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History of the drink and its taste characteristics

For the first time, residents of Latin American countries began mixing coffee with chocolate. Following them, coffee lovers in all corners of the world began to prepare an invigorating drink from two ingredients. It was originally consumed as a morning cocktail.

The energetic and nutritional properties of the coffee-chocolate drink perfectly awaken and tone, and enhance cognitive abilities. Today, coffee with chocolate is served as a dessert, it is considered a complete snack within a busy schedule and simply a source of inspiration.

A traditional coffee drink with the addition of chocolate is called mocha. In restaurants and coffee shops it is offered under the name mochaccino. There are several spelling options: mokachino or mocochino. The name comes from one of the Arabica varieties, which was distinguished by a chocolate aftertaste. It was delivered from the Yemeni port of Al Moha.

The taste and strength of a coffee-chocolate cocktail depends on the type of chocolate added.

A product with a high cocoa content (more than 70%) emphasizes the bitterness of espresso. The milk bar, dissolving in the drink, gives it a pleasant creamy aftertaste and softens the sourness or bitterness of the coffee beans.

You can use both dark and milk chocolate for the drink.

Natural coffee has minimal calorie content. Various additives add calories to a cup of tasty and aromatic drink. Thus, a serving of mocha with milk contains more than 300 kcal. Many people add cinnamon to the drink and sprinkle chocolate chips on top. This significantly increases the calorie content of the dessert.

Benefit for health

When brewed correctly, coffee with dark chocolate is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Few people know, but coffee beans are a natural “drug”. Assimilated by the body, they give a slight feeling of euphoria.

This drink is consumed all over the world to cheer up. And adding chocolate allows you to give it unusual flavor notes.

When consumed in moderation, it stimulates intestinal function. But drinking more than 3 cups of espresso per day is highly not recommended, as this, on the contrary, will lead to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

As for chocolate, its consumption stimulates the body's production of endorphin, the hormone of happiness.

Benefits and contraindications

Mocha is not only a tasty but healthy dessert. Coffee has a tonic effect, and the endorphin contained in chocolate makes it a powerful antidepressant. It also increases hemoglobin levels and is useful for people who have anemia.

Nutritionists advise not to overuse coffee-chocolate cocktails. It has been proven that 2-3 cups of an invigorating drink a day are enough to maintain tone and performance. Consuming larger quantities causes gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Pregnant and lactating women, children and those losing weight should avoid drinking coffee with chocolate. Also, it should not be drunk by people with individual intolerance to the components. Those who suffer from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes should also limit their consumption of chocolate coffee.

Types of chocolate for coffee

To emphasize the exquisite bitterness of espresso, it is recommended to choose a sweet with a high cocoa content (more than 70%). Coffee with dark chocolate will turn out delicious if you brew it with freshly ground beans.


  • cocoa syrup;
  • cocoa powder;
  • white, milk or dark chocolate;

Each bar contains a large amount of carbohydrates, minerals and enzymes. It turns out that drinking espresso with the addition of this sweetness is not only tasty, but also healthy.

When brewed correctly, you can enjoy the ceremony. Chocolate for coffee can be anything, the main thing is that it does not contain flavorings or food additives. This will ruin the taste of the cocktail.

The most common option is to use dairy. Dissolving it in hot espresso will give a creamy aftertaste. In addition, it perfectly softens the bitterness of Robusta or the sourness of Arabica.

Recipes for making coffee with chocolate

There are many recipes for making coffee with chocolate. They differ not only in the list of ingredients, but also in the temperature of the drink. Some people like hot coffee, others prefer cold coffee.

Classic chocolate coffee drink

Classic chocolate-coffee drink
To prepare traditional mocha you will need:

  • freshly ground coffee
  • chocolate
  • sugar
  • milk

First you need to brew the espresso. Then you should melt the chocolate bar in a water bath, gradually pouring milk into the container. Without bringing to a boil, the mixture is removed from the heat and added to the coffee. The drink can be sweetened to taste and decorated.


