How to make scrub soap with your own hands at home: recipes

Making your own soap is popular all over the world today. This creative process allows you to create a unique, high-quality and useful product. If you add flower petals, ground coffee, and salt to the soap, you get a DIY scrub soap.

Anyone can make such soap; there is nothing complicated in the manufacturing technology. But, you still need to familiarize yourself with the main stages and learn some features. Components for scrub soap are sold on the Internet or in a specialized store. You can’t do without a nourishing oil that best suits your skin, a fragrance or essential oil, or an extract from a plant.

Consumables and tools

With a little patience and skill, you will end up with a fragrant, natural soap that cannot be compared to store-bought soap. To create it you will need:

  • soap base weighing 6 grams, transparent or white;
  • glycerol;
  • vitamin E;
  • soft gel capsule.

In addition to the listed components, you will need to prepare dry ingredients:

  • lavender flowers;
  • coffee or cocoa beans;
  • coconut;
  • dried orange slices;
  • dried hibiscus flowers.

Also, stock up on:

  • lavender essential oils;
  • peanuts;
  • coriander;
  • cinnamon.
  • 95% isopropyl alcohol/rubbing alcohol (removes bubbles from top of soap).

Prepare the following materials:

  • silicone soap mold (holds about 100 g).
  • microwave safe container.


Soap scrub at home is made as follows:

  1. Soap base (about 100 g) is cut into small cubes and placed in a glass.
  2. Place the ingredients in the microwave until the base is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove, add a teaspoon of any oil, 2 - 3 drops of dye and a few drops of flavoring.
  4. Mix everything well and add pumice powder.
  5. Mix and pour into greased molds.
  6. Spray the soap with alcohol.
  7. After an hour, the soap can be used for its intended purpose.

How to make scrub soap at home

As already mentioned, you can also make your own scrub soap without a base. A piece of baby soap can easily replace a store-bought base, as this master class proves. The main thing is to choose soap without dyes and with a minimum amount of fragrances.

Ingredients for making homemade scrub soap

To make scrub soap you will need:

  • baby soap – 1 piece;
  • olive oil – 30 g;
  • dried coffee grounds - 1 heaped tablespoon;
  • ground oatmeal - 1 tablespoon;
  • dried tea rose petals - 1 tablespoon;
  • soap molds - 2 pieces;
  • wooden spoon for stirring;
  • utensils for melting soap.

Manufacturing method: Step 1. Cut baby soap into small pieces and place in a bowl in which you will melt it. An old cup will do for this.

Step 2: Place the cup of soap in a metal bowl of water and place the bowl on the heat. Melt the contents of the cup, stirring with a wooden spoon. Soap does not melt as well as a special base, so its consistency will be similar to very thick sour cream.

Step 3. Add oil to the cup of soap.

Step 4. Stir soap and oil until smooth. If you find unmelted pieces of soap, don’t be upset, they will dissolve later when you add the scrub.

Step 5. Divide the resulting soap into two portions. Add coffee to the first one and stir thoroughly. Quickly pour into a mold (if you don’t have a special mold, a plastic cup or yoghurt box will work fine for this, but not glassware).

Step 6. Add tea rose petals to the second portion and stir.

Step 7. Add ground oatmeal there and quickly pour the future scrub soap into the mold, stirring as you go. Speed ​​at the last stage is needed so that the flakes do not have time to swell.

Step 8. Place both molds with soap on the windowsill until they cool completely.

Step 9. Before removing the soap, put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, after which it will easily come off the mold. As a result, in a short time you will prepare two wonderful scrub soaps with your own hands from a piece of baby soap. Improvisation during soap making is encouraged, so based on all of the above, make scrub soap with pleasure and imagination.

Soap with lavender and coconut oil

Lavender Coconut Oil Soap will turn out fabulous if you use the following ingredients:

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  • 1 teaspoon lavender flowers;
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil;
  • 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E (oil only).

Recipes for coffee scrub soap with various additives

Banana paradise

For banana scented scrub soap you will need:

  • ripe banana;
  • half a glass of natural yogurt without sugar and fruit fillers;
  • ground coffee - one and a half spoons;
  • half a glass of clean water;
  • one and a half tablespoons of oil (preferably olive);
  • 1 bar of baby soap;
  • 2 drops vanilla aromatic oil.

