If you are a passionate coffee fan and cannot imagine the morning without this hot drink, then, of course, you know how to prepare it perfectly. However, there is not always enough time to fuss around the stove, but you want something tasty - so what to do?
A capsule coffee machine comes to the rescue - a device that prepares coffee on its own, requiring a person only to monitor the cleanliness of the machine and select the right capsules .
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What are capsules and their composition?
Externally, a coffee capsule looks like a small glass with a lid, made using a special technology . Inside there is coffee: roasted, ground and pressed.
In one glass - 1 serving of approximately 7-9 grams . The capsule is inserted into a special compartment in which punctures are made on both sides: on one side, boiling water is supplied under pressure, on the other, the finished drink is filtered.
Reference! Not everyone knows the difference between a coffee maker and a coffee machine. The coffee machine only requires inserting coffee capsules and pressing a button - it does the rest itself.
A coffee maker
requires much more human attention : it is necessary not only to insert a capsule or pour in ground coffee, but also to correctly form a coffee tablet, remove the grounds and clean the filter.
Advantages of capsules
Benefits of brewing coffee using capsules.
- In the first place, of course, is the quality of the drink, since the coffee inside them is all the same grind. The machine maintains the appropriate dosage and heating temperature of the water, which improves the taste of the drink.
- Brewing this coffee is easy and simple. You just need to place the capsule in a special compartment and indicate the necessary parameters for its preparation.
- There is no need to clean them after use; you can simply throw them away.
- The entire process is virtually silent.
- The prepared drink retains the taste of fresh ground coffee, since the “cups” are distinguished by their tightness.
When choosing capsules, you need to pay attention to their brand; it is advisable that they be from the same company as the coffee machine.
Supermarkets often hold presentations of coffee drinks from different manufacturers, where you can try different flavors for free and decide for yourself which manufacturer’s range you like best.
Capsules come in different types. Their tightness helps preserve the aroma and taste of coffee for a long time, and the amount of coffee powder in them always depends on the specific recipe of the drink. The proportions are usually designed in such a way that one capsule is intended for one serving of coffee.
Manufacturers are now producing capsule products containing not only coffee drinks, but also cocoa, hot chocolate, and elite varieties of tea.
Materials for production
- Aluminium foil . Used by most manufacturers. Foil protects coffee from the negative effects of metal, which eliminates harm to the human body . The packaging is recyclable (eg for Nespresso models).
- Food grade plastic (polymer materials). Environmentally friendly raw materials, which themselves do not have an unpleasant odor and do not absorb the smell of coffee.
- A combination of aluminum foil and polymer materials mixed with a small percentage of cellulose. They can be recycled, however, a significant “minus” is the lack of treatment of the internal surface .
Types of capsules for coffee machines
Today, each manufacturer has developed unique capsules for their own coffee machines. Despite their formal incompatibility, the container designs are not fundamentally different:
— capsules for Nepresso coffee machine
— capsules for Lavazza coffee machines
— capsules for Nescafe Dolce Gusto coffee machines
— capsules for coffee machines
— capsules for Espresso coffee machines
Before refilling a capsule for a coffee machine, you should learn a little about the structure of such containers. There is nothing complicated here: inside the plastic cup there are two membranes that protect the coffee between them from moisture and other negative influences.
Advantages and disadvantages
First, let's list the advantages :
- Using them is easy and simple: just put them in the compartment, set the device with the necessary parameters, and at the end, throw away the used packaging without wasting time on cleaning and washing out the hated grounds from the coffee machine.
- The coffee machine processes capsules absolutely silently .
- Since the parameters you set (water temperature, grind size) remain unchanged, the taste and quality of your favorite drink does not change . The lid allows you to preserve the aroma, taste and richness longer.
- Universal . You can prepare any desired variety, as well as mix different ones, creating a unique drink.
- It is easy to calculate portions of the prepared drink , which is actively used in restaurants, coffee shops and bars.
There are also disadvantages
- The cost of capsule coffee is significantly more expensive than grain or ground coffee, so there is no need to talk about savings here.
- A specific type is suitable for a certain line of devices.
Before buying a coffee machine, thoroughly study the market , ratings, compare the range