. Before serving, hit the Turk on the table or pour in a little cold water so that the grounds sink to the bottom.
  8. Warm up the coffee cups a little, then pour the coffee so that there is foam in all portions.

Cooking options

Fans keep their favorite Turkish coffee recipes for years. The classic version of Turkish coffee on the stove step by step:

  1. First you need to grind a small amount of roasted beans. The degree of grinding is selected at your discretion.
  2. Pour the powder into a pot and pour about half of cool water into the bowl. Be sure to wait until the mixture of powder and water stops bubbling.
  3. At the next stage, you need to pour the rest of the water into the Turk, in which, if necessary, you should first dilute such liquid ingredients as milk, honey, instead of the latter you can add a little sugar. It is necessary to carefully monitor the liquid level and not allow it to rise above the place where the neck of the dish narrows, since, when heated, the foam can splash out over the edge.
  4. Place the Turk on the stove, preferably over low heat. If you have a gas stove, you can hold the cookware in your hands directly over an open, high heat.
  5. After 1-2 minutes, you should stir the contents of the cezve so that there are no lumps left in the finished drink. It is not recommended to stir the drink in the future. When brewing coffee, do not allow it to boil. Immediately after the foam in the Turk begins to rise (this happens when the temperature reaches +95...+96°C), the drink along with the grounds must be poured into a preheated mug.
  6. After 2-3 minutes, when the extraction process is completed and the grounds have settled, the drink can be served. It is advisable to serve with a glass of cool water: 1-2 sips help cleanse the taste buds and allow you to more fully enjoy the taste of the finished product.

Interesting! How to brew ground coffee in a cup

To make the aroma of coffee feel much brighter, experts advise heating the powder in a cezve over a fire at the stage before water is added. This method is suitable for coarse grinding because if the beans are ground into dust, they can quickly char.

In addition, to enhance the aroma and taste, you can add a pinch of table (non-iodized) salt to the Turk along with the ground grains. In the finished drink, the taste of salt will not be felt, and the smell will become much brighter.

To properly brew this delicious drink, you need to follow a minimum of recommendations. However, some recipes require a different cooking technology.

In Turkish

Turkish coffee is a popular drink that is preferred by many lovers. Its preparation requires some skills:

  • heat the cezve over the fire and pour 1 tsp into it. sugar (you can use more, it depends on taste);
  • At low temperature, bring the sugar to a light brown color (wait until caramelization begins);
  • pour about 100 ml of water into the melted sugar and bring to a boil;
  • remove the dishes from the stove, pour 10 g of ground coffee into it, stir;
  • pour 1 tbsp. l. cold (possibly ice) water;
  • place the dishes over low heat and heat, avoiding boiling;
  • as soon as the foam rises, you should immediately remove the dish from the heat and leave it alone;
  • After 2-3 minutes, you can pour the drink into heated cups.

Which recipe is better?


Experts advise adding a pinch of cardamom and ground cinnamon to coffee prepared according to this recipe.

In Arabic

To prepare this drink you need:

  1. first pour a pinch of sugar into the container and heat it until light brown - this will give the drink a rich caramel taste;
  2. add cold water (approximately 75-80 ml per 1 cup);
  3. pour the freshly ground grains into a separate bowl and mix them with cardamom (in a ratio of 10:3);
  4. after the water boils, remove the dishes from the burner and add the prepared mixture to it;
  5. stir, place on the stove and wait until boiling starts again;
  6. after the foam rises, you need to remove it and repeat the entire procedure 3 times, avoiding strong boiling.

Interesting! How to make a latte in a coffee machine

The finished drink should be sprinkled with ground cinnamon.

In Brazilian

The drink prepared according to this recipe is strong and rich.

At the initial stage, pour 0.5 tsp into a bowl of chilled water. cocoa powder and caxapa and mix thoroughly. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. ground grains, heat in the cezve until fluffy foam rises, and remove the container from the stove.

An important point: the liquid should be filtered through several layers of gauze.

Pour the finished drink into a mug, add a small amount of rum and garnish with whipped cream or a large piece of ice cream.


Many fans prefer to brew ground Viennese coffee - this drink is popular in many countries around the world.

