What is decaffeinated coffee

People fell in love with coffee precisely because of the presence of caffeine in the beans, a stimulating and invigorating substance. But its effect is not beneficial for everyone, and today approximately 10% of coffee lovers prefer a drink that contains a minimal amount of stimulant while maintaining flavor and aromatic components. We tell you everything you didn’t know about decaf coffee, production methods, features, popular brands and much more.

Origin story

The discovery of decaf coffee happened by accident. In 1903, the ship of Bremen entrepreneur Ludwig Roselius, carrying a cargo of green coffee beans from Nicaragua, was caught in a severe storm and was holed.

The ship's holds were filled with water, and it was with great difficulty that it reached the port. It seemed that the goods were damaged. However, after drying and roasting the grain, it turned out that its qualities did not change with one exception: there was almost no caffeine left in it (5% of the norm).

To sell the “defective” batch, Roselius launched an advertising campaign based on a fictitious story about the death of his father from a heart attack, provoked by the caffeine allegedly contained in the drink.

The medicine of that time already had enough knowledge to support advertising with scientific justification. The product was sold out in a matter of days, and the enterprising German began to think about how to consolidate his success in the market.

Over the course of 3 years, Roselius, together with his assistant Karl Wimmer, improved the decaffeination method. To speed up the process, they used benzene as a solvent and in 1906 received a patent for their invention.

How is decaffeinated coffee made?

The Roselius-Wimmer method was used for more than 60 years until the harmful effects of treating coffee with benzene, which is a strong carcinogen, were discovered.

However, the technologies that appeared in the 70-80s used the same principles:

  • initial soaking of coffee beans;
  • elimination of caffeine by leaching;
  • decaffeination using safe solvents.

CO2 extraction

In 1970, a method for producing a caffeine-free product using compressed carbon dioxide (CO2) appeared in Germany. After soaking for 8-10 hours, the grain is placed in an extractor, where the incoming gas is liquefied under a pressure of 150-300 atmospheres and at a temperature of +30...+60 °C. Extraction is carried out due to the low viscosity of supercritical CO2.

All the flavor and aroma properties of the coffee are preserved, and no traces of dioxide remain in the finished product.

To apply the method, complex, expensive equipment is required, which only large industries can afford (Jacobs, Lavazza, Melitta).

Equipment for producing a decaffeinated product using compressed carbon dioxide.

Direct method

The direct method is the technology used to produce most brands of decaffeinated coffee today.

The grain is decaffeinated in several successive stages:

  1. Treat green grains with water steam (30-40 minutes).
  2. Allow them to swell in hot water (1-2 hours) to fully open the pores.
  3. Soak for 10-12 hours in a bath with the addition of a solvent, which uses synthetic dichloromethane or ethyl acetate. Both actively bind caffeine molecules and are highly volatile.
  4. Evaporate all the solvent along with caffeine (9-10 hours).

Indirect method

The indirect exposure method is based on repeated (10-12 times) soaking of grains in a hot bath. After each soaking, they are removed and the solvent is removed from the water. This allows, while getting rid of caffeine, to keep all other flavoring substances in solution.

The method is considered too energy-intensive and time-consuming, and therefore is rarely used on an industrial scale.

Indirect method of decaffeination of beans.

Swiss method

The product obtained using the Swiss Water Process is considered the safest for health. The method is a type of indirect processing of coffee beans, but instead of chemical solvents, carbon filters are used to remove caffeine.

As a result of their use, up to 99.9% of caffeine is removed. Using SWP technology, elite coffee brands Egoist, Madero Columbia Decaf, Ambassador, etc. are produced.

Rules for making coffee

To make your coffee delicious, you should remember the rules for brewing it. Initially, you should take care of the quality of the water. It should not contain:

  1. Various impurities.
  2. Garbage.
  3. Strong-smelling substances.

For brewing drinks, it is better to use filtered liquid. When the water is prepared, you can begin the process:

  1. Boil about 200 ml of liquid, cool it slightly. For cooking you need water whose temperature will reach 95 degrees Celsius.
  2. Pour 1 teaspoon of drink into a cup. The spoon must be dry so that the dry product does not turn into lumps.
  3. Pour water over the coffee mixture and leave the drink for 10 minutes.