Let's start preparing “banana heaven”:

  1. Pour boiling water over the coffee powder and leave to steep for an hour.
  2. Mash the banana and grate the soap using a grater.
  3. Mix banana puree, natural yogurt, olive oil, soap shavings and coffee liquid (without grounds). Heat the saucepan with the mixture over low heat for five minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove, close the lid, and leave for 30 minutes.
  5. When the mixture in the saucepan has cooled, add coffee grounds and vanilla oil.
  6. Mix everything well and place in prepared molds. After 2-3 days, the banana scrub product will be ready.

The soap has exfoliating, moisturizing effects, nourishes and restores the skin.

Coffee soap with honey and cocoa butter

  1. Melt baby soap, grated or very finely chopped. Be sure to stir the mixture with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn.
  2. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey to the saucepan, stir and wait until the honey-soap mixture melts until smooth. Do not bring to a boil!
  3. Remove the pan from the stove, pour in a spoonful of butter (the recipe suggests using cocoa butter).
  4. If desired, you can add any aromatic fragrances for a pleasant smell.
  5. Grease the molds with oil and pour the soap solution into them. Sprinkle ground coffee on top, which, as it hardens, will be evenly distributed throughout the entire soap bar.
  6. Gently stir the contents of the molds with a wooden spatula.
  7. Let the molds harden. When the mass hardens, carefully remove the finished product.

Coffee soap with cocoa nourishes the skin, saturates it with essential microelements, while gently exfoliating the dead upper layer of the epidermis.


Quite recently I have acquired a new hobby, which I really like: I make soap at home. At first I used a base of baby soap. I also immediately ordered special silicone molds from the online store and bought also ice molds in the shape of seashells. I immediately began experimenting with various additives. I tried adding colorful clay, flavors, dried herbs and flowers, and essential oils. By the way, essential oils should never be mixed with fragrances. You need to use just one thing, otherwise it will not have the best effect on the condition of your skin and your health in general. What I liked the most was the coffee soap. The result is a natural product that cleanses the skin and immediately nourishes it. The face and body become smooth, the skin looks like after visiting a cosmetologist.

For my birthday, a colleague gave me a set of soap that she made herself. To be honest, I was delighted with it, and what impressed me most was the scrub soap with coffee particles. I decided to make my first soap “as a test”, just a few pieces. I took a minimum of ingredients, and for the soap base I used soap remnants that remained in large quantities in the bathroom (thanks to my husband, he doesn’t like to throw anything away). I ground the coffee beans right before the process to make the product more aromatic. In addition to the main ingredients, I was advised to add pharmacy vitamins A and E. The contents of the capsules are simply added to the soap mass. From the first time I got a delicious soap, after which the skin is simply unrecognizable, it becomes so soft and velvety.

Homemade scrub soap is quite simple to make. You just need to follow the correct technology and recipe, and if you use your imagination, you will get a useful and exclusive cosmetic product. And most importantly, you can be sure of its environmental friendliness, because it is based on only natural ingredients.

How to make an effective facial scrub at home

Every woman can easily make homemade facial scrubs. To do this, you do not need to have experience or special knowledge; the main thing is to create an abrasive product that will fit perfectly and clean off dirt.

Below are recipes for cosmetic bases. For them you can use honey, sugar, coffee, baking soda, oatmeal, salt, berries, fruits and other natural ingredients.


It will help eliminate excess oiliness of the skin, and also makes it fresh, smooth, and evens out wrinkles.

You will need coffee beans (2 large spoons) and kefir. The proportions should be 2:1.

How to make a coffee scrub:

  • Coffee beans are ground in a coffee grinder;
  • Next, put kefir in a cup;
  • Add coffee powder and stir.

Note! The mixture is applied in a thin layer. Leave for 2-3 minutes

Next, everything is rinsed or wiped with a damp cloth.

With honey

A facial scrub made from honey will make the skin smooth, it eliminates aging and wrinkles. It also saturates the skin with energy and improves color.

The product will require the following components:

  • Candied honey – 1-2 teaspoons;
  • St. John's wort oil – 5 ml.