To prepare 1 serving, you need to take:

  • 35 ml of ready-made black coffee, brewed in Turkish;
  • 20 ml cream;
  • 3-5 g of dark natural chocolate;
  • Sugar is added to taste.

At the first stage, you need to brew the drink according to the classic recipe. While the grounds settle, you need to thoroughly whip the cream and sugar into a dense foam. Pour the drink into a preheated cup, carefully place a layer of cream on top and sprinkle with chopped chocolate.

Warsaw style

If you want to brew delicious coffee, you can choose the Warsaw-style recipe for this drink. For 1 serving you will need: ground coffee beans, water and milk, taken in equal quantities, a few tablespoons of regular sugar, 5 g of vanilla-flavored sugar.

First, you need to pour enough cold water into 100 g of coffee powder, place the dishes on low heat and wait until foam forms.

The resulting liquid should be quickly removed from the burner, add sugar to taste and place back on the stove. When the foam floats up, it needs to be removed several times.

In a separate bowl, heat high-fat milk together with vanilla sugar, but do not let the liquid boil.

You must first pour sweet milk into a warm cup, and then carefully add coffee strained through cheesecloth or a strainer.

With honey and spices

To brew Turkish coffee with honey and spices, you will need to dissolve a little honey in slightly warmed purified water (you can take it to taste, on average 0.5-1.5 tsp is needed per 100 ml of water). Pour a small amount of ground beans into the Turk, add water and honey and prepare it like Turkish coffee. To improve the taste, the powder can be enriched at your discretion with cinnamon, cardamom, ginger or other favorite spices.

What are your favorite recipes for making a flavorful drink? Share them in the comments to the article.


How to brewWhat is a French press and how to brew coffee in it, recipes for preparing the drink

How to properly brew coffee in a Turk on a gas stove: step by step

Owners of a gas stove are very lucky, since it is easy to control the strength of the fire on gas.
To brew coffee in a Turk, you need to use the smallest burner and the lowest heat, otherwise the drink may burn or run off - both of which are extremely unpleasant. It is very difficult to calculate the exact time for preparing coffee on a gas stove, since it depends on many factors: the volume and material of the pot, the amount of water, the presence of aromatic additives in the drink.

How to brew coffee in a Turk using gas? If you have a copper Turk for one serving (100 ml), then the approximate cooking time is 6-7 minutes, and the total cooking time is 10 minutes. Accordingly, as the amount of water increases, the cooking time increases proportionally.

Recipe: how to properly brew coffee in a Turk on a gas stove. On a gas stove, it is better to stick to the classic recipe (at the beginning of the article) for making coffee and focus on the appearance of foam, and not on the time.

Structural features of the Turks

The seemingly extremely simple Turka, however, is a utensil, each part of which is designed to perform a specific task.

Any cezve consists of the following parts:

  • bottom;
  • extraction chambers (housing);
  • pens;
  • neck;
  • foam trap.

It is better to choose tall Turkish models.

Regardless of whether coffee will be prepared on an open fire of a gas stove or on some type of electric stove, it is necessary that the parts of the Turk meet certain requirements.

  1. Bottom. It should be wide and thick. The wide bottom makes it possible to quickly heat the liquid, and the heating rate depends much more on the area than on the thermal conductivity of the bottom material. The thickness of the bottom gives rigidity to the entire vessel, and this is important, since any deformations that may occur when washing the cezve or from accidental impacts will lead to overheating of individual areas of the bottom of the cezve, resulting in an undesirable sudden boiling of the coffee.
  2. Extraction chamber - here the transition of substances that determine the taste and aroma of a coffee drink from beans into water occurs.
  3. Handle – designed for convenient handling of the cezve, it is made of materials that do not conduct heat well, usually wood
  4. The neck is a narrowing in the upper part of the cezve designed to block the exit of foam and compact it, which contributes to better extraction of essential oils from coffee particles and, as a result, to the special taste of kaymak and the creation of a long aftertaste effect. The narrower it is, the richer the drink is, however, the narrowness of the neck entails an increase in the rate at which the foam rises, so an inexperienced coffee brewer needs to be especially careful not to miss the moment when the foam boils over.
  5. Foam trap. The uppermost part of the cezve. Its task is to prevent the foam from overflowing, since after removal from the heat, due to the thermal inertia of the liquid, it will continue to boil and, accordingly, the layer of kaymak will increase.