Spicy coffee with chocolate and spices
This type of recipe originated in Brazil, where they like to add various spices to coffee.

The drink requires the following components:

  • Arabica
  • mineral water
  • bitter chocolate
  • sugar and salt
  • cream
  • cardamom and cinnamon

Coffee and spices are poured into the Turk, filled with water and placed on low heat. After a couple of minutes, foam should appear on the surface of the liquid. At this point, the Turk is quickly removed from the heat until the foam settles. This action should be repeated twice.

Having brewed the main drink, move on to the second ingredient - chocolate. It, together with the cream, is sent to a water bath. A couple of minutes will be enough to melt the chocolate. The resulting mixture is combined with hot strained espresso and sugar is added if desired.

Drink spicy coffee hot.

Cold moccacino

Cold Moccacino
This cocktail is perfect for cooling and relaxing in the summer heat. To prepare it take:

  • ground Arabica or Robusta
  • sugar
  • mineral water
  • cream (whipped)
  • milk
  • chocolate
  • ice
  • mint

First the espresso is prepared. Beat milk, sugar and chocolate with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed. After 3-4 minutes you should get a lush cream. Then this mass is mixed with cooled and strained coffee, ice is added, and decorated with whipped cream and mint.

Cooking methods

There are many recipes for coffee with chocolate. They differ not only in ingredients, but also in the temperature of the liquid. Some people prefer hot, sweet espresso, others prefer cold. Let's look at the best options for preparing it.

Traditional mocha

This is the classic way to make moccacino. Ingredients:

  • ground coffee;
  • milk;
  • chocolate bar;
  • sugar (to taste).

First you need to brew espresso. It is more convenient to do this in a coffee maker, but you can also use a Turk. To preserve the maximum aroma potential of coffee beans, it is recommended to grind them immediately before preparation.

Get busy with the chocolate bar. It needs to be melted in a water bath. While the melting process is taking place, add warm milk to the container with the sweetness. It should not be brought to a boil, otherwise the coffee will turn out tasteless.

Mix both preparations. Sweeten the drink to taste. If you wish, you can decorate it with whipped cream.

Spicy coffee

This is a Brazilian variety of espresso. In this hot country, people prefer aromatic, invigorating coffee brewed with spices. Ingredients required to prepare the drink:

  • ground Arabica;
  • mineral water;
  • cinnamon;
  • cardamom;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • cream.

Take the Turk. Pour spices and coffee beans into it. Fill with water. Place the container on low heat. The liquid should simmer for 2 minutes, then foam will rise to the top. Do not turn off the heat, just take the Turk away from the stove so that the cream settles. Repeat this action 2 times.

During cooking, you will feel the pleasant spicy aroma of cardamom and cinnamon spreading throughout the house.

Prepare chocolate and cream. Combine both ingredients and place them in a water bath for a couple of minutes. This time is enough for the sweetness to completely melt.

Strain the hot espresso. Mix it with melted dark chocolate and cream. Add sugar as desired. The drink is drunk hot.

Cold moccacino

They prefer to make this type of coffee in the hot summer to relax and cool down. Grocery list:

  • ground Arabica or Robusta;
  • granulated sugar;
  • mineral water;
  • milk;
  • whipped cream;
  • chocolate;
  • mint;
  • ice.

First you need to brew traditional espresso. This can be done using a Turkish coffee pot or coffee maker. It needs to be strained and left to cool.

Next, you will need to use a mixer to beat the milk, chocolate and sugar. First you need to work at minimum speed. They should be increased gradually. Beating time – 3-4 minutes. If you do everything correctly, you will get a fluffy, creamy mass.

Mix the strained and cooled drink with this preparation. Garnish iced coffee with chocolate with whipped cream and mint.

