Coffee "Americano. What is it, difference from espresso, recipe, composition, with and without milk, cream, sugar, syrup

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Americano coffee (in Italian Caffe Americano) is a traditional espresso diluted at least twice with water. The drink is quite democratic - it does not have a single strict preparation rule. The presence of foam in the drink is not a prerequisite. This fact depends only on the order in which coffee is mixed with another liquid. After all, water poured into espresso always deposits foam.

Coffee "Americano

Mixing proportions are also not strict. The traditional ratio is 1:2, but there can be any options from 1:1 up to 1:6, which is already the limit beyond which it will not be possible to count a coffee drink. Most often, proportions are not strictly measured, but determined by eye at your own discretion.

Hot (not boiling) water is usually used for dilution. But there are no strict rules here either - you can take liquid at room temperature, cold water (as they do at Starbucks) or even ice. Sometimes the espresso itself is cooled, as for example for recipes with cream.

What is Americano coffee

The basis of Americano is strong espresso. This is black coffee, served in small portions of 30 ml. Traditional serving includes a glass of cold water, which helps cleanse the taste buds and feel all the notes of the invigorating drink.

A classic Americano is made with thick espresso, to which hot water is added to a volume of 150 ml. With this method of preparation, the taste becomes soft, and the overall strength remains at the same level.

Americano appeared thanks to US military personnel who served in Italy during World War II.

The soldiers did not like the thick, concentrated espresso offered by the Italians. They turned to the barista with a request to dilute the strong liquid. The new product on the cafe menu is called Americano. It turned out that its taste depends on the characteristics of the combination of ingredients and additives (spices, alcohol, crushed ice, cream). Gradually the drink spread throughout the world. It should be distinguished from American coffee. In this case we are talking about a product prepared using a filter system.

Americano with syrup

The best syrups for Americano are considered not to be berry or fruit types, but coffee, chocolate, cream, caramel, and vanilla. And yet, the berry product – currant – is recognized as the most exquisite combination. That's why it's worth experimenting with unusual flavors, such as maple syrup or blueberry.

Composition of ingredients

The syrup gives Americano an additional flavor and can create a rather refined taste when used in doses. When choosing, they are guided by their own preferences, and in quantity they should adhere to the norm. For 200 ml of the finished product, use no more than 1.5 tsp. syrup. At the same time, be sure to take this amount into account when adding sugar, otherwise the Americano will become cloying.

Step-by-step cooking process

Americano coffee is a drink that always starts with espresso. The only difference in preparing a drink with syrup relates to thick formulations, like condensed milk. It is appropriate to place this additive at the bottom of the cup into which the espresso will drip. This way the coffee will evenly absorb all the flavor and aroma of the syrup.

If the base of the sweet additive is alcohol, it is also advisable to mix it with hot espresso to evaporate the alcohol - such a flavor is rarely appropriate in coffee. Any syrup dissolves better in warm liquids. Therefore, for cold cocktails, they are added in advance or mixed, diluted with a small amount of warm water.

In any other case, Americano is prepared in a convenient way, adhering to the classic recipe. The syrup is added at the end and mixed thoroughly with the base.

A few tips and secrets for making real Americano:

  1. This type of drink will not work if you simply increase the amount of water passing through the coffee grounds. Thus, the time for its production increases significantly. The proportions will be the same, but this is a different drink that has received extra caffeine and a lot of resins from the beans. The taste of such coffee turns out to be excessively bitter with a burnt aftertaste.
  2. The optimal time for preparing espresso does not exceed 30 seconds. A double shot of espresso is prepared in two batches. That is, cup by cup. If you double the amount of beans and water supply, the time will also increase, so you get the same effect of over-steamed coffee.
  3. At home, it is recommended to follow the general rules: prepare espresso, and only then bring it to the required volume. This is the only way to get the real taste of Americano.
  4. In the first 8 seconds of extraction, coffee gives off its sour notes, then chocolate and sweet tones are extracted for the same amount of time, and at the end bitterness appears. Therefore, any type of coffee can be slightly adjusted to suit you.
  5. Starting to collect the drops in the cup after 9 seconds, gets rid of the sour taste. By removing the cup 20 seconds from the start of cooking, the product remains in the cup without bitterness.

Coffee, traditionally called Americano, is an invention of the Italians, and the recipe is improved and complemented all over the world. A simple, aromatic drink can be diluted with water or milk so that even those for whom coffee is contraindicated for medical reasons can enjoy the taste.