Place honey in a bowl and add oil to it. First, the face should be cleansed and makeup should be removed using a micellar liquid. The scrub is applied to the face and distributed slowly.

Important! The composition should be left for 4 minutes. Then removed with a damp sponge

At the end, a night cream with a moisturizing effect is applied.

With sugar

Sugar scrub accelerates blood circulation and has a positive effect on color. Smoothes wrinkles, eliminates aging.

The scrub is made from the following components:

  • Small spoon of sugar;
  • Mustard – 5-6 grams;
  • 8 ml olive oil.

To make a homemade facial scrub from sugar, you need to learn the preparation steps:

  • Mustard should be used in powder form, poured into a cup;
  • Next, add sugar and mix with mustard;
  • Then add olive oil and stir.

It is worth noting! Before application, the surface of the face is treated with tonic. The scrub should be evenly distributed over the surface of the skin. It needs to be rubbed in for 3-4 minutes. Afterwards it is removed with a damp sponge and the face is rinsed.

Oatmeal with olive oil

An oatmeal facial scrub with added sugar and olive oil has an exfoliating effect. The foundation removes dead layers and evens out the skin. Makes your face fresh.

Prepared in stages:

  • Oatmeal is ground, you can use a coffee grinder;
  • The result is 1 spoon of oatmeal;
  • Next, add 1 teaspoon of sugar to the flour;
  • Olive oil (½ teaspoon) is heated;
  • Then pour into the mixture of dry ingredients.

Important! Before applying an exfoliating scrub, the skin of the face needs to be steamed, this is necessary to open the pores. Next, the mixture is distributed over the surface

You need to leave it for 3-4 minutes. Afterwards it is washed off with warm water. At the end, a cream with a nourishing structure is applied

Next, the mixture is distributed over the surface. You need to leave it for 3-4 minutes. Afterwards it is washed off with warm water. At the end, a cream with a nourishing structure is applied.

Salt scrub for face

To scrub against blackheads at home, you will need salt, preferably sea salt, and egg white. When using the product, blackheads, pimples, blackheads, and unpleasant greasy shine disappear. Salt enters the cover and ensures complete cleansing.

Preparation is carried out as follows:

  • Sea salt needs to be crushed;
  • Next, separate the white and yolk;
  • Place the egg whites in a bowl, add salt and stir.

After preparation, the composition is applied to the surface of the face. It is advisable to prepare the skin first. The product is left for 5 minutes. Next it is rinsed.

Soda with milk

A soda facial scrub provides deep cleansing of the dermis. When using it, the dead layer is eliminated. It removes pathogenic substances that cause the appearance of pimples, blackheads, and blackheads.

The scrub will require the following ingredients:

  • Baking soda – 1 tbsp;
  • Starch powder – 30 grams;
  • Milk – 80 ml.

Preparation and use are as follows:

  • Soda and starch are poured into a cup. The components are mixed;
  • The milk must be heated until warm and poured into the dry mixture;
  • The finished base is applied to problem areas of the face;
  • Then leave for a quarter of an hour;
  • Rinse with warm water.

Practical recommendations and advice

When preparing coffee scrub soap at home, it is advisable to avoid floral, fruit and other strong flavors. The aroma of cocoa or chocolate should be preferred, since the grains negatively affect other odors, transform or absorb them.

It is recommended to use silicone molds. They are flexible, so it is easier to get the finished block out of them. After hardening, it is advisable to leave plastic forms with soap in the freezer for several minutes. This will make it easier to remove the block.

When preparing scrub soap, it is better to make several layers. In this way, the settling of abrasive particles will be partially avoided. You should additionally stir each layer (with the exception of the top and bottom) when a film appears on top. The base should not be too hot, otherwise it will melt the rest of the soap. Migration of dyes will occur.

When choosing base oils, you need to take into account your skin type and the composition of the soap base. If it already contains additional components, it is advisable to avoid using other ingredients. Otherwise, excess in the form of drops may appear on the bars later.

Sunflower or olive oil can be used in production, but it is better to give preference to other types. For example, walnuts in moderate quantities (up to 5% of the total volume) moisturize the skin, but do not lather well. Cocoa (up to 7%) adds flavor, softens the coating and makes the bar stronger. However, too much oil can cause soap to become brittle and crumbly.