Features of preparation and serving

Traditionally, tall dishes are used for this drink.
To prepare mochaccino correctly, you must observe some features of its preparation:

  1. For real mocha, only natural, freshly ground and freshly brewed coffee is used. If various spices are added to the drink, it should be strained after infusion.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath with 1-2 tablespoons of milk or cream. To prevent the mass from stratifying, the temperature is increased gradually. If you want to serve coffee with pronounced layers, the melted mixture is brought to a thick consistency. The chocolate used should not contain flavorings or other additives. This spoils the taste of the finished drink.
  3. Milk is used heated (up to 70%) to prevent curdling. If necessary, it can be foamed. The classic recipe calls for twice as much milk as coffee.

Regular coffee shops do not adhere to strict etiquette and serve mocha in a variety of mugs. But in serious establishments they do this according to all the rules. Coffee and chocolate dessert is served in tall glasses with a handle. To get real pleasure, drink the drink through a straw.

You can consume this coffee and chocolate treat at any time of the year. In the summer heat, add a few ice cubes or a scoop of ice cream to mocha.

Coffee with chocolate can be made at home if you have quality ingredients on hand. But it’s much more pleasant to treat yourself to a ready-made delicacy in a good and trusted establishment. In the capital's cafes and restaurants, a serving of mocha costs from 130 to 300 rubles, depending on the level of the establishment and the method of preparing the drink.

Cold chocolate coffee

Coffee with chocolate will perfectly refresh and give you strength in hot weather. Don’t be surprised, this drink is served chilled.

It differs from the classic recipe and is prepared in the following way:

  1. Freshly brewed espresso is left to cool. Instead of chocolate in this case, use chocolate syrup, or cocoa.
  2. They are mixed with chilled coffee and whipped with milk using a mixer.

Serve chocolate coffee in tall glasses with pieces of ice added.

Iced coffee with dark chocolate goes well with ice cream, the flavor of which you can choose at your discretion.

How to make moccacino. Coffee with chocolate. Video

Cold coffee drinks


Frappe coffee is prepared using a shaker or mixer based on one or two shots of espresso, sugar and a small amount of water, which are whipped until foamy. The drink is served in a glass glass with the addition of cold water, ice and milk.

Ice latte

Methods for preparing iced lattes may vary. One popular recipe involves mixing cold milk, syrup and crushed ice and then adding espresso to the mixture.

Thai coffee (Vietnamese coffee)
A cold coffee-milk drink is prepared as follows: add condensed milk and coffee to a glass with ice, then pour in milk or whipped cream. However, adding the last two ingredients is not necessary.

Cold brew
A coffee drink that is prepared by dripping cold water through a layer of coffee or steeping ground coffee in non-hot water for a long time. However, preparation methods may vary: some brew cold brew hot and then cool it sharply.

Nitro coffee
Nitro coffee is not so much a type of coffee drink as it is a method of preparation that makes the coffee carbonated. Typically, nitro coffee is a carbonated version of cold brew.

Espresso tonic

A refreshing coffee drink made with espresso and tonic. Lemon, cold water and various syrups are also often added.

How to make classic chocolate from cocoa

Among the bright and colorful wrappers of various bars and bars, it is difficult to find a delicacy prepared in accordance with the ancient recipes of chocolate masters.
More often, under this name, you can get cocoa products from cheap vegetable (palm and coconut) fats. To enjoy the rich taste of cocoa beans, it is easier to make your own chocolate from cocoa. The classic dark product uses only three ingredients: cocoa powder, sugar and butter. The fat component can be a mixture of butter and cocoa butter or only high-quality butter.

Per serving of chocolate:

  • 100 g cocoa powder;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 40 g butter (or 30 g cocoa butter and 10 g butter).


Heat the oil over low heat or a water bath. Sift the powder with cocoa and stir this loose mixture into the liquefied fat. Boil the mixture on low heat for several minutes until the sour cream thickens. Then turn off the stove and let the mixture cool a little. Pour it into molds and place it in the refrigerator until completely hardened. Sugar is practically insoluble in cocoa butter, so it should be ground into a very fine powder. To eliminate large particles, it is better to sift it through a piece of organza, then you will be able to avoid unpleasant squeaking on your teeth.