Now coffee can be consumed with chocolate or pastries.

Differences in the taste of coffee

Impact on coffee beans always negatively affects its taste, making the drink soft, lacking an invigorating effect, less rich and aromatic.

To compensate for losses, manufacturers resort to the method of intensive roasting of beans, but this creates a group of technological risks:

  • the process is difficult to control;
  • intensive heat treatment of grain leads to destruction of its structure;
  • the drink acquires a bitterness unusual for a natural product.

The use of synthetic solvents makes the taste more sour, and natural ethyl acetate gives it fruit and berry shades uncharacteristic of an organic product.

Robusta or Arabica

When choosing a variety, manufacturers are guided by the cost of raw materials and the content of alkaloids in it. The caffeine concentration in Robusta is almost 2 times higher than in Arabica.

Removing it requires much more solvent, resulting in an increased acidity of the product. But the low price of robusta determines its predominance in the creation of soluble types of decaf, and the presence of 20-50% in brands of ground and bean decaf coffee.

Using 100% Arabica coffee reduces processing costs and keeps the taste and aroma close to the original.

If there is no information on the packaging about the percentage of varieties, then most likely the buyer is offered a low-quality caffeine-free product with an overwhelming predominance of robusta.

Robusta has twice the caffeine of Arabica.

Which is better: instant or ground coffee, decaffeinated coffee?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Each product has a number of positive properties and disadvantages. An instant drink has the following advantages:

  1. It can be stored for a long time.
  2. It's cheap.
  3. Prepares quickly.
  4. It has various additives that give it a good aroma.

Benefits of ground coffee:

  1. Differs in vitamin content.
  2. Invigorates the body.
  3. It has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Ground drinks are made from higher quality raw materials. The result is the product’s ability to energize a person and keep the body in good shape. Instant drinks do not have a similar effect. Another distinctive feature is the concentration of taste. Ground coffee is richer and stronger.

Composition and calorie content of coffee

The average calorie content for dry ground coffee is about 194 kcal per 100 g, and in a drink - no more than 5 kcal.

For a product to be considered good, it must contain:

  • proteins 21%;
  • fat 50%;
  • carbohydrates 29%.

In addition, the standards stipulate that 100 g of high-quality decaf should contain:

  • potassium -90 mg;
  • phosphorus - 7 mg;
  • calcium - 5 mg;
  • iron (and compounds based on it) - at least 3 mg;
  • vitamin PP - 0.6 mg.

Beneficial features

The main benefits of using decaf are:

  • no signs of caffeine effects on the nervous system: insomnia, excitability, dizziness;
  • preventing the development of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cancer, lowering blood cholesterol;
  • receipt by the consumer of a full complex of minerals and vitamins contained in the organic product;
  • lowering blood pressure, improving gastrointestinal function, removing toxins from the body.

Coffee helps eliminate toxins.

Harm and side effects

In addition to caffeine, coffee contains other nutrients that are beneficial in small quantities but harmful to the body in large quantities. This should be kept in mind by people suffering from chronic diseases, for whom the transition to decaf is due to medical indications.

Cardiovascular complications

Residual traces of caffeine and synthetic solvents have an effect on the cardiovascular system. Excessive consumption of decaffeinated coffee weakens blood vessels and provokes exacerbation of heart attacks.

Decreased bone density

The leaching of calcium from bones is one of the negative properties of coffee, which does not depend on the presence of caffeine in it. To compensate for the harm caused by consuming decaf, it is enough to increase the proportion of foods in the diet that compensate for the lack of calcium (cottage cheese, cream, milk, nuts).

Increased bad cholesterol levels

Decaffeinated coffee increases the content of bad cholesterol in the blood by 17-20%, which leads to impaired elasticity of blood vessels, varicose veins, and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Decaf itself does not cause disease. But it has been experimentally established that consuming more than 4 cups of caffeine-free product per day increases the risk of arthritis, and less than 3 cups sharply reduces this likelihood.

Metabolic acidity

Chemical solvents, due to their high alkaline content, cause chronic metabolic acidity. Its presence has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, bone structure, and the condition of the digestive system. The production of large amounts of gastric juice leads to heartburn, ulcers and gastritis.