Choosing a coffee type for Americano

The drink is made from several types of coffee beans (100% Arabica or Arabica with the addition of no more than 20% Robusta). Roast type: medium or dark. The darker the degree of heat treatment of the beans, the more bitter the liquid will be. Using Vienna roasted beans results in a soft chocolate flavor.

Italian and French roasted beans impart bitter notes.

General recommendations for selecting grain varieties:

  1. To obtain a sour aftertaste, bartenders recommend mixing several varieties of Arabica.
  2. A mixture of Robusta (10%) and Arabica will give a noble bitterness. This composition will increase the strength, and the resulting foam will be dense and persistent.
  3. As the proportion of robusta increases to 20%, bitterness increases. Adding milk helps soften the taste.

Who shouldn't drink Americano?

Hypertensive patients should not drink Americano.
Like other drinks, coffee has not only positive, but also negative qualities. Before drinking Americano, everyone should familiarize themselves with the list of contraindications in order to avoid future health problems.

Regular consumption of this drink increases the risk of heart disease. People who have any heart problems are prohibited from drinking coffee and other caffeine-containing products, as this is dangerous to their health.

Pregnant women should drink coffee with caution at any stage. Americano and other coffee drinks are contraindicated for people with type I diabetes and hypertension. It is undesirable to give coffee to children, as it washes out calcium, which is so necessary for a growing body to form the skeleton and bones.


A description of the properties and features of its preparation is given in the table:

Types of grains usedArabica with spicy notes of chocolate, sourness, and a hint of prunes. Robusta with bitterness.
Roasting raw materialsMedium, dark.
GrindingThin or medium.
Pressure in the cooking apparatusIn the chamber - from 9 bar. In a working pump - from 15 bar.
Water temperatureFor medium roast beans - 91-93°C. For dark roasted raw materials - 88-91°C. For mixing with coffee - 90-92°C.
Ready coffee temperature75-85°C.
Cooking time25-30 seconds.
Taste nuancesThe taste is delicate, the aroma is pronounced.
FortressPer serving - 50-68 mg of caffeine.
Usage rateFrom 1 to 7 servings per day.

Milk and flavorings

The quality of the ordinary taste of coffee depends on many factors. If you cook it very strong or overcooked, you will get a sharp bitter taste. This nasty factor can be removed using various additives.

The standard Americano recipe requires grains and water. But many experts suggest adding notes of contrast with subsequent elements:

  • milk, cream? creamy taste smoothes out the pungent odor;
  • mint liqueur? refreshes the perception of the main bouquet;
  • fruit liqueurs? in addition to sweetness, different colors are added;
  • cinnamon – adds a note of contrast and adds spice.

Adding different additives changes the strong taste. They are able to highlight the muted notes of the grain variety. But with all this, the caloric content of drinking increases, which must be taken into account for those who like to preserve their figure.

Americano is distinguished by its own democratic manufacturing process. Since its strength decreases due to dilution, many allow themselves to start the day with a cup of this drink. With a little practice, you can simply become an expert in the field of its manufacture.

We recommend reading: how to make iced coffee.

Americano coffee - what exactly is it, recipes for making Americano coffee at home.

Savory and fragrant coffee can lift your spirits and charge you with positivity for the whole day. Most people prefer a huge cup of roast Americano to other types of this drink. Real coffee lovers will be curious to know how Americano coffee came about, how it is prepared at home, and what is its fundamental difference from espresso.

Recipe for a classic drink

First you need to brew espresso. For this, a coffee maker is used, the chamber of which maintains a pressure of 9 bar. It is necessary to turn on the machine and grind 1 tbsp. l. grains

For the horn apparatus you should:

  • take 10 g of ground powder (3 tsp), compact it and install the horn in the device;
  • place the heated cup on the grill of the unit under the tap to supply the finished liquid;
  • turn on the device and set the cooking time to 20-30 seconds;
  • wait until the cup is filled with espresso;
  • add 120 ml of water heated to 90-92°C.

To cook in Turk you should:

  1. Pour 2 tsp into the cezve. crushed grains and heat for 2 minutes over low heat.
  2. Add 60 ml hot water and stir.
  3. Bring the mixture until foam forms, but do not boil and remove from heat.
  4. Repeat this procedure 3 times. Each heating time is 30 seconds.
  5. Cover the pot with a lid to allow the sediment to settle.
  6. After 5 minutes, strain, mix with hot water in a ratio of ½, ¼.

The classic recipe is based on water and grains.