How to drink the drink

In Eastern countries, the coffee ceremony is taken very seriously. There, people follow the recipe for creating espresso with maximum precision and pour it into special small cups.

In the modern era of globalization, the era of blurring national boundaries, the rules that coffee gourmets recently valued have softened. In modern cafes you can often see how an invigorating drink is poured into large mugs with funny inscriptions. But in higher-level establishments they take serving this cocktail seriously.

Coffee with chocolate and cream is usually poured into a large glass goblet with a small handle on the side. It is not served in small containers, because the drink is often decorated with whipped cream.

To get more pleasure from your meal, it is advisable to drink chocolate espresso through a straw.

Whatever recipe you follow, make chocolate coffee only from quality ingredients.


Coffee with chocolate is a combination loved by many. These tastes harmonize perfectly with each other, complementing and enriching each other. The bitterness characteristic of coffee beans is leveled out and becomes much less noticeable. And the taste of chocolate, in turn, is enriched with aroma and coffee notes.

Quick homemade chocolate recipe

To prepare chocolate according to the proposed recipe, it will take even less time than going to the store to buy a ready-made bar. And the reward for your efforts at the stove will be a delicious dessert without preservatives or dyes. If desired, you can add various fillings to it: nuts or dried fruits.

For one serving of a “quick” treat you will need:

  • 25 g melted butter;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp flour;
  • vanillin and fillers to taste and desire.

Cooking method:

In a small cup, mix cocoa, sugar and a tablespoon of milk. Pour in the remaining milk once the mixture has reached the consistency of a paste.

Boil the milk mixture, stir in room temperature butter cubes and flour passed through a fine-mesh sieve.

Heat the chocolate again to a boil, add vanillin and other filling components and distribute the resulting composition into the molds.

After hardening, the quick homemade chocolate is ready.

Coffee varieties

The main exporters of coffee beans are the countries of South America, Africa, and Asia. The equatorial climate, which is characterized by high humidity and high year-round air temperatures, is optimal for plant growth. The taste of the drink depends on many factors: country of origin, soil conditions, year of manufacture, terrain. It is believed that if a tree grew on a plain, then its grains contain more caffeine than the fruits of a plant from mountainous areas.

The varieties of coffee trees determine the main types of coffee:

  1. Arabica is a leader in the production of coffee products. The grains have an oblong appearance and have a high content of essential oils.
  2. Robusta contains more caffeine than Arabica, but has a less intense aroma.
  3. Liberica has a distinct aroma and low caffeine content. The drink obtained from it is liquid. The grains of the plant are often used in cooking.
  4. Excelsa is a tall coffee tree, reaching 20 meters in height. The plant has a rich taste and aroma, but rarely produces a good harvest. Excelsa is usually used as a complement to Arabica.

Many different drinks are made from coffee beans

All types of coffee are divided into many varieties. There are more than 2000 of them. The grains are rarely used in their pure form. The most commonly sold coffee blends are Arabica with the addition of Robusta. Liberica and Excelsa are less commonly used in variety creation. To obtain a unique taste and aroma, each manufacturer keeps its individual recipe a secret. The following Arabica varieties are considered the most popular:

  • Typica;
  • Bourbon;
  • Santos;
  • Jamaica;
  • Geisha;
  • Catuai;
  • Pacas.

The most famous varieties from the list are Typica and Bourbon.

Typica was for a long time the only coffee variety in existence. Later, as a result of mutation and breeding developments by scientists, new varieties of coffee products began to appear.

Quick homemade chocolate recipe

To prepare chocolate according to the proposed recipe, it will take even less time than going to the store to buy a ready-made bar. And the reward for your efforts at the stove will be a delicious dessert without preservatives or dyes. If desired, you can add various fillings to it: nuts or dried fruits.