Tips for choosing ingredients

Homemade scrub soap includes the following ingredients:

  1. Transparent base. Most often it is bought in specialized departments of stores, but you can make the base yourself using glycerin, alkali with water and oils. Of course, it is better to prepare a transparent base yourself, but it is difficult for novice soap makers to follow the exact recipe. In order to make the base correctly, you need to monitor the weight of each ingredient, temperature, and correct proportions.
  2. Homemade soap is often made with the addition of scrubbing particles, which help exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis. For these purposes, various products are used: ground oatmeal, semolina, millet, zest, dried plants, but the best option is considered to be natural ground coffee.
  3. Essential oil. Citrus oils, ylang-ylang, patchouli, lemon balm, mint and others are often added to cosmetic home remedies.
  4. The cosmetic product contains base oils that make the skin softer and smoother. In addition, oils prevent the finished cosmetic product from cracking and falling apart. The composition may include body milk, cream, full-fat milk, cream.

Base for making homemade soap

Various soap base manufacturers offer a wide range of their products. The basics differ according to the following criteria:

  • price;
  • hardening speed;
  • hardness.

Specialized stores offer organic bases that allow you to make a completely environmentally friendly product.

Many soap makers use baby soap that does not contain fragrance. The block is grated with a grater, melted in a water bath and mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

Types of soap bases

  1. Transparent. It contains glycerin, which has moisturizing properties. It is absolutely safe even for children's skin; it remains transparent when adding a small amount of oil. This soap base is sufficient, flexible, easy to cut and convenient to use. The only disadvantage of this raw material is a slight odor that can be easily eliminated with the help of fragrances.
  2. White, matte base. Does not contain foreign impurities, is a safe raw material. Titanium dioxide gives the white color to the base. This component does not affect human health; it is used in the manufacture of toothpaste and some cosmetic products.

Why is a scrub made from baby soap preferable or how to choose a base

But if we have finally figured out the additional element, all that remains is to choose the soap, which we will later turn into a scrub.

Of course, it is clear that if we are going to make a completely healthy product, something cheap will not do. Chemicals that cleanse our skin also not only remove impurities, but also harm it, destroying and drying it out. And only then, with the growth of popularity, the manufacturer begins to think about the quality of the product. Therefore, for a high-quality scrub, something expensive is suitable. But what's the point of saving money on a purchase if a good foundation is expensive?

Which coffee will be more effective?

Only natural coffee is used in soap making. Soluble sublimate is absolutely useless, moreover, its chemical composition can negatively affect the condition of the skin. It is advisable to add medium grind coffee beans to soap that will be used on the body. For feet and hands, it is better to use a product with the addition of coarse grinding.

Possible additives

In addition to the main components, the following ingredients can be added to home cosmetics if desired:

  • crushed oatmeal and almond seeds, coconut flakes, dried plants, citrus fruit zest;
  • natural honey in liquid form, dark or milk chocolate, cocoa powder, dairy products;
  • dyes (liquid or dry). Instead of ready-made dyes, many use natural products: turmeric, beet juice, curry;
  • For decoration during the soap-making process, small sparkles and other decor are added.

How to give soap an unusual shape

Those involved in home soap making pay special attention to the shape of the product. Everyone wants to end up with not a shapeless piece of soap, but an exclusive product with an unusual shape. For this purpose, special molds of a wide variety of shapes are used. The choice of molds is huge: animals, plants, geometric shapes, food, flowers. Instead of special molds for home soap making, you can take baking molds or even children's molds from sand sets. As for the material, it is preferable to choose a mold made of silicone or plastic. Rubber options are also suitable. It is better not to use glass and ceramics, because it is extremely difficult to get the soap mass out of such forms.

Important! The use of iron products is strictly prohibited, as an unexpected chemical reaction may occur during which the product will become hazardous to health.

Spring scrub recipes

With the warmer months approaching, girls want their skin to look perfect, even and soft. But prolonged cold and lack of sunlight often cause it to fade, become dry and lose elasticity. You can restore your skin to its former elasticity and velvety quality with the help of properly selected home recipes.