Additives help complement the taste sensations:

  • milk - muffles the aroma, reduces the strength;
  • spices - add piquancy;
  • liqueurs - add refreshing, fruity, spicy notes;
  • caramel syrup, honey, sugar, marshmallows - used for sweetening.

Serving rules

Americano is served after meals. When offering a drink, you need to give guests the opportunity to independently adjust the strength of the coffee. Along with the filled cups, you need to place a jug of hot water on the table. This is considered the safest and most correct submission.

Americano is consumed slowly. You can't drink it like espresso in one sip. Therefore, coffee is served in a large latte mug with 2-3 stickers of sugar.

As a compliment, it is acceptable to put meringues, sweets, and cookies on the saucer. Sweet donuts, chocolate desserts, fruits, and cheese are served as a snack with coffee. The drink also goes well with sweet and savory pastries, puddings, and cakes.

Types of Americano and methods of preparing it

The taste of the drink depends on the time spent preparing its base (espresso). The longer the cooking process, the more pronounced the bitterness becomes. There are several stages of grain extraction. During the first 9 seconds, substances that impart sourness are released from the raw material. Over the next 10-20 seconds, the aromatic liquid becomes saturated with chocolate shades. The last 20-30 seconds of cooking introduce notes of bitterness. Guided by this, you can adjust the taste of the finished product.

There are many options for preparing the drink. It is brewed based on the classic recipe or the composition is modified according to the situation.

The varieties include:

  • ice - made on the basis of chilled water;
  • “red eye” is brewed according to a similar procedure (however, liquid from a coffee filter is added to the strong base).

Italian recipe

It is necessary to brew espresso for 20-25 seconds according to the recipe described above, then pour the same volume of water heated to 90°C into the cup. The foam disappears during mixing.

Swedish version

The difference in the preparation technique is that espresso is added to hot water, and not vice versa. According to experts, the Swedish drink is more delicate.

Double portion

The technology and brewing time in a coffee machine or Turkish coffee machine do not change. To get a double Americano, you need to double the number of beans and the volume of added liquid.

With cream or milk

To prepare, dilute espresso with hot water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Separately, beat 50 ml of warm milk (cream) with a mixer and add the foamy liquid into the coffee.

You should not add fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir).

Adding marshmallows

Add water to the espresso brewed in 25 seconds (temperature 88-92°C, volume 100-150 ml) and add sugar. Place marshmallow pieces on top and serve.

With refreshing mint notes

The taste of mint Americano contains piquant, fresh notes. To obtain it, add a few young mint leaves to a product cooked according to a classic, Swedish or Italian recipe. Can be served after 5 minutes.

Sweet and honey

Melt 20 g of honey (buckwheat, linden, chestnut) and pour the nectar into a heated cup, add coffee cooled to 45-55°C. You can use cream or milk foam for decoration. Honey bee product will replace sugar or caramel syrup. It will help strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of viral diseases. Additionally, you can add spices, add lemon, cinnamon.

With hot chocolate

To prepare:

  1. Cool the classic drink, supplemented with sugar and spices if desired.
  2. At the same time, melt 3 cubes of dark chocolate and add a little hot water.
  3. Pour in the chocolate mixture, stir and cool again.
  4. Place the cup in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Ice coffee with cream

Cream is added to Americano for taste and to soften its effect on the body. The fatty dairy product suppresses the sourness well and makes the drink slightly sweet. This method is suitable for those who limit carbohydrates in their diet or struggle with excessive stomach acidity.

Composition of ingredients

Cream is chosen at your discretion. The most delicious Americano will be obtained with the addition of a product containing more than 20% fat. But if you need to strictly monitor calories, you can use any other option.


  • ground coffee – 6 g;
  • granulated sugar – 6 g;
  • drinking water – 170 ml;
  • pasteurized cream – 20 g;

The calorie content of a serving of the drink when using 10% cream will be about 48 kcal. Based on this, you can change the amount or completely remove sugar, and choose a suitable dairy product.

Step-by-step cooking process

Americano coffee is a drink that is drunk both hot and chilled. There are also several ways to make a creamy Americano. Using the recipe as an example, we consider a variant of a cold tonic drink - Ice coffee.


  1. Americano, pre-mixed according to the classic recipe, is left in the refrigerator for several hours.
  2. Add low-fat cream to the cooled drink.
  3. It is better to stir the sugar into the still hot Americano.
  4. The drink is ready to be served.

Another mixing option does not require long preparation and waiting. A cold Americano is made from boiling espresso using ice.