Increased acidity contributes to the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Increased gastrin levels

Eating caffeine-free products increases the body's production of gastrin, a hormone that accelerates the release of acid in the stomach.


Decaffeinated coffee, the harms and benefits of which are still not reliably known, according to the observations of doctors and lovers of this drink, can not only have a beneficial effect, but also worsen health.

Those who neglect the norms of coffee consumption experience deterioration in the structure of teeth, hair, skin and bone conditions, as well as a number of dysfunctions of internal organs. This is due to the fact that even decaffeinated coffee contains a small amount of caffeine.


Excessive consumption of decaffeinated drinks can lead to constant increased production of gastric secretions, which will cause increased acidity. Against this background, a number of stomach diseases can develop, such as ulcers or gastritis. Also, decaffeinated coffee can contribute to the transition of such diseases into the category of chronic pathologies.

Teeth and bones

Decaffeinated coffee has a negative effect and causes inhibition of the absorption of calcium ions into the intestines, thereby forming a deficiency of the element in the body. This can cause the tissue density of bones and teeth to decrease, reducing their strength.

Also, a lack of calcium can subsequently lead to:

  • the appearance of osteoporosis;

  • bone fractures;
  • development of degenerative disorders of the nervous system.

A decaffeinated drink also reduces iron absorption.

Pregnancy, lactation

While carrying and feeding a child, a woman is not recommended to take coffee in any form. This is due to the fact that even a decaffeinated drink contains up to 1 hundredth of caffeine. This may be enough for a fetus or a child who has not yet matured.

In addition, after removing caffeine from coffee beans, traces of a chemical solvent may remain in the raw material, which will also negatively affect the child’s condition. Such impurities can be found even in expensive brands of coffee.

Childhood and adolescence

Children can drink coffee only after reaching 7 years of age. Until this point, pediatricians recommend not giving them even decaffeinated coffee, because until the age of 7, children are exposed to external influences, their immune system has not yet strengthened and cannot resist the influence of caffeine.

In the 8th year of life, it is allowed to give a child 1 cup of coffee per month. By age 10, the dose can be increased to 3 cups every 30 days. From 16-17 years of age, the dose of normal coffee consumption is similar to that of an adult.

Hormonal system

Despite the fact that the decaffeinated drink contains a small amount of caffeine, it is enough to have a negative effect on the functioning of the hormonal system.

The intake of coffee in the body provokes the production of cortisol, which promotes the entry of sugars directly into the blood, which causes a sharp jump in insulin. Thus, further work of the endocrine system is aimed at normalizing the production of hormones. Women are most susceptible to this effect from coffee.


In case of mild illness, coffee is not dangerous; in this case, doctors allow you to drink up to 1 cup per day.

However, the negative impact on the musculoskeletal system is due to the large amount of sugars, preservatives and solvent residues in the drink.


Decaffeinated coffee, the harm and benefit of which is controversial, can cause an allergic reaction in humans. It can be caused not only by the natural components that make up the coffee beans, but also by the chemical elements that got there when caffeine was released from the beans.

Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways depending on the person’s health status and the timeliness of first aid: from urticaria to anaphylactic shock.


Decaffeinated coffee is not a fat burner, so it will not help you lose weight, but it also does not promote weight gain. Weight gain is only possible if sugar and cream are added to the drink.

At the same time, during a diet it is better to limit coffee intake, because it activates the production of stomach acid, which provokes hunger.

Skin and hair

Coffee can only harm sensitive skin and hair with brittle and fragile structure if taken in moderation. Excessive amounts of coffee can harm even a healthy body.

A decaffeinated drink can both slow down the aging process and speed it up. This occurs due to the active leaching of beneficial substances such as calcium and iron. Their deficiency negatively affects the external condition, including the health of the skin and hair.


Coffee can have a negative effect on libido and potency in men. This effect does not apply to women. The effect of decreased libido does not last long, since the drink does not accumulate in the body and is quickly eliminated.

The decaffeinated drink reduces the production of testosterone in the male body, which causes weak or no erections if coffee is consumed too much. In the most severe cases, the production of male hormones may stop altogether. You can solve this problem by stopping drinking decaffeinated drinks.

