☕The most popular coffee machine recipes for 2021

Let's figure out how to brew coffee in different types of coffee makers, how long the preparation will take and what grind of beans to use. The taste and aroma of the drink depend on compliance with the brewing technology and the choice of device option. In the capsule, geyser and drip models, you can only prepare espresso. Horn devices are chosen by lovers of latte or cappuccino with thick foam. The Turks brew a strong drink in Turkish style with a bitter aftertaste.

Rules for a delicious drink from a coffee maker, types of devices

It is easy to prepare a drink in any coffee maker. This does not require any special skills; the main thing is to choose the right combination of coffee beans and decide on the volume of water. With the right proportions, you get a tasty and tonic drink.

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker depends on its type. The following types of coffee makers are distinguished:

  • geyser;
  • carob;
  • drip.

The easiest to use and affordable is a drip coffee maker. It is designed in such a way as to quickly prepare ground grains. It consists of a filter into which ground grains are poured, a container for water and a receiver into which the finished drink arrives. When you turn on the electrical appliance, the water begins to heat up to boiling temperature and drops in small portions into the filter and passes through the ground grains. In a few minutes the drink will be ready.

Such a machine may have a built-in filter that will have to be washed after each use. There are machines with disposable filters that are thrown away after use. Typically, drip coffee makers have a large receptacle for the finished drink, as they are designed for family use. It is believed that they prepare American-style coffee.

A geyser coffee maker is designed differently. It can be powered or installed on a stove. The coffee maker consists of a container for water, the finished drink, a filter and a tube. The principle of operation is to heat water, which, under steam pressure, enters the filter with coffee, and then into the receiver.

The carob coffee maker is closest to the coffee machine. You can brew good espresso in it. Here, instead of a filter, a plastic or metal horn is used, into which already ground grain is poured and water flows under steam pressure. Ground grains are not just poured, but pressed. To make coffee in such a device, you need to gain a little experience.

The taste of the final drink depends on the degree of grinding of the beans.

You can make a delicious drink at home in many ways, but a coffee maker is convenient because it does not require human intervention, is cheap, and easy to maintain. Watch how the invigorating drink is prepared in the video.

Now about the subtleties. Before using an electrical appliance, you should read the instructions and recommendations. They usually tell you what grinding of beans is preferable, how many grams of product should be poured into the filter for one serving, and so on.

Typically, a medium grind size is suitable for a coffee maker. But for geyser grinding, coarse grinding is preferable, for drip grinding, fine grinding, and for carob grinding, very fine grinding. By correctly choosing the degree of grinding, the coffee particles better release their aromas and flavors.

It is better to buy premium whole beans, consisting of 80-90% Arabica. They need to be ground before preparing the drink to the degree that is preferable for the type of electrical appliance. For 1-2 tsp. ground beans will require from 100 to 180 ml of water.

General recommendations

It is not enough to read the instructions on how to make coffee in a coffee maker. To get a delicious drink, it is extremely important to choose the right coffee beans. They come in two varieties:

  • Arabica;
  • Robusta.

Arabica coffee has excellent taste. Robusta gives the drink strength, but the taste of this variety is not so noble.

It is necessary to grind coffee beans immediately before preparation. In this case, the degree of grinding should be taken into account. The size of the fractions should be different depending on the type of device:

  • rude . Used for brewing in a geyser unit;
  • average. Suitable for all devices, regardless of type;
  • thin. It is considered an ideal option for drip-type devices;
  • super thin. Used for preparing espresso in carob units;
  • ultra-thin. This is the maximum degree of grinding of the beans. They are literally crushed into dust. Not suitable for brewing in coffee makers. The coffee will be too strong. It is used when preparing a drink in Turk.

Method of preparation in a drip coffee maker

To make delicious coffee in a drip coffee maker, you need to insert the filter into the compartment provided for it. Next, pour ground coffee into the filter in an acceptable volume, push the filter in, pour clean water into the reservoir and turn on the device. In a few minutes the drink will be ready.

Brewing coffee in a drip coffee maker is convenient because you can independently determine the strength of the finished drink. To do this, play with the volume of water and the amount of tea leaves. A medium strength drink is obtained by combining 1 tsp. coffee with 120 ml water.

