Don't sleep for three days: This coffee contains a (nearly) lethal dose of caffeine

The effect of coffee on human sleep

The idea that coffee invigorates a person appeared with the first advertising campaigns. They convinced consumers of this, urging them to buy this amazing healthy drink more often.

But in reality, everything is not so clear and simple. To understand the properties of coffee beans, you need to know their structure and chemical composition. Then the mechanism of the so-called influence on the body will become clear.

A coffee fruit contains 1 bean, which consists of 2 separated halves. Each has 2 layers:

  • shell;
  • core.

Caffeine accumulates in the upper part, and theobromine in the inner part.

In the production of whole grain and ground goods, all layers are used. For an instant drink, the raw materials are made only from the kernels, and the shell is removed and sold to pharmaceutical factories. They are used to create medicines and dietary supplements containing caffeine.

Effects of caffeine

This substance is absorbed by the intestines into the blood almost without residue, its effect begins after 20 minutes, and after an hour the concentration reaches its maximum. From this point on, over a period of 6 hours, caffeine begins to be slowly eliminated from the body by the kidneys. Most of it is utilized by the liver and immediately excreted. And only 20% of molecules combine with blood proteins and affect various organs and tissues.

During this time the impact occurs:

  1. Improved concentration and speed of decision making.
  2. Brain neurons are activated, sleep centers are blocked.
  3. Heartbeat and breathing increase.
  4. Blood pressure increases.
  5. The concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach increases.
  6. A diuretic effect appears.
  7. Dopamine (the hormone of joy) is released into the blood.

It gives the impression of a “second wind”. But the body uses reserves for emergency situations, rather than generating new energy. If you regularly use up supplies, after a while a person will get nervous and physical fatigue.

Effect of theobromine

Theobromine has the opposite effect. It begins to metabolize in the blood later than caffeine, so after the effect of the drink wears off, you begin to want to sleep. This is due to the normalization of the heartbeat, lowering blood pressure, and removing excitement from the centers of wakefulness.

Can exercise reduce sleep quality?

In general, Exercise can improve sleep quality: a systematic review and meta‑analysis helps you fall asleep faster, sleep longer and better. Physical activity protects against insomnia: the more exercise, the less frequent it occurs.

Any Interrelationship between Sleep and Exercise: A Systematic Review, Comparing the effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on sleep quality among male nonathlete students has a positive effect: aerobic, strength, frequent and infrequent, intense and not very intense. People of all ages sleep better after activity Resistance Training Improves Sleep Quality in Older Adults a Pilot Study, The Effects of Physical Activity on Sleep among Adolescents and Adults: A Narrative Review: adolescents, adults, older people.

Moreover, elite athletes sleep better A Comparative Study of Sleep and Mood Between Young Elite Athletes and Age‑Matched Controls, recover more effectively and wake up less often than ordinary people after exercise.

Training time is also not particularly important. A review of Physical activity in the evening does not cause sleep problems of 23 scientific papers on the topic showed that evening activities do not interfere with night rest at all. On the contrary, after activity, people spend a little more time in deep restorative sleep than without exercise.

Moderately intense workouts even 30 minutes before bedtime will not prevent you from getting a great night's sleep.

The only exception is high-intensity exercise. Daily exhausting training at maximum speed reduces the quality of sleep and the physical capabilities of the body. But only professional athletes or beginners who do not listen to their body at all can drive themselves into such a state.

If you're upping your intensity and are concerned about your sleep quality, follow these tips from Sleep in elite athletes and nutritional interventions to enhance sleep:

  • Eat a high protein diet.
  • Cut down on fat.
  • Don't cut calories.
  • Add more turkey and pumpkin seeds, rich in Phytosterol, squalene, tocopherol content and fatty acid profile of selected seeds, grains and legumes tryptophan. This amino acid produces melatonin, the hormone responsible for a good night's sleep.

If you have just started training and are having trouble resting, be patient, your body will adapt. When I switched to CrossFit training, for several nights after unusual loads I suffered without sleep. But one week was enough to adapt.