For one serving of a “quick” treat you will need:

  • 25 g melted butter;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • the same amount of milk;
  • only regular sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp flour;
  • vanillin and fillers to taste and desire.

Cooking method:

In a small bowl, mix cocoa, sugar and a tablespoon of milk. Pour in the remaining milk once the mixture has reached the consistency of a paste. Boil the milk mixture, stir in room temperature butter cubes and flour passed through a fine-mesh sieve. Heat the chocolate again to a boil, add vanillin and other filling components and distribute the resulting composition into the molds. After hardening, the quick homemade chocolate is ready.

How to brew Turkish coffee: useful tips and tricks

Since the creation of Turks, many models of coffee makers and coffee machines have been created, but Turkish coffee on a regular gas or electric stove has a unique charm that Americano and espresso cannot compare with. Before brewing coffee in a Turk, you should understand some of the intricacies of the process.

The finest grind

Coffee prepared on the stove will retain its beneficial properties as much as possible if you grind the beans almost to powder. Not only the thick consistency and aroma of the drink, but also the density of the foam on the surface depends on grinding. A modern home coffee grinder is suitable for grinding; you need to grind the beans before cooking, and not for future use - when stored for a long time, ground coffee loses its aroma.

Water quantity and quality

The water must be unboiled and clean, filtered. Chilled boiled water is not suitable - this has been tested many times in practice. Pour water up to the neck of the turk, leaving room for foam.

Fire intensity

Turkish coffee at home should be brewed over very low heat. The drink should not boil violently - this will kill the taste and aroma.

Salt and sugar

Sugar, dropped into the cezve at the beginning of preparation, fully reveals the taste of the coffee, helps the foam form, but slows down the process a little. Several salt crystals perform the same task.

Cooking time

You can brew coffee in a Turk on a gas stove until the foam begins to rise. Do not let it boil, otherwise the essential oils will be destroyed.

Ground coffee portion

To prepare a standard 100-gram cup of coffee, one or two spoons of ground coffee is enough. It’s not worth adding more - the taste will not become richer, but bitterness will appear.


Making Turkish coffee at home requires the formation of foam, which prevents the aroma from evaporating. The foam will be dense if you let it rise a little several times and immediately remove it from the heat. As soon as the foam begins to settle, return the Turk to the stove. It is better not to stir the coffee while brewing so as not to disturb the barrier that preserves essential oils.

With nuts and dried fruits

The chosen chocolate recipe can be effortlessly transformed according to the cook’s mood by diluting its composition with favorite nuts and dried fruits. These ingredients can make the most primitive set of products a bestseller.

The following culinary experiments are also possible with white chocolate, for which you need to prepare:

  • 40 g milk powder; the same amount of powdered sugar;
  • 30 g cocoa butter;
  • 2.5 ml vanillin extract;
  • nut crumbs and pieces of dried fruit to taste.

How to make coffee with foam

  1. To make Turkish coffee at home aromatic, the beans must be ground very finely. A serving of ground coffee per 100-150 ml of water is 2 teaspoons.
  2. Pour coffee and sugar to taste into the cezve, you can add a pinch of salt to enhance the taste. Fill with cold water up to the neck; the smaller the area of ​​contact between the surface of the coffee and the air, the better the aroma will be preserved.
  3. Place the turk on low heat. When heated, coffee particles will rise along with the water and gather at the neck into a thin crust. When the coffee starts to boil, foam will form from the crust.
  4. Make sure that the coffee does not boil over. Light brown foam at the neck of the Turka indicates that the water is about to boil; this cannot be allowed to happen. Remove the Turk from the heat when you see foam.
  5. Spices can be added when you remove the Turk from the heat for the first time or to a ready-made drink.
  6. Wait half a minute and return the cezve to the fire, wait for the foam to rise. If you like very strong coffee, repeat the process another time or two.
  7. The coffee is ready. You can add milk, cognac, lemon, etc. to it.
  8. You need to pour the finished coffee into a warm cup.

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