Simple drip coffee maker

When preparing an electrical appliance, make sure that the filter, which is usually made of paper, lies flat in the compartment and is well straightened. If it is damaged, it is replaced with a new one. After preparing coffee, the filter along with the grounds are thrown away, and the reservoir is washed, if necessary.

Many coffee makers are equipped with an automatic heating system for the finished drink. This is convenient when it is prepared in large quantities. If necessary, it is simply heated. There are special recipes for making coffee for the drip device. The fact is that you can put spices and herbs in powder form into the filter along with ground grains. This will make the drink more aromatic and piquant in taste.

How to brew delicious coffee in a saucepan

If you are expecting guests and want to make coffee for them, or if you have a large family who loves this drink, you can, of course, use a Turkish coffee pot as usual. But then you will have to make coffee several times.

To save time and immediately prepare large quantities of coffee, you can use an enamel pan.

When choosing a pot for making coffee, the main thing you need to pay attention to is the tight fit of the lid. The better it adheres to the pan, the better your coffee will be.

Let's start cooking:

1. First you need to grind the grains. The degree of grinding can be any, depending on your tastes.

2. Use boiling water to rinse the pan, and then add the required amount of water to it and add a little sugar.

3. After you have brought the water to a boil, remove the pan from the stove and add ground coffee.

4. Place the pan on the stove again, but do not bring to a boil. When thick foam appears, remove the pan from the stove and leave for a few minutes to allow the drink to infuse.

5. When the coffee has brewed and the grounds have settled, it’s time to pour the drink into cups. But try to warm the cups in hot water in advance.

In a geyser coffee maker

Making coffee in a geyser-type coffee maker is also very simple.

Coffee machine recipes

Here are detailed cooking instructions:

  • pour cold water into the tank to the indicated mark or in an arbitrary volume;
  • pour medium-ground coffee into the filter, but do not compact it with a spoon;
  • plug in the device or install it on the stove;
  • Make sure that the coffee does not boil, otherwise it will become bitter and lose some of its aroma.

The drink will be brewed in 2-3 minutes. After this, remove the device from the heat or unplug it, let the drink brew for 1 minute and pour it into a cup. Typically, a geyser coffee maker is designed for 1-2 servings of coffee. After brewing, the filter and reservoir are washed under running water, dried and reinstalled on the device.

Geyser device

This type of device is loved in Italy, as it is very aromatic and quite strong. How many spoons of coffee to put in the filter is determined by the drink lover himself, but usually the filter is filled completely. Brewing coffee on a stove in a geyser is reminiscent of the process of making Turkish coffee in a Turk or cezve.

Coffee Recipes


Let's talk about how to make moccacino - a type of coffee with the addition of chocolate.

To prepare moccacino according to the classic recipe, take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. crushed grains;
  • 130 ml milk;
  • 20 ml chocolate syrup.

Pour the syrup into a 200 ml cup. Prepare 40 ml of espresso in any type of coffee maker. Add it to the syrup and stir.

Pour 50 ml of cold milk into a tin mug. Whisk it with the built-in cappuccino maker. If the device does not have this function, use a mini whisk to whip up foam.

Sweeten and add whipped milk.

Garnish with whipped cream and sprinkle the foam with cinnamon or chopped walnuts.

Interesting! How to make cappuccino in Turk

According to the European recipe, instead of chocolate syrup, it is allowed to use melted chocolate - 30 ml per 200 ml of liquid.


Let's figure out how to make a latte correctly. It comes in two types: layers and mixed. Brew 100 ml espresso in any coffee maker. Heat 300 ml of milk with 3.2% fat content to 60 degrees. Whip until thick foam.

Next, pour milk into a glass, add sugar to taste and spoon foam on top.

Slowly add espresso down the center. We recommend pouring it along the blade of a knife to achieve a thin stream.

The coffee will seep through the foam and end up above the layer of milk. You will get a three-layer drink.

Baristas prepare latte in a tall transparent glass - an Irish glass. So that the layers are visible: milk, coffee and a foam cap.

There is another latte option with the addition of chocolate syrup.

First, pour 20 ml of syrup. The remaining layers are added in the same order, but they are mixed together.

Experienced baristas master the latte art technique. Patterns are drawn on the top layer of foam.

A short review of electric coffee makers

With the growing need of people to consume only high-quality and natural products, the demand for the purchase of devices that mechanize its preparation increases. But before purchasing a coffee maker, you need to understand how one model differs from another.