Vitamin scrub

Just what a woman needs to care for her hands in the spring. It consists of 100 ml almond oil and 90 g crushed rice. Important components of the care product are vitamin D and the drug “Aevit” (1 capsule each). Mix the ingredients thoroughly and massage the scrub into the skin for 10 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water without soap and dry your hands with a soft towel. There is no need to use any creams after the procedure.

Honey scrub

Since a hot scrub helps break down fat deposits, it is used to massage not only the hands, but also the forearm and shoulder areas. In addition, with the help of this product you can quickly tone the skin that is not quite elastic. To do this, use sugar (75 g) or salt (90 g). Mix any of these ingredients with 15 ml of liquid honey and 5 ml of your favorite oil. Also add 10 g of cinnamon to the composition. Before applying the cosmetic to the skin, warm it in a water bath.

Cereal scrub

A scrub based on crushed cereals improves blood circulation and rejuvenates the skin of the hands. Buckwheat, rice or millet, lightly ground in a blender (35 g), will do. Add 17 ml of flaxseed oil and a vitamin E capsule to the crushed cereal. Mix everything thoroughly. The product is applied to the hands

For 5-7 minutes, rub it into the skin with massaging movements, paying special attention to the fingers and nails. If desired, the mixture can be left for some more time - then the nutrients will penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis and also strengthen the nails

Salt scrub

Thanks to the sea salt scrub, the skin of your hands receives the maximum amount of nutrients needed in the spring. The bulk product in the amount of 20 g is poured with 100 ml of any liquid honey. Large crystals can be crushed in a mortar or blender. For sensitive and dry skin, use fine salt. In addition, the composition includes ylang-ylang oil (1 drop) and grape seed oil (5 ml), which is known to nourish the skin well. That is why it is often used for massage. The mixture must be stored in the refrigerator so that the salt does not dissolve and the honey thickens slightly.

Cocoa scrub

One of the most gentle home hand care products. Exfoliating particles are small grains of sea salt (10 g) and white or cane sugar (25 g). To soften and nourish the skin, take 17 ml of olive oil and 14 ml of cream. All ingredients are mixed and 25 g of cocoa are added. The product is applied to the hands and massaged for 3 minutes. Then it is washed off and the skin is lubricated with a rich cream. After several sessions, you will notice that it has acquired a beautiful even shade and has become smoother and softer.

Soap with tea and coconut oil

Soap with tea and coconut oil will not only be an excellent hygiene product, but also a great gift. To create it, prepare:

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  • 2 teaspoons Matcha tea powder (use 1 tablespoon for a nice light green color)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E (oil only).

Autumn scrub recipes

Low temperatures and frosty air have a bad effect mainly on the condition of the skin of the hands. Cosmetics do not always help protect it from drying out. And this often leads to the appearance of painful cracks in the palms and fingers.

To prevent such problems, it is important to properly care for your delicate skin in the autumn, providing it with all the necessary microelements and vitamins. Homemade beauty recipes will help you with this

Oatmeal scrub

From ground flakes (50 g) it helps the skin of the hands, especially in the forearm area, to become more elastic. Since rolled oats are rich in vitamins and microelements, a cosmetic product prepared on its basis will best cleanse the surface of the epidermis from accumulated impurities and horny particles. In addition, in the autumn, wheat germ oil (7 ml) has a beneficial effect on the skin, and table salt (60 g) exfoliates dead skin cells well.

Coffee scrub

Ideal for peeling at home. This is the most economical way to preserve the beauty of your hands, especially for lovers of an invigorating drink. To prepare a care product, you can use the grounds left after drinking coffee (100 g). This product has antibacterial properties and helps improve blood circulation. Also added to the composition are 50 g of cane sugar and vegetable oils - 10 ml of almond, 3-4 drops of tangerine or orange. Essential oils help fight fat deposits, and their aroma is a good regulator of the emotional state, which is especially necessary in the fall.