Necessary steps:

  1. A tall glass is filled with ice.
  2. Pour in a freshly brewed shot of espresso (or several).
  3. Add cream to the desired volume.

You can do the same with a finished serving of Americano by pouring it into a glass with ice and then adding cream. There is no need to wait for the drink to cool completely for several hours. Various syrups, liqueurs, and strong alcohol are often combined with such cocktails. Adding rum or brandy works well.

The difference between Americano and other types of coffee

The drink reveals the flavor nuances of the raw materials used in cooking. It can have a chocolate, caramel, floral or smoky flavor.

The difference between the drink and other types of coffee:

  1. From espresso. Strong coffee has a more bitter taste and is made from medium-ground coffee. There is always foam on its surface. For Americano, you can use medium-ground beans. The presence of foam is optional.
  2. From Lungo. As this coffee brews, the liquid slowly passes through a layer of ground beans, resulting in a rich flavor. The finished lungo is distinguished by its high strength, strong and persistent aroma.
  3. From cappuccino. When making cappuccino, frothed milk is added to espresso. It has a low strength and a soft creamy taste. If you combine milk foam and Americano, the product will be more aromatic and stronger.

American in European style

You will need to take 120 ml water and 16 grams of freshly ground coffee.

First, you need to brew espresso, double strength. To cook, you need to take all the ingredients, but you only need to add half of the water. Next, heat the water you have left and dilute the espresso.

It is the Italians who know how to make the perfect coffee. Usually, they dilute the espresso one to one. But note that in this case, there will be no foam, but in this situation this is normal.

Sometimes it happens that hot water is brought in a separate glass. This is necessary so that the visitor can decide for himself how much water he needs. If you prefer iced coffee, you can ask for ice water.

Calorie content of Americano and its effect on the body

A cup of espresso or Americano has the same amount of caffeine. However, in a drink diluted with water, its concentration is lower, which makes the taste more harmonious. In the basic version, 100 ml of aromatic liquid contains 9.5 kcal, 0.6 g of protein and fat, and 0.7 g of carbohydrates. It contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, PP vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Additives increase the caloric content and nutritional value of the drink.

Americano contains a sufficient amount of water, so it does not cause dehydration. Its benefits include antioxidant and tonic properties, and a mild diuretic effect. Regular consumption (1-2 servings per day without additives) speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss.

People suffering from hypertension and heart disease are recommended to replace it with chicory.

Americano homemade recipe


  • Freshly ground coffee in the amount of 7-9 g.
  • Hot water - 125 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Place a medium-sized cup in the coffee machine and start the espresso preparation process.
  2. When there is 30 ml of coffee in the cup, turn off the machine and add 125 ml of water.
  3. We get an excellent Americano.

Enjoy your coffee!

How is Americano served?

It is customary to drink coffee in one gulp, so when serving it, use transparent latte glasses and cocktail straws. Serve with a sugar bowl and a candy bowl with marshmallows. The low quality of the prepared drink is indicated by white spots on the foam and an empty taste with a pronounced sour aftertaste. This indicates that the cooking time has been increased.

On the road and at work, it is convenient to drink coffee from a paper cup through a straw (as they offer at McDonald's). It goes well with liqueurs, chocolates, cheeses, donuts, and savory pastries. This is a tonic drink that is prepared in different ways. Light and delicate in taste, it will be an alternative to latte, cappuccino, and other types of coffee.

It's not as simple as it seems

In a classic Americano, the composition is absolutely simple: espresso coffee plus water. The quality of water is subject to requirements regarding its softness and purity, but the taste depends slightly on quality indicators. The situation with coffee beans is completely different. The palette of his tastes is incomparably richer. By choosing different varieties and their blends, we will make many variants of this seemingly simple Americano.

To confirm the variety of possible tastes, I compiled a table:

Desired tasteCoffee varietiesRoastingGrinding
Spicy chocolate, richArabica from Kenya, EthiopiaAverageSmall
Soft, noble sournessSingle-varietal Arabica from Central AmericaMedium or strongMedium or small
Rich taste, chocolate tint, slight sournessArabica from IndiaWeak, averageAverage
Pleasant bitternessBlend of Arabica and 10% RobustaMedium, strongSmall
Bright taste, noticeable bitterness. Ideal when combined with milk or cream Blend of Arabica and 20% RobustaStrongSmall

In addition to the varieties of coffee offered in the store, you can create your own mixes that will become your own invention. Through experimentation, the family’s signature homemade blend will be formed, which will definitely become a source of pride. And what is important: preparing an Americano is noticeably more economical than espresso. Water is cheaper than good coffee. But it’s not all “carrots”. There are many wonderful drinks based on Americano; we’ll talk about them a little later. In the meantime, let me draw your attention to one problem.