Now my usual workout goes until 21:00 and ends with a high-intensity complex, after which I’m too lazy to move. On such days he falls asleep especially quickly. Sometimes you want to do it right on the way home.

  1. Train how you want, when you want. This will only improve the quality of your sleep.
  2. It can only get worse due to a state of overtraining or due to unusually intense exercise in the evenings. The first requires rest, the second requires adaptation of the body.
  3. If you're concerned about your sleep during high-intensity periods, eat less fat, more protein, and tryptophan-rich foods.

Why doesn't coffee work and has the opposite effect?

There are factors that prevent you from getting the desired effect from an invigorating drink. They may be associated with the physiological and pathological characteristics of the body or with the product that you drink.

Individual characteristics

In rare cases, there is individual receptor resistance to caffeine. The body does not perceive even high concentrations in the blood. At the same time, the response to theobromine remains, which causes weakness, lethargy and drowsiness.

Sometimes a person is born with minor changes in organ function, such as persistent tachycardia or hypertension. Then the invigorating substances will have nothing to increase and they will not be able to exert their effect.

With a tendency to frequent urination, the concentration of caffeine in the blood will always be below the threshold of susceptibility to its receptors.

Habituation and supplements

At one time, 2 servings of espresso are enough for the body to feel energetic for more than 6 hours in a row. This is achieved due to the fact that the vessels become toned, dilate and blood flow to the brain increases.

When a new dose of caffeine is added, the system becomes overstimulated and spasms. There is insufficient oxygen supply to organs and tissues, including the brain. Then the person becomes sleepy.

If you regularly drink coffee 3-4 times a day, the body's receptors get used to the dose and do not react to it. As with the use of narcotic substances, an increasing concentration of an invigorating drink is required each time to achieve a positive effect.

You can solve the problem by giving up coffee for 2 weeks. During this time, the receptors will be cleared and will perceive substances as if they were the first time.


Doctors urge people to monitor their health and, if they have diseases, to pay more attention to themselves and control the foods they consume. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant of the circulatory and nervous systems. However, they are not the only ones who react to the drink. When entering the body, the digestive system begins to work first, from which substances are absorbed into the blood and delivered to organs and tissues. At the same time, caffeine penetrates the liver, where detoxification occurs, and the kidneys, which remove it from the body.

Considering these data, therapists, neurologists and gastroenterologists do not recommend drinking an invigorating drink for some patients with:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, pancreas, stomach);
  • nervous diseases, stress, sleep disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases (angina pectoris, heart attack);
  • renal failure.

Such recommendations are associated with a direct negative impact on pathological processes in the body. And also with the fact that if the normal metabolism of substances in the drink is disrupted, the receptors begin to perceive caffeine differently, which will require an increase in dose. Another reaction option is that the cells will go into a state of hyperexcitation even from a minimal amount of drink. Both situations negatively affect the state of the body and lead to malfunctions.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight a group of people who live in constant stress, overwork, and those who have adrenal hypofunction.

Under normal physiology, these organs release adrenaline into the blood in response to caffeine. It helps the body become active by increasing heart rate and breathing, and increasing blood pressure. If the adrenal glands have nothing to secrete, then the invigorating effect of the drink will not be achieved. But the hypofunction of organs will increase, and the person will feel “broken.”

During the recovery period after any illness, including after an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold, there will be drowsiness after coffee due to the lack of reserves to respond to stimulation.

Coffee quality

The quality of the product directly affects the effect obtained from the drink. Expensive brands care about where they purchase their raw materials. The conditions for fruit ripening and the first stages of grain processing are also important to them. Official companies involved in growing trees and harvesting produce certificates of environmental friendliness and product quality.

Properly prepared whole and ground beans should produce a maximum caffeine concentration of 65 mg per 100 ml of liquid. The instant drink contains only 48 mg.

In addition, flavor enhancers, milk powder, and chicory are often added to freeze-dried coffee. They add richness to color and aroma, creating a feeling of naturalness.

What are the signs that indicate that coffee interferes with sleep?