Is decaffeinated coffee okay for pregnant women and children?

Caffeine has always been contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The impact of the alkaloid negatively affects the formation of the child’s nervous system, provokes increased excitability, reduces immunity and the body’s ability to produce a number of hormones (adenosine, cortisol, progesterone).

With the advent of decaf, the discomfort associated with giving up your favorite drink was eliminated, but its use should have restrictions:

  • Pregnant women should not drink more than 2 cups (60 ml) per day;
  • Nursing mothers are allowed up to 3 cups (75 ml each) after feeding.

The properties of decaf have not yet been fully studied, which means that it is not 100% safe to use. It is better to rely on the advice of a supervising specialist.

The benefits and harms of decaffeinated coffee (decaf)

Like many other products, decaffeinated coffee may or may not be beneficial, depending on the amount. Don’t think that it’s just caffeine - besides it, beans contain many other components that affect the body, so you shouldn’t drink 5-6 cups of decaf coffee a day.


  • No side effects from caffeine such as headaches, dizziness, hand tremors, increased heart rate and nervousness.
  • You get all the beneficial substances that are contained in a serving of a regular drink. Each cup of decaf coffee still contains antioxidants, manganese, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins.
  • You can confidently drink a cup in the evening or even before bed, and your nervous system will not suffer from this in any way, you will easily fall asleep and get a good night's sleep.


  • The drink will not bring any vigor, attentiveness, energy or concentration.
  • Side effects associated with drinking coffee still remain: heartburn, acid reflux and other issues that acid causes.
  • It does not help speed up metabolism and lose weight, since these effects are inherent in coffee precisely due to caffeine.

The effect of decaf on the body will be exactly the same as if you were drinking regular coffee, only without the stimulating effect.

Assortment of decaffeinated coffee

Today there is a large selection of decaffeinated coffee: beans, ground and instant. For the convenience of customers, decaf packages are marked with colored markers.

For this purpose it is customary to use:

  • in the countries of the former USSR, blue, bright blue or (less often) green;
  • abroad - orange.

Recently, easy-to-use capsules and teas for Nespresso coffee machines have become popular. They are widely used in the coffee chains Shokoladnitsa, Doubleby, Rockets Roasters, etc.


Decaffeinated coffee beans are offered to consumers by all manufacturing companies, as this is the simplest product that does not require any additional processing other than roasting. Average prices on the Russian market for a 250-gram package range from 550 to 800 rubles.

Top sellers are:

  • ILLY Decaf 100% arabica, collected from 9 varieties of Arabica from all 4 continents where it is grown;
  • Amado Maragogipe Nicaragua from giant beans (the size of a large raspberry), which has a rich, bright taste without a bitter aftertaste;
  • Lavazza Qualita Rossa is a budget option (150-330 rubles), consisting of 20-25% robusta and having a characteristic sourness.

Coffee beans.


Prices for ground decaf vary greatly depending on the ratio of Arabica and Robusta in the blend, degree of roasting, quality of grinding, and decaffeination technology.

The most popular are:

  • Dallmayr Prodomo (240 rubles for a 250 g package), which has a slight fruity-caramel flavor;
  • ILLY Espresso (520 RUR), distinguished by its fine grind and velvety taste with hints of honey and chocolate;
  • Lucaffe Decaffeinato (1 thousand rubles) with predominant notes of caramel and cocoa with a complete absence of bitterness;
  • elite Swiss brand Altura (RUB 1,750 per 339 g jar), which is produced using SWP technology from 100% Arabica coffee.

Decaffeinated ground coffee.


The most popular instant coffees are Jacobs Monarch, Grandos Gold, Nescafe Clasico Decaf and Moccona Douwe Egberts Pure.

Where to buy decaffeinated coffee (fresh + store brands)

Once again, we are not talking about soluble. And in general, if you drink decaf, then it’s freshly roasted. Moreover, this is the case when many owners of home automatic coffee machines make sense to take a closer look at the ground coffee, unless, of course, you have a separate coffee grinder. Not because the ground does not lose to the grain, of course it does. But because there are usually far fewer drinkers with contraindications or those who like to drink it at night in a group or family than there are ordinary coffee drinkers, and almost all coffee machines have only one grain hopper.

