Coffee with pepper (black and red) – 5 best recipes

Coffee has long been included in the list of drinks that are consumed by many people every day. This aromatic and invigorating drink has more than one preparation method. One of them is coffee with pepper.

The main feature of this type of coffee preparation is the addition of hot pepper (in powder form or fresh). The most popular options are black and allspice, and for special lovers of spicy taste, chili is suitable. A drink with the addition of hot pepper (both fresh and powdered) will appeal to lovers of explosive flavors and spicy sensations.

Coffee with black pepper

It is considered a classic morning tonic coffee.


  • ground coffee – 3 heaped teaspoons;
  • ground black pepper – 1.5 g;
  • allspice – 1 pinch;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.


1. Lightly warm the Turk over the fire. Add coffee and pepper, mix, shaking the cuz.

2. Pour in water, heat until foam appears, then remove from heat.

3. Add allspice. Heat again until foam appears.

4. Remove the Turk from the heat and lightly tap it with a spoon so that the suspension settles to the bottom faster.

5. Let the coffee brew for 2-3 minutes, then pour into cups and add sugar to taste.

Is it possible to reheat cold coffee?

True connoisseurs claim that a few minutes after serving, brewed coffee loses some of its properties. After two minutes, most of the aroma is lost and the taste deteriorates. Half an hour after serving, coffee loses all its charm irrevocably.

True, cold coffee retains many beneficial qualities. But heated coffee loses all its properties, for which it is valued: an invigorating aroma, a tart taste with bitterness.

Coffee with salt has a pleasant and dense taste, invigorates well and helps to more vividly feel the joy of a new day in life.

Thus, according to the general opinion of everyone (both amateurs and researchers), coffee cannot be heated. You don’t need to be a scientific researcher to do this: our taste buds will clearly perceive the difference between coffee brewed according to all the rules of art and a warmed, tasteless brown drink.

Coffee with red pepper (ground and capsicum)

You can prepare it using either ground or fresh capsicum. The drink will appeal to lovers of spicy and piquant taste. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage! Cane sugar and butter soften the taste.


  • ground coffee – 3 teaspoons;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • ground red hot pepper - on the tip of a knife or 1 pod of fresh red chili pepper;
  • sugar (preferably cane) – 0.5-1 teaspoon;
  • butter – 1 level teaspoon (optional).


1. Add coffee to a heated pot and pour in water. Cook until foam rises, then remove from heat, add sugar and ground red pepper.

2. Put the coffee back on the fire, heat until foam appears, then let it brew for 1-2 minutes. Pour into cups. If desired, add butter to soften the taste or sweeten it more with sugar.

To prepare coffee with red capsicum, the drink is brewed in a Turk, then a small pod of red pepper is added, covered with a saucer and left to steep for 1-3 minutes (the longer, the sharper the taste). You can also cut the pepper into pieces, put it in cups and pour hot coffee over it.

Subtleties of cooking

In order for the drink to be of the highest quality, it must be brewed in a Turk, or cezve. The flavor will not fully develop if you cook it with a French press, or just steam it in a cup. Turka is an ideal option for achieving maximum aroma and comfortable bitterness. It is advisable to use peppercorns, grinding them during cooking. This also applies to coffee.

It would be a good idea to rinse the dishes from which the drink will be consumed with boiling water. This will keep the contents warm longer.

Ground black pepper or peas work best with coffee. Although ground red and chili peppers are also used in some recipes, sometimes the coffee with it turns out to be very spicy.

When using fresh chili peppers, cut off a piece the size of a pea, but no larger. It is advisable to carry out this procedure with gloves and under no circumstances touch your face with your hands.

Coffee with pepper and cinnamon

It is memorable for its persistent aroma and rich taste, suitable for lovers of everything unusual and exotic.


  • ground coffee – 2 teaspoons;
  • ground black pepper – 1 g;
  • ground cinnamon – 1 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • sugar (liquid honey) - to taste.


1. Add pepper, half the cinnamon and coffee to the Turk, then stir and add water.

2. Heat slowly on the stove until foam appears, remove from heat and add the other half of the cinnamon.

3. Cover the Turk with a saucer, leave for 3-5 minutes, then pour the coffee into cups, add sugar (honey) to taste.


If you consume such a drink wisely, it will not cause harm to your health. However, there are conditions in which you should abandon it:

  • postoperative recovery period;
  • pregnancy;
  • children's age (up to 10 years);
  • breastfeeding period;
  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • chronic course of the disease.

Regardless of the amount of caffeine, the invigorating drink has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Therefore, it is clearly not possible to calm down with him.

In order not to provoke a deterioration in health, you need to consume such a product in small quantities. Also choose premium coffee. You should not use low-quality ingredients to cook it.

Pay special attention to the utensils that you will use in cooking. There are a large number of Turkish coffee recipes, but to get a tasty and healthy drink, it needs to be prepared in a metal container. Before adding the ingredients, sprinkle it with boiling water.

Advice! To get the most out of the energizing pepper espresso, grind the beans together with the pepper.

Coffee with salt and pepper

Strong coffee without additives, in which black pepper and salt emphasize the taste. It is advisable to use sea salt.