After drinking coffee for a long time, it is difficult to give up your favorite drink if you have problems sleeping. Still, you need to listen to your body and start taking care of your health. The following reasons may be a good reason to avoid drinking strong drinks at night.

  1. In the evening you feel tired, but you can’t fall asleep for a long time.
  2. Sleeping pills take pride of place in the first aid kit; without it you cannot plunge into the kingdom of Morpheus.
  3. The sleep is shallow, you wake up more than three times during the night, and you feel tired in the morning.

All of these signs are a reason to change the dosage of caffeine consumption to a lesser extent. Try drinking strong espresso only in the morning. It is advisable to give up coffee in the afternoon. The drink has many beneficial properties, but when it comes to health, it is necessary to adjust the norms of its consumption so as not to aggravate the situation.

Coffee is harmful for older people who have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Why shouldn't you drink coffee at night? Despite the fact that some lovers claim that it is completely harmless, there is definitely no benefit from espresso in the evening. Caffeine affects the body from two to seven hours, and much depends on the characteristics of the person. During the first two hours, the effect is clearly expressed on all body systems. In the subsequent period, the impact will be felt, but not as strong. Some will not be able to sleep through the night due to health problems. And for a healthy person, after a cup of espresso, sleep will come only after 1-2 hours.

How not to fall asleep after coffee?

Immediately drink a glass of clean water without gas and ventilate the room. It is useful to do a warm-up or walk around the room. Alternate coffee with chicory drinks or freshly squeezed juice. Avoid using granulated coffee.

Stretch your espresso or Americano, do not drink it within 5 minutes. In this case, caffeine will enter the blood gradually and its increased concentration will remain longer.

Count the number of cups of drink you drink every day for a week. If there are more than 4, there is a chance that the body has developed resistance to coffee. Take a break for 1-2 weeks, during which time the receptors will be cleared, and you will again feel energetic after a serving of espresso. During this period, drink tea and herbal infusions with a tonic composition, sleep more and engage in physical activity outdoors more often.

If the situation repeats after each use of coffee, it is recommended to visit a therapist. There may be undiagnosed chronic diseases or the body is under stress.

How does insomnia affect the body?

Sleep plays a big role in a person's life. It is during sleep that the process of restoration of all body functions and rejuvenation of the body occurs. Adults need at least seven hours of rest to rest. And for some, nine hours of daily sleep is not enough to renew their strength.

If you do not sleep for the required amount of time, the immune system will suffer first. In addition, a number of other problems may appear:

  • mental disorders of various etiologies;
  • stressful conditions, depression;
  • hypertension, diabetes, hormonal disorders;
  • obesity or vice versa - anorexia.

There are many reasons for insomnia, one of the most common is excessive coffee consumption at night.

Moderate consumption of the aromatic drink (about three cups per day) only benefits the body. Insomnia does not threaten those who do not abuse espresso.

Practical guidelines for interpretation

Next, we will give some recommendations for interpreting a dream about coffee. Astrologers recommend taking into account not only the details of the dream itself, but also the position of the moon.

Assessment of the feasibility of a dream May 27, 2021

, according to the website Gadalkin House.
Today is Thursday, Waning 3rd quarter from May 26 14:14, the Night Sun entered the 1st house. If you had a dream on another day, you can look at the recommendations in this table
. Now let's look at the main indicators of today that influence the interpretation, according to astrologers.

Probability that the dream will come true: no more than 60%
IndexGuidelines for interpretation
Day of week:
Try to remember everything that you dreamed about on the night from Wednesday to Thursday as accurately as possible - pay attention to small, at first glance, insignificant details. Most likely, the interpretation of today’s dream will be somehow connected with your personal life or some hidden desires.
Lunar day:
16 Lunar day. Dreams on this day have healing properties. If the dream has caused you anxiety, it means that there is some internal tension in your soul. Try to find a clue in the interpretation and solve this problem.
Moon in sign:
Sagittarius (7°23'52");
Sagittarius - in the case of dream interpretation, symbolizes the progress of relationships, the achievement of goals and a successful combination of circumstances. If you have come across something similar among the interpretations, take note.
Waning 3rd quarter
Waning moon. Regardless of the nature of the interpretation of the dream, keep in mind that during this period you will experience a decline in physical and moral activity. Now it is better to finish current active affairs and lead a measured course of life.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep depending on the details

Most often, people who have to plunge into unpleasant and tedious work dream about coffee - such a dream foreshadows a long process that will take a lot of physical and mental strength. However, as a source of energy, a coffee drink can become a symbol of replenishment - perhaps friends who are worried about you will help you.