Queue at the cup

Just like the debate about whether the chicken or the egg comes first, the dilemma about what to pour into the cup first (water or espresso) is insoluble. Proponents of each option see certain advantages in the preferred order. For example, if you first pour water and espresso on top, you will get an Americano with an excellent aroma and a nice foam on the surface of the drink. By diluting the espresso previously poured into a cup, we get a balanced, smooth coffee. It wins in terms of quality, but loses the charm of the cream.

By secret. I overheard the opinion of professionals in a conversation between baristas. The verdict is that there is no fundamental difference in what you pour into the cup in the first place. With foam, Americano looks more attractive, but as soon as it melts and the drink cools a little, the differences will disappear. The ratios in which water and espresso were mixed does not matter. And one more overheard nuance: it is better to take water for Americano from a kettle, and not from a coffee machine boiler (if there is one). It turns out it tastes better. The optimal water temperature is 80 – 90°.

How to serve

Opinions are divided on the method of serving; American coffee is served differently in Europe. In Italy, the method has not changed since the war. A portion of rich espresso is diluted with the same or 2-3 times more volume of water, mixed, destroying the crema foam, and brought to the client. Of course, it's a pity for the delights of espresso, but the customer is always right.

In the countries of central Europe, the client will be brought a large cup with a portion of espresso; if desired, it can be double or even triple. A jug or thermos of hot water will be served along with the coffee, and dilute it to your heart’s content.

Northern Europe has its own preferences. Americano in Scandinavian style is called "Swedish Americano". Northerners first warm the cup well with boiling water or another method, then pour hot water into it and lastly place it under the spout of the coffee machine. The drink turns out aromatic, tender and beautiful.

Typically, Americano is poured into latte cups, which are larger in volume than espresso cups. There are no straws; drink the drink immediately after preparation from a cup in small sips. But it’s better not to prolong the pleasure; Americano is especially good when served hot. Sugar is served separately. Each spoonful of it will bring approximately 19 kcal to a serving of Americano in addition to the 2 kcal of the pure drink. With additives in the form of milk or syrup, the calorie content also increases.

The first coffee shop in the world

The world's first cafe opened, according to some sources, in 1554, according to other sources, in 1475 in Constantinople.

The very first “bottega del caffe” was opened in 1640 in Venice thanks to the thriving port activity.

Because of its Eastern roots, coffee in Italy was from the very beginning considered sinful and an Islamic threat to Christianity. However, its popularity grew regardless, and Pope Clement VIII, having tried the pagan drink, was immediately fascinated by the unique taste and aroma.

Since the mid-17th century, coffee has been sold in Italy by mobile vendors who also offer hot chocolate, lemonade and liqueurs from their stalls.

Cafe in Italy

How was coffee introduced to England?

Coffee was introduced to England through the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company in the 17th century. Oxford's Queen's Lane Coffee House, founded in 1654, is still in existence. By 1675 there were more than 3,000 coffee houses in England. During the Age of Enlightenment, these early English coffeehouses became gathering places used for in-depth religious and political discussions among the population. The practice became so widespread and potentially disruptive that Charles II attempted to ban coffee houses in 1675.

When did the first coffee shop open in Berlin?

In Germany, coffee houses were first established in North Sea ports, including Bremen (1673) and Hamburg (1677). This new drink was originally spelled coffee in English, but in the 1700s the Germans gradually adopted the French word cafe and then slowly changed the spelling to Kaffee, which is still used today. In the 18th century, the popularity of coffee gradually spread throughout the German lands and was taken up by the ruling classes. Coffee was served at the court of the great Elector Frederick William of Brandenburg as early as 1675, but Berlin's first public coffeehouse did not open until 1721.

By 1763, there were more than 200 shops in Venice alone, and the health benefits of the wonderful drink were noted by many.

Some representatives of the Catholic Church opposed coffee when they first met it in Italy, believing that it was the “drink of the devil.” But Pope Clement VIII, having tried the aromatic drink himself, gave it his blessing, thus giving the start to its further commercial success and distribution.

How did coffee “conquer” the whole world, starting its journey from Arabia?

In fact, the Dutch exported it to Batavia and Java, the French to Martinique and the Antilles, and the British, Portuguese and Spanish exported it to Asia and Latin America.