  • ground coffee – 3 teaspoons;
  • ground black pepper – 1 g;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • water – 150 ml.


1. Add coffee and pepper to the Turk, pour in water.

2. Heat over low heat until the first foam appears, remove from heat and add salt. Do not stir.

3. Place back on the stove and heat slowly until foam appears.

4. Remove from heat. Let it brew for 1-2 minutes and pour into cups. Drink hot.


Drinking coffee with chili pepper is not only tasty, but also healthy. Its regular use allows you to:

  1. Invigorate the body.
  2. Reduce the risk of malignant tumors appearing in the body.
  3. Warm the body.
  4. Get rid of colds.
  5. Lose weight.
  6. Improve blood supply to internal organs.

Experts advise making a coffee drink with pepper in the morning. Its use before bedtime is fraught with insomnia.

But if in the evening you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of a cup of such an aromatic product with a bitter aftertaste, brew it less concentrated.

Which pepper to choose for coffee?

Most recipes use ground black and/or allspice. But there are varieties that add white, red or pink pepper.

When choosing, you should focus on your preferences, the coffee you use, and the effect you want to achieve. For example, chili pepper goes well with Brazilian coffee, and ground red chili pepper gives the drink, in addition to a specific aroma, a distinct spicy taste.

Regardless of the type of spice you choose, it is better to grind it immediately before cooking, even at the same time as the coffee beans.

Cook it right

  1. Prepare the drink only from freshly ground high-quality raw materials.
  2. For cooking, use a thick-walled copper pot.
  3. Do not let the liquid boil for a long time: the pepper releases all its heat into the water, and the drink takes on an unpleasant aftertaste.
  4. Pre-rinse cups intended for coffee drinking with boiling water so that they retain heat longer.

Lifehack. If you overdo it with pepper, add a little sugar, milk or cream to level out the spiciness.

Coffee with cardamom: beneficial properties.

Possible harm

There are contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children under 8 years of age;
  • gastritis and other chronic gastrointestinal diseases, as well as digestive diseases in the acute stage;
  • hypertension and arrhythmia;
  • high cholesterol;
  • recovery period after abdominal surgery;
  • nervous disorders;
  • calcium deficiency in the body (coffee drink interferes with the absorption of this substance in the body).

Possible side effects:

  • Insomnia. The invigorating qualities of the drink do not allow you to drink it before bed. The exception is decaf.
  • Allergic reactions. Coffee and all types of peppers are strong allergens that are contraindicated for people with individual intolerance. The most common manifestations of allergies are skin rash, itching and sneezing.
  • Increased nervousness. This condition is especially common among avid coffee drinkers who drink several cups a day on a regular basis. Without their favorite drink, they become too irritable.
  • Thinning of tooth enamel. Spicy food harms teeth, causing thinning of the enamel, sometimes even causing unpleasant pain. Therefore, after drinking the drink, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water or a special herbal composition.
  • Gastrointestinal tract dysfunctions. Regular consumption of peppered coffee on an empty stomach can cause serious harm to the gastrointestinal tract of even an absolutely healthy person.

Why add salt?

Residents of European countries add sugar and milk to coffee to reduce the bitterness characteristic of the drink. But the peoples who learned about the tonic properties of the fruits of the coffee tree much earlier than the Europeans realized that spices cope with this task perfectly.

The hot climate typical of Asia, Africa and the Middle East easily leads to dehydration. For local residents, the benefits of salt are obvious: it helps maintain the necessary amount of moisture in the body, softens water and, unlike sugar, does not contribute to the development of caries.


Classic recipe

The classic coffee genre in the oriental style does not accept a drink without salt and provides the following ingredients:

  • 2-3 tsp. finely ground grains;
  • 200 ml of cold unboiled water, which is best pre-cooled with ice;
  • 1 tsp brown cane sugar;
  • a pinch of medium-ground sea salt.

All ingredients are poured into the Turk. To mix them, you should gently shake the container several times. The mixture is poured with fresh ice water.

The drink must be brewed in several stages over low heat. It is better if the stove is electric.

Application for weight loss

Since hot pepper enhances metabolism and burns fat, a drink with its participation is expected to act in the same way:

  • removes poisons from the body;
  • increases energy consumption, thereby helping to burn extra calories;
  • promotes the breakdown of fat deposits;
  • improves lymph flow;
  • removes swelling and helps remove excess fluid from the body.

In addition, the drink has a relatively low calorie content: 15–40 kcal per 100 ml. But it can be higher (depending on the concentration of the ingredients).

On a note. For maximum effect, you should use green coffee, known for its dietary properties. Adding ginger or turmeric wouldn't hurt either. Of course, without sweeteners.


  • a pinch of red hot pepper;
  • a pinch of ground ginger;
  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed green coffee;
  • 150 ml water.

Cooking method:

  1. In a Turk, mix coffee with pepper and ginger, add water.
  2. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  3. Let the drink brew for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain and drink between meals (but not on an empty stomach!).

Nutritionists do not recommend drinking more than 1 cup per day.

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