If you plan to prepare coffee on an electric stove, you need to ensure that the bottom of the cezve is perfectly flat and has no damage or dents - even scratches are unacceptable.

If you plan to brew a drink on a gas stove, the shape of the bottom does not matter, since the flame also flows around the vessel from the sides. Any damage to the surface is unacceptable, as it will interfere with the correct boiling process.

How to properly brew Turkish coffee at home on an electric stove: step by step

The process of making Turkish coffee on an electric stove is somewhat more complicated. Modern electric stoves (glass-ceramic, cast-iron burners) operate using an incandescent spiral, which is why they heat up very quickly, so a certain skill is required to obtain the required temperature. There is a technology for making coffee on an electric stove:

  • add 1 tsp. coffee (without slide) per 100 ml of water;
  • heat the drink to 90 degrees (until a stable foam forms);
  • turn off the stove.

Due to poor heat transfer, the coffee will cool smoothly, becoming saturated with taste and aroma. In a similar way, you can brew coffee in a Turk on a glass-ceramic stove.

Choosing Turkish material

The most widespread are cezves made of metals.

Copper Turks. These are classic cezves that were used during the Ottoman Empire. The main feature of copper is its high thermal conductivity, due to which it heats up very quickly.

The disadvantages of copper Turks include the ability of metal ions to penetrate into the drink, which is undesirable for health. To avoid such a process, the inner surface of the copper Turks is coated with silver or edible tin.

When choosing a copper pot, pay attention to the thickness of the walls - the thicker they are, the longer the metal coating that insulates the copper from the drink will last.

Cezves made of brass. This metal is an alloy of zinc and copper; it is more ductile than copper, which is why such Turks are often decorated with coinage. Compared to copper, brass is more resistant to oxidation, but to comply with sanitary standards, such Turks must also be coated on the inside with food-grade tin or silver. The thermal conductivity characteristics of brass are worse than those of copper.

Aluminum Turks. In terms of thermal conductivity, such Turks are inferior to copper cezves, but they are cheaper. Disadvantages also include the ease with which food-grade aluminum in places of scratches enters into chemical reactions with acids that are part of coffee.

Turks made of stainless steel. The advantages include:

  • strength and durability;
  • does not absorb odors;
  • easy to clean;
  • Thanks to the shiny surface, the coffee in this turk stays hot for a longer time.

The disadvantages include fairly low thermal conductivity, even lower than that of aluminum.

Silver Turks. These cezves are quite expensive. The high cost is paid off not only by the health benefits (silver ions pass into the drink and have a beneficial effect on the body). Semi-precious metals have the best thermal conductivity. As a rule, cezves from this metal are not made using a conveyor method, but individually by craftsmen. Preparing a drink in such a vessel will bring not only the pleasure of coffee, but also the aesthetic appearance of the product.

Cupronickel Turks. These Turks, made from an alloy of copper, zinc and nickel, usually have thick walls and low heat transfer. Therefore, in such vessels the liquid does not boil quickly, due to which it is well digested, and it is easy to obtain a drink with a thick taste and abundant foam. The walls of this type of Turks are coated with a layer of silver or nickel, which makes them more durable.

Ceramic Turks. Cezves of this type appeared in stores relatively recently. They are environmentally friendly, the material from which they are made is not harmful to health. Ceramic Turks quickly gained popularity due to the high quality of the resulting drink. The secret is high heat transfer rates in the infrared sector of the spectrum. Extraction of substances from coffee particles occurs not only due to heating of water, but also heating due to infrared rays.

In terms of its characteristics, the material is similar to sand, which is why the coffee continues to heat up when it is removed from the fire. Therefore, cooking in such a vessel requires skill and practice. If you remove the Turk from the heat at the same stage of heating as when cooking in a metal container, the coffee will continue to boil and run away. It is better to stop cooking a minute earlier and let the drink rise without heating.