Coffee makers are classified as follows:

  • Drip (filtration)
  • Geyser
  • Espresso coffee makers
  • Capsule

This type of coffee maker is the most common. It has a simple operating mechanism based on filtering water through a dense layer of ground coffee beans.

  • During the heating process, the water evaporates and passes through the filter in the form of drops.
  • The water filtered through the coffee mass enters the receiver flask.

It is worth noting an important drawback of this model: the process of brewing a coffee drink occurs without the possibility of adding cream or milk. But there is also an advantage: in this type of coffee maker you can use tea or fruit instead of coffee beans, getting a tasty drink in large quantities!

These models are similar to the previous type, only geyser coffee makers operate on the principle of continuous water circulation.

During the circulation process, the grounds are filtered, and thanks to the presence of a mesh filter, the grounds practically do not get into the finished drink, making it strong and clean. But since the water in such a device still boils, the rich aroma is eventually lost.

Espresso coffee makers

This type of coffee maker is designed for preparing an invigorating coarsely ground drink with homogeneous kernels. Therefore, it is better to purchase a more expensive unit with the function of crushing coffee beans with special millstones. And then the process of preparing your favorite coffee will be significantly simplified.

You just need to pour in the grains, add milk and press the start button. This type of coffee maker is considered the most optimal for home use.


They received this name because the principle of operation is based on the use of a capsule with the desired type of coffee. With this mechanism, you don’t need to rack your brains over how to brew coffee in a coffee maker correctly, what strength to choose, what filter to buy.

You only need to place the capsule in the device, where it is pierced and a stream of air enters it through a special needle. After this, the air stream loosens and mixes the coffee beans.

At this stage, the process of preparing an invigorating drink takes place. The big advantage of this model is that there is no need to clean the filter and other parts, since after the drink enters the cup, the capsule is automatically ejected.

How to make Moccacino using a coffee maker?

To prepare this sweet milk drink, you will need very few ingredients:

  • coffee - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk (chilled) – 120–150 g;
  • syrup – 20 ml.

Take a glass and fill it with syrup. Start preparing 40 ml of coffee. Once it's ready, add it to the glass of syrup. Then, using the cappuccino frother, froth the milk. Add the frothed milk to the other ingredients.

The option with the addition of various sweets (chocolate, marshmallows) is suitable only for people who love sweets. Cinnamon is also a specific additive and this must be taken into account when using it to prepare Moccacino coffee.

Strait speed

Not all devices are able to regulate the speed of hot water supply to the filter with coffee powder. If there is such a function, you can try making coffee of different strengths and richness. Fast preparation means a less concentrated drink. If you are patient and set the pour speed to minimum, the coffee will brew better.

In a device without adjusting the flow rate, power matters: a “weaker” device will heat the water more slowly, therefore, the drink will be stronger. A power of 800 W is quite enough. Most coffee makers use all the water placed in the top container. In order not to get a too watery taste, you need to pour the volume that is needed, without reserve. For a rich drink, you need to maintain the correct ratio between water and coffee.

How to make coffee in a coffee maker

What could be easier than brewing your favorite aromatic coffee? The question seems simple only at first glance. In this process, you not only need to know the correct sequence of actions, but also carry out a number of preliminary procedures for safety purposes.

Terms of use

  • Read the operating instructions.
  • Run the device only with water in order to eliminate unpleasant production smells and tastes, as well as to remove possible debris that may have entered during production. The procedure must be repeated several times with a short period of time.
  • The parameters of the electrical grid must necessarily correspond to the technical characteristics of the equipment.
  • Detergents for cleaning coffee grinders should not contain coarse abrasives, which can cause scratches on the surface of the device.


Now let's get down to the details of preparing the drink.

  1. Determine the coffee grind. Each model requires a specific grind, information about which can be found in the instructions supplied with the coffee grinder.
  2. Insert a disposable filter into a special removable container if there is no built-in filter. It should fit easily, not stick out at the edges or wrinkle.
  3. Pour coffee into the filter based on the following proportions: for one cup of coffee drink (230 ml), 1 tablespoon of ground natural coffee without top is enough.
  4. Pour cold water into a special compartment, usually under the lid of the coffee maker. It is necessary to check that the divisions in the water bowl of the device coincide with the divisions in the tank. If there is not enough water, add the required amount!
  5. Press the “Start” or “Start” button after closing the lid over the water compartment. And wait until drops of coffee stop dripping into the tank.