Who saw the dream: a woman or a man

Women see coffee as an aesthetic image, while for men it is often a regular morning tradition. Do differences in perception affect the true meaning of a dream?

Interpretation for women and girls.

Why dream of drinking coffee in a dream for a woman or a man.

Often this drink is dreamed of as a warning - you are on a slippery slope and can get into trouble. You should try to avoid major temptations.

Other options:

  • if you dream that you are drinking it in a coffee shop, the dream means empty gossip and conversations with friends;
  • coffee in a jar on your table - a visit from a long-awaited guest;
  • strong with lush foam - to receive an unexpected gift from your spouse.

A dream in which you choose perfume and periodically bring coffee beans to your nose means that in reality you will have to make an ambiguous decision.

Interpretation for men and boys.

A man sees coffee most often as a sign of difficult work that can bring a lot of money in the future. Such a dream perfectly illustrates preparation for a long and exhausting process, the results of which will not be equivalent to the efforts invested.

What else does the dream say:

  • your decisions require verification - share your plans with a senior friend;
  • be careful and avoid quarrels - you may say words that you will regret;
  • know how to admit mistakes - a quarrel awaits you in which you will be wrong.

Coffee does not promise great losses or catastrophic events - it speaks of events over which a person has a certain power.

What does it mean to brew coffee in a dream?

To receive important advice for which you will have to pay. In this case, payment implies personal assistance, attention or any other way of sharing experience and warmth. Perhaps you will receive this advice from a friend in a sincere conversation, in which you will also support her.

What else does a dream mean:

  • cook in a Turk or cezve - marry into a conservative family with strict traditions;
  • preparing coffee on the stove means performing dangerous work without loss or damage to yourself;
  • using a coffee maker or coffee machine means a pleasant trip with your child.

If you cook it for two or more people, this means that your life path leads to success and friendship with others.

Why do you dream about drinking coffee?

This may mean that you are on the verge of important but very difficult events. It is quite possible that you will have to cope with trials without the support of others.

Other versions of interpretation:

  • A person who has been deprived of their parents’ approval may also dream of coffee - soon he will be able to restore relations with them;
  • drink in small sips - be careful in solving financial issues, do not take on debt;
  • buy and drink iced coffee - achieve success in a business about which you initially had doubts.

Drinking a coffee drink and seeing the grounds means committing a rash act, the consequences of which can be settled after some time.

What does coffee beans mean?

Why do you dream of coffee beans in a dream?

Coffee beans may be dreamed of by a person who is expecting an interesting conversation with a stranger - a meeting on a train or other transport, a chance acquaintance online.

What else does the dream say:

  • your abilities will be revealed in the near future, and this will bring you recognition;
  • if you are trying to grind beans with a manual coffee grinder, your friends will leave you in difficult times;
  • collecting or sorting coffee beans means solving complex problems with the well-being of your family.

Seeing a whole mountain of coffee beans is a dream according to which you will learn someone’s dangerous secret, but will be able to keep this secret. And thanks to this you will find a good friend.

You dreamed of instant coffee

This drink is what people dream about most often - it is easily accessible and familiar to everyone. In addition, preparing it is quite simple, and therefore children and teenagers can also see dreams associated with this drink.

Main meaning options:

  • if the coffee has a pleasant taste and aroma, this means that you will make a purchase that you will be proud of;
  • pour boiling water over it and serve it to another person - achieve success by spending a minimum of effort;
  • choosing a jar of instant coffee in a dream means trying to bypass management restrictions and being punished for it.

Such dreams should not give you sad thoughts, they rather tell you that you should beware of wrong actions or scams, and also carefully evaluate the situation before making a decision.

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