You will not be able to add decaf at any time; you will have to either clean the coffee grinder or use the ground coffee shaft. An exception is machines with two hoppers and/or two coffee grinders (Delonghi Maestosa, Siemens EQ9, Melitta Barista). And, well, this one is Melitta Varianza CSP, it has one coffee grinder, but there is another function that allows you not to mix beans (more details in its review).

Actually, where to buy freshly roasted decaf?

From numerous coffee producers (roasters). Here are a few that I know:

  • NEVA - Lat. America – direct (ethyl acetate) – 1550 RUR/kg ← -10% using my promotional code 101KOFE
  • Bravos – Mexico – direct (dichloromethane) – 2119 RUR/kg ← -20% using my promo code 101KOFE
  • Sunrise Coffee – Guatemala – straight (dichloromethane) – 2304 RUR/kg ← -10% using my promotional code 101KOFE
  • Tasty Coffee – Colombia – straight (ethyl acetate) – 1779 RUR/kg ← -10% using my promo code 101KOFE
  • Torrefacto – Guatemala – direct (dichloromethane) – 2164 r/kg
  • Torrefacto – Water Decaf – water – 2164 r/kg
  • Evadia – mixture Center. America – direct (ethyl acetate) – 1500 RUR/kg
  • Tabera – Guatemala – direct (dichloromethane) – 2300 RUR/kg
  • Majaro – Colombia – direct (ethyl acetate) – 1786 r/kg
  • Madeo – Colombia – direct (ethyl acetate) – 2600 RUR/kg
  • Esperanto – Brazil – direct (ethyl acetate) – 1800 RUR/kg

As you can see, freshly roasted beans are available that are decaffeinated by the first, traditional method, and by the third, water-based method.

Okay, a couple of examples of “store-bought” brands of decaffeinated coffee, mostly carbon dioxide in use here - the fifth method:

Lavazza Decaffeinato = carbon dioxide. See prices. Hausbrandt Decaffeinato = carbon dioxide. See prices Illy Espresso Decaffeinato = dichloromethane. Buy on the Market

In conclusion, a few words about capsule decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeinated coffee capsules for the Tassimo system, as far as I know, have never existed. An “official” Espresso Decaffeinato is produced for Dolce Gusto, but it is almost impossible to buy it in Russia. It is possible that some caffeine-free capsules for Dolce Gusto are made by third-party companies, but I have not come across them.

The largest selection of decaffeinated capsules is, of course, for Nespresso. There are 4 branded types: Arpeggio Decaffeinato, Volluto Decaffeinato, Vivalto Lungo Decaffeinato, Ristretto Decaffeinato. Plus a lot of alternatives, for example, from Julius Meinl or Lavazza. I don’t know about the latter, but the original Nespresso decaffeinated capsules are produced using the “water” method.

How to make decaf coffee

At home, preparing decaffeinated and natural coffee is no different.

Water requirements

The most important point is the choice of water. It should be transparent and clean, without foreign impurities.

To do this, it is recommended to filter the water before cooking.

In the best catering establishments, bottled mountain, alpine or glacier wine is used for cooking, which creates a special taste effect.

Cooking rules

The most common algorithm for making coffee is:

  1. For 1 serving per 100 ml of water, take 6-7 g of ground product.
  2. The water is brought to a boil over low heat.
  3. It is cooled to 90 °C, after which it is poured with coffee grinds.
  4. Let it brew for 4-5 minutes.

Traditional methods of brewing ground decaf in a Turk are also popular: over a fire or in hot sand.

Standards of use

The critical consumption rate is 300-400 ml per day or 5-6 small cups of latte per day (no more than 75 g).

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of the purified product

Decaffeinated coffee has a nutritional value of 9 kcal per 100 ml of finished drink, while the caffeine concentration does not exceed 1.5%.

Decaffeinated coffee contains:

  • caffeic acid;

  • binders;
  • complex of mineral components;
  • oils

At the same time, a quarter of all nutrients are not absorbed and are excreted from the body.

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