The disadvantages include the fragility of the material; the cezve may burst if immediately after making coffee you put it in cold water. Porcelain cezves do not have this drawback.

Ceramic Turks, which are made from porous clay, use low temperatures when firing, and have the ability to absorb odor. Therefore, when preparing a drink, coffee aromas are much stronger than when preparing in any other form. It is strictly forbidden to wash such a Turk in soapy solutions.

Porcelain cezves. This type of Turk is designed specifically for brewing coffee on gas and electric stoves. Porcelain is ceramics that, according to technology, is fired at very high temperatures. Due to this, the structure of the finished material is characterized by the absence of pores and can be glazed. The material is chemically inert, does not absorb odors, and can be washed like regular dishes.

Fireclay Turks. This is a type of ceramic that has medium porosity and high heat capacity. Therefore, lovers of making coffee using the simmering method choose Turks from this material. These cezves are also not very expensive. They are usually made by artisanal craftsmen. Very often they have a variety of unusual shapes and are painted with a variety of patterns. Glazed fireclay does not require special care.

Glass Turks. The use of cezves made of such material makes it possible to monitor the processes that occur in the vessel during heating, and remove it from the heat in time when the formed foam approaches. The advantages of glass Turks include their harmlessness to health, while the disadvantages include greater fragility.

Quartz Turks. Quartz has unique properties - it heats up quickly, like copper, and at the same time radiates heat, like porous clay. At the same time, the material is able to withstand any temperature changes, so it can be immediately washed in cold water. The material is harmless to health; when preparing coffee, no other substances enter the drink.

At the same time, quartz Turks are very aesthetic.

Many people choose quartz Turks also because quartz is considered a powerful biocorrector, has a beneficial effect on all chakras of the body, and is widely used in healing and in white magic of almost all nations.

How to brew Turkish coffee on an induction cooker

Coffee lovers with an induction cooker are the least fortunate.
Due to technical features, it will not be possible to brew coffee in a copper, clay or ceramic pot on the induction cooker itself. But you can buy a special Turk with a ferromagnetic bottom. An important point is that the bottom of the Turk must cover more than 50% of the surface of the burner, otherwise the stove simply will not see it. Heating on an induction cooker occurs pulsedly, which will negatively affect the taste of the drink. The Turk should warm up smoothly, only in this way the grains will release all their taste and aroma. Therefore, when preparing the jazva, it is necessary to periodically raise it by 1-2 mm. How to brew Turkish coffee on an induction stove:

  • after adding all the ingredients, heat the Turk at 75% power;
  • as soon as foam begins to appear, reduce the power to 50%;
  • Leave for 2-3 minutes so that the drink absorbs all the aroma of the beans.

If you still don’t want to part with your beloved Turk, then there is a special adapter made of ferromagnetic material. The induction disk is placed on the burner, and you can place a jazz dish made of any material on it. In this case, the technology for preparing coffee is the same as on an electric stove.

How to make a delicious drink on the stove: the secrets of good coffee

“The Turk, coffee beans and water are there, which means you can start preparing the drink” - this is exactly what many inexperienced coffee makers believe. To ensure high-quality coffee, rich in grain notes in aroma and taste, it is important to take care of every detail.

Turka . Ideally, it is better to purchase a cezve made of copper. This golden-pink metal heats up quickly and retains heat well, giving the drink a rich, grainy aroma. But here it is important to build on the type of hob. Due to the lack of ferromagnetic properties, a copper pot is not suitable for an induction cooker, while for a gas cooker it will be a good choice.

The shape of the vessel also plays an important role. It should be small (about 2 cups) with a narrow neck. The last criterion is responsible for maintaining the taste properties at the highest level. The bottom of a high-quality cezve is always thick. This will prevent the drink from burning.

Water . It’s probably not worth talking about the fact that the water should be raw, cold (a very important criterion) and clean. But how many people know that its level should not reach the very neck of the Turka? Otherwise, the drink will not be brewed well, and the likelihood that he will run away doubles.