Creamy scrub

Helps take good care of the skin of your hands during periods of strong winds. It consists of 60 g of ground coffee, 15 ml of liquid honey and the same amount of cream. Each of the products brings invaluable benefits. Thanks to the main ingredient, exhausted and dry skin regains its lost velvety. Coffee particles will polish rough skin on the elbows and in the nail area, and the life-giving power of honey will help heal minor wounds and cuts. For several minutes, you need to thoroughly massage your hands with the mixture. Then it should be left on the skin, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Pine scrub

It's very easy to prepare. In damp and cloudy weather, its forest aroma will undoubtedly give you only positive emotions. Take 90 g of rice and grind it in a coffee grinder. Then add pine oil (10 drops), 40 ml almond oil and, if desired, two drops of food coloring to give the scrub its characteristic green color. Mix the ingredients well so that the cosmetic product becomes homogeneous, apply it to your hands and massage for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lavender scrub

With lavender and eucalyptus it is simply irreplaceable in the cold season. It has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole. This versatile home remedy is rich in beneficial ingredients. It contains the following ingredients: 190 ml of almond oil, 45 ml of glycerin, 340 g of sea salt, essential oil of lemon (20 drops), eucalyptus (10 drops) and 50 g of dried lavender flowers (slightly crushed). Those with sensitive skin can use sugar instead of salt. The mixture must be transferred to a glass container and closed tightly. In this form it can be stored for about six months.

Pumpkin scrub

It has a rich aroma of spices. It perfectly combines the beneficial gifts of autumn. Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene. Olive oil (17 ml) contains antioxidants and vitamin E. Also add 15 ml of liquid honey, 5 g of ground cinnamon and cloves (can be replaced with essential oils), 80 g of cane sugar, 140 g of boiled pumpkin puree to the mixture. Mix all the ingredients well and apply the cosmetic to clean skin.

To keep your hands beautiful and well-groomed at any time of the year, use the suggested scrub recipes that match the season

However, use caution and balance to avoid harming your skin. Carry out a peeling session once a week in combination with other caring procedures - baths and massage

Recommendations for use

With a scrub in the form of soap, made by yourself, you need to be able to use it correctly and know some subtleties.

It is important to remember that scrub soap cannot be used daily on either the body or face. Twice a week will be enough. With soap you need to lather the skin of the body and face with soft circular massage movements, and then wash off the foam.

Before use, you need to make sure that none of the components included in the piece causes allergic reactions.

It is not very advisable to use soap for girls under 25 years of age. Until this age, the skin is considered young and does not need additional exfoliation. It updates itself quite quickly.

After using a scrub soap containing oils or herbal infusions, the use of a cream or body lotion is not always required. The skin becomes soft and silky.

How to use leftovers

Often we do not use the soap completely and so-called remnants remain. Don’t rush to throw them away: you can easily make new soap from them, both solid and liquid.

To prepare it, you need:

  • Water (hot);
  • Milk;
  • Container for the finished product;
  • Grater;
  • Silicone molds.

For the liquid version, take water, soap and milk in a ratio of 2:2:1. Grate the soap on a fine grater and pour the shavings into a container. After this, pour hot water, shake the container well so that the shavings dissolve in the water. Leave the resulting mixture for two to three hours, stirring the contents of the container periodically until the mixture becomes completely homogeneous. Over time, the shavings will completely dissolve and you can pour milk, essential oils into it and use it as liquid soap.

To obtain a solid product, pour boiling water over the soap shavings and leave to dissolve, stirring approximately every 15 minutes. After a couple of hours, pour the mixture into molds and place in a cool place to harden. In a couple of days your soap will be ready.

Sea salt scrub soap


  • transparent soap base 100 g;
  • care oil 1 tsp;
  • fragrance or essential oil;
  • coarse sea salt 50 g;
  • dye;
  • bottle of alcohol.

The pan is filled with water and heated without removing it from the heat; a glass with chopped base and added butter is placed inside. When the base begins to melt, the mass is stirred and a coloring pigment is added, and lastly, essential oil and salt are added. The scrub soap is poured into molds and sprinkled with alcohol. The finished salt scrub soap may release droplets of moisture for several days, which is a normal process.

The best recipes for a highly effective remedy

To make soap with your own hands, you will need to stock up on recipes, ingredients and, of course, patience! You can put a cap on your head and imagine yourself as a maestro of soap-making art.