After all the procedures, you can pour the coffee into your favorite cup and enjoy its unique taste. We will be glad if, thanks to this article, you do not have any difficulties regarding how to brew coffee in a coffee maker and which model to choose.

Yes, and don’t forget to turn off your faithful assistant for making invigorating coffee!

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How to make Turkish coffee?

The main question that interests everyone: How much coffee should I add and how much water should I add?

There is a traditional calculation: we take 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of water.

It is recommended to use the following proportion when preparing Turkish coffee: 2.5 g. 1 oz coffee

180 ml (6 oz) 15 g. 2 cups 240 ml (8 oz) 20 g. 4 cups 300 ml (10 oz) 25g. 6 cups 420 ml (14 oz) 35 g. 10 cups 500 ml (17 oz) 42 g. 10 cups

Popular in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the turka, also known as cezva, briki, rakva, finjan and kanaka, is a vessel made of thin copper with a long handle. Coffee brewed in a Turkish coffee pot has a thick consistency. Ultra-fine grind, high temperature and the right water ratio create a full-flavored coffee.

What you will need:

  • Freshly roasted coffee, the finest grind, “to dust.” You will get a fine grind in 15-18 seconds in a household coffee grinder.
  • Flavored and single-origin coffee varieties are suitable for Turkish coffee.


  1. Pour cold water into the Turk and bring it to a boil at medium temperature.
  2. Remove it from the stove.
  3. Add coffee to the Turkish coffee - 1 teaspoon per cup - and add other ingredients as desired.
  4. Stir the contents of the Turk with a spoon.
  5. Place the Turk back on the stove and heat it, stirring gently, until foam appears. Do not allow it to boil under any circumstances!
  6. Remove from heat and let cool for 1 minute.
  7. Place back on the stove and heat again, stirring gently until foamy. Again, do not allow it to boil. Repeat one more time.
  8. Skim off any foam that has formed with a spoon and carefully pour the coffee into cups.
  9. Let the coffee sit for a couple of minutes and you are ready to drink.

For information:

  • Repeat heating: optional. You can heat the coffee once, but repeating the heating several times will give the drink a thick texture.
  • Pen. The long handle requires precision. When pouring coffee into a cup, do it slowly so as not to disturb the foam.
  • Various recipes suggest adding sugar and spices to ground coffee.

Step-by-step instruction:

Instructions for grinding beans for a carob coffee maker

Few would agree that making coffee is a real art that can take years to learn. Usually, a professional barista is able to prepare a wide variety of drinks that will differ in taste. However, recently, everyone has the opportunity to make fresh coffee right at home or at work.

The carob coffee machine is in particular demand. It's quite easy to learn how to use it. This type of coffee maker does not take up much space, so it fits beautifully into the kitchen interior. The instructions for grinding grains include several nuances. Usually the final result depends on the execution.

Material on the topic: Coffee with different types of syrups

How to grind grains correctly

There are several main tips that will help you get the perfect drink. Coffee for a carob coffee maker can be varied. But it all depends solely on personal preference. Here are the main rules:

  1. You need to pay attention to where the coffee beans come from. Typically, Italian and Swiss beans are considered the best options. Basically, they have a noble taste.
  2. Give preference to roasted beans that are ready to use. If they are not fried, then you need to do it yourself. However, try not to overcook to avoid a bitter taste.
  3. The fruits must be dry. Therefore, they need to be dried a little to grind evenly.

Coffee grind levels

Coffee beans can be ground to varying degrees. After all, the final taste of the drink depends on this. The coffee can remain in the grinder for different lengths of time. The shade and solubility of the drink depends on the number of seconds of threshing. Basically, there are several types of grinding. Each person independently chooses his favorite type. You also need to consider what the drink will be made in. Here are the main grinding degrees:

  • Rough ( 10 seconds)
  • Medium ( 13 seconds)
  • Small ( 15-17 seconds)
  • Medium-fine ( 20 seconds)
  • Ultra-fine ( 25 seconds)
  • Espresso ( 30 seconds).

Basically, the longer the beans sit in the coffee machine, the finer and finer the end result will be.

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