And in Brazil he found his ideal climate for plantations to flourish; an almost perfect balance has been created here, which makes it to this day the number one coffee producing area in the world.

Founded in 1720, the famous Café Florian in Piazza San Marco is the oldest surviving coffee shop in Europe.

Coffee houses quickly spread throughout Europe, becoming centers of intellectual exchange. Many great European minds used this drink and the coffee shop culture as a springboard for the development of thought and creativity.

Caffe con panna

Transcontinental coffee journey

Around 1727, the King of Portugal sent Francisco de Melo Palheta to French Guiana to obtain coffee seeds to become part of the coffee market. Francisco initially had difficulty obtaining these seeds, but he charmed the French governor's wife and she sent him enough seeds and shoots to start coffee production in Brazil.

However, cultivation did not gain momentum until independence in 1822. In 1893, coffee from Brazil was introduced to Kenya and Tanzania (Tanganyika) near its origin in Ethiopia, thus completing its transcontinental journey within 600 years.

In the 20th century, Latin American countries faced economic collapse. Before World War II, Europe consumed large quantities of coffee. After the war began, Latin America lost 40% of its market and found itself on the brink of economic collapse. However, coffee was and remains a Latin American commodity. The United States saw this situation and negotiated with Latin American countries, and as a result, manufacturers agreed on a fair division of the US market. The US government supervised this agreement. During the period when the plan was implemented, the price of coffee doubled, which greatly helped coffee producers and Latin American countries.

coffee bean collectors

Coffee as a way to do good

In Turin in 1933, Alfonso Bialetti invented the first coffee grinder. In 1946, his son Renato began industrial production, selling millions of coffee grinders per year. And his father had previously sold only 70,000 copies within ten years, which made the coffee maker and coffee a symbol of Italy in the world.

Coffee in Italy is considered the best way to start the day, find energy, recharge and even relax and unwind. You can still happily offer it to other people. Thanks to its low price, it perfectly solves the Italian social custom of offering drinks at a bar.

Coffee has also become a way to do good: in Naples, it is customary to leave paid coffee at the bar to offer an espresso anonymously to the next customer who cannot afford it. This practice of "hanging coffee" (the act of pre-paying for coffee to be consumed by the next buyer), invented by the Neapolitans, was defined by the philosopher and writer Luciano De Crescenzo as coffee "that man has provided to humanity."

woman collecting coffee beans


Like our other products, the American Dream comes in many variations. We invite you to taste each of them to feel the fullness of the taste and identify the differences.

Cold Americano is prepared in the same way as the classic drink, the only difference is the addition of ice rather than hot water. Some even throw pieces of ice. And if you melt a few pieces of chocolate, then add them to a glass of frappe, you will get a wonderful cocktail.

Red Eye - also known as Canadiano - is a special type of drink made by adding espresso to regular coffee. It turns out to be a very strong, rich taste. For people with vascular problems or unstable heart rhythm, this coffee is strictly contraindicated.

With syrup

Everything is simple here: add the syrup that you like best, you will get a completely new drink. Try almond, chocolate, fruit or mint flavors; they most fully reveal and complement Bongiorno Light.

With cream

This type may be quite familiar, but who says that tasty means it’s difficult? Cream will add softness to Americano, and if you add cinnamon, it will actually be one of the best options for Bongiorno Sirocco.

With marshmallows

A delicious option, especially for the autumn period, is an American drink combined with marshmallows. The marshmallow-like dessert is reminiscent of marshmallows and will add sweetness to the drink. you don't even need sugar. You should start drinking when the marshmallows are slightly melted.

To the table of contents.

How did coffee enter Europe?

Drawing on their strong trade contacts throughout the East, Venetian merchants began importing coffee beans along with shipments of spices, silks, and perfumes.

Initially, coffee was sold at pharmacy prices in pharmacies as a medicine for the digestive tract. Local wine merchants soon felt threatened by the growing popularity of coffee among the students and faculty of the University of Padua, then an important intellectual center in the Venetian mainland. Additionally, coffee was met with zealous denial among parishioners in Catholic city-states. Seeing that it came from Arab countries, the priests called it “the drink of Satan” and insisted that it had nothing to do with Christian life.

Thanks to brisk trade, Venetian merchants began offering coffee to wealthy people in Venice in 1615, charging them high prices for the drinks. Thus, coffee was introduced to the European continent.

By 1650, coffee had become popular in Europe, leading to the emergence of coffee shops and cafes.

Espresso with whipped cream

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