Coffee vivacity

To make coffee soap you will need:

  • baby soap – 1 pc.,
  • ground coffee – 1 tbsp. l.,
  • water – ? Art.,
  • cocoa powder – 3 tsp,
  • almond oil – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • vanilla oil – 3 drops,
  • black chocolate - ? tiles

Ground coffee is poured into a cup, poured with boiling water and left to steep for an hour. Dark chocolate is placed in a plate, placed in the microwave and melted. The soap is ground on a grater. Cocoa powder, almond butter, coffee liquid and, of course, soap are added to the fragrant chocolate slurry. All ingredients are well beaten. The container with the aromatic mass is placed on the stove. The product simmers over low heat for 5 minutes. After this, it is infused for half an hour. Vanilla oil and coffee grounds are added to the cooled mixture. The ingredients are mixed.

So, half the battle is done. Then take molds into which the fragrant mass is poured. Soap in the form of flowers, hearts, bows and other similar bells and whistles looks cool. Within 20 hours, the homemade product hardens. That's all!

Scrub soap can be used 3 times a week. It doesn't foam very well, but it has beautiful absorbent properties.

Another scrub soap with coffee has a clear exfoliating, rejuvenating, toning, anti-cellulite, softening, moisturizing, and protective effect.

Banana pleasure

To prepare a scrub soap with an amazing smell, you need to arm yourself with:

  • banana – 1 pc.,
  • yogurt without additives - ? Art.,
  • ground coffee – 1 tbsp. l.,
  • water – ? Art.,
  • baby soap – 1 pc.,
  • vanilla oil – 3 drops,
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Coffee is poured into a cup, filled with water and left to steep for an hour. Baby soap is crushed using a grater. Banana is mashed into puree. Yogurt, olive oil, banana pulp, coffee liquid and soap are placed in the container. The ingredients are mixed. The container with the consistency is placed on the stove, and the product simmers for 5 minutes over low heat. Then it infuses for half an hour. Coffee grounds and vanilla oil are added to the cooled mass. The aromatic paste is mixed and poured into molds. After 20–25 hours, the soap is ready for use.

The product is used 3 times a week. A perfect soap-scrub for face and body.

Homemade soap is known for its cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and exfoliating qualities.

Special component

The listed simple recipes for making soap with your own hands will help you get a whole set - seven bars of beautiful and exotic soap. In addition to its aroma and beauty, it perfectly exfoliates dead skin particles.

But it is important to remove air bubbles that formed in the mass during the cooking process. As a rule, they collect on the surface of the bar. Natural alcohol will help with this. It should be sprayed on top after pouring the soap into the mold.

Homemade soap making has become especially important during quarantine. Why not please yourself and your loved ones by preparing such a fragrant detergent? You can involve children in the process. Let them appreciate the beauty of this magic!

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Necessary equipment

The production of a handmade cosmetic product is impossible without special equipment. You will need the following:

  1. Enameled pan (stainless steel is also suitable).
  2. Larger container (needed to make a water bath).
  3. Container made of plastic or glass.
  4. Whisk, measuring cup, spoons.
  5. Accurate kitchen scales (electronic).
  6. Spray.
  7. Various shapes for the final product.

For work, they use a ready-made soap base, soap for children, or prepare soap from scratch, which is a more complex process. The fastest and easiest way to create scrub soap with your own hands is from a ready-made base.

  • a glass (mug, bowl) for heating the soap base;
  • stick for stirring ingredients;
  • saucer;
  • soap molds.

Since the soap base melts at a temperature of 60-65 degrees, you will need to use a microwave or create the effect of a water bath using a regular pan.

What else should you prepare?

If you want to give your soap your favorite color, you need to purchase a dye or pigment. Flavoring or fragrance is also used as desired. They can be fruity, floral, with the smell of women's and men's perfume, chocolate, vanilla and even cognac. You will also need a small amount of odorless vegetable oil to grease the molds.

After pouring the base into the mold, bubbles will form on the surface of the soap; they will not change the properties of the soap, but the appearance of the finished product will suffer. Therefore, if the aesthetic moment is important, you will need alcohol and a spray bottle. Instead of medical alcohol, you can use formic alcohol; it is available in every pharmacy.

  • coloring pigment;
  • fragrance;
  • vegetable oil;
  • alcohol and a spray bottle.
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