Grains . During long-term storage, the taste and aroma properties of ground coffee are lost. It is better to prepare your own green coffee beans by roasting them and finely grinding them. Only when fresh they will provide excellent results.

The grinding of the grains can be either medium or similar to powdered sugar. Baristas prefer to use the latter, because it is the fine texture that makes the aroma of coffee deeper and richer.

Fire . Under the influence of too rapid heating, the grains will not have time to enrich the drink. The main task facing a coffee lover is to make the heating process slower.

Foam . The rising foamy crust indicates the readiness of the drink. It is important not to miss this moment and remove the Turk from the heat in a timely manner. When the foam goes down, the procedure is repeated several more times. The bubbly crust retains the rich aroma of the coffee beans, so it is important that it remains intact.

Coffee on the sand

An interesting option for preparing your favorite drink is to use a frying pan filled with sand. Fine quartz sand is best suited:

  1. You need to take a deep frying pan with thick walls, fill it with sand and add a little salt. Heat everything, stirring occasionally.
  2. The Turk is immersed in the well-heated sand as deeply as possible.
  3. As soon as the foam on the drink begins to rise, remove the jazva, wait 20-30 seconds until it cools down, and repeat the procedure.

This cooking method is suitable for all types of stoves.

The difference between an electric Turk and a regular one

In a copper Turk, the drink receives uniform heating and is prepared quickly, compared with coffee machines, a certain ritual appears, but this is not always practical. You need to constantly monitor the coffee so that the foam does not rise and spill onto the stove. In an electric Turk, the technology does not differ from the classic version, but you do not need to constantly stand over it, monitor the fire, etc. After cooking, the shutdown is carried out automatically using sensors.


Turks made of stainless steel are considered the most reliable and safe. They will serve for years without a single breakdown.

Preparing a drink in an electric Turk is suitable for those who have induction cookers at home. You cannot prepare a classic drink with them in utensils made of aluminum, clay or glass. The process requires a minimum of time and effort, and the ability to prepare various recipes is considered a special feature.


Making perfect Turkish coffee is very difficult. You shouldn't expect everything to work out the first time, but with regular practice you can achieve amazing results. And then you can enjoy the divine aroma of coffee every morning. You will be provided with a charge of energy and good mood.

Similar articles:

  • How to brew coffee without a Turk at home
  • How to make coffee with cinnamon: recipes
  • Which types of coffee are considered the best: coffee brands
  • How to brew Turkish coffee: Turkish recipes
  • How to brew Turkish coffee at home with foam

What is an electric Turk?

An electric Turk is a device consisting of two main parts: a Turk and a stand, which contains a heating element. Like a regular Turkish coffee pot, the upper part of the Turkish coffee pot is slightly narrowed, which allows it to preserve the wonderful aroma of freshly brewed coffee longer, and the lower part, on the contrary, has wider dimensions.

There is a special water-repellent gasket between the cooking flask and the stand, which prevents any moisture from getting on the heating elements. Despite their seemingly modest size, electric turks are equipped with a fairly powerful heating element that allows you to heat water in a matter of minutes.

To sum up the description of the operating principle of an electric turk, we can safely equate the electric turk with a regular electric kettle. By the way, this means that it is not at all necessary to brew only coffee in an electric Turk; if necessary, you can boil plain water and brew tea.

Basic rules for making coffee and factors affecting taste

Cooking procedure

drink in an electric Turk includes 4 actions:

  1. Fill the container with cold water to the mark on the Turk.
  2. Add coffee and sugar.
  3. Connect the device to the network.
  4. After boiling, turn off the device, if it does not have an automatic device, and pour the drink into cups.

There are several factors that can influence the taste of coffee.

, cooked in an electric Turk:

  1. The quality of the beans themselves and their variety, level of roasting and grinding are important factors in the preparation process. You need to use only trusted companies.
  2. The material of the Turkish coffee is aluminum or ceramics, which produces the most delicious and aromatic coffee.
  3. The thickness of the walls - the thicker it is, the more evenly the water is heated, and the saturation of the drink increases.

Before using a new Turk for the first time, it is recommended to fill it with water, boil it and drain it. Repeat the same procedure so as not to spoil the taste of the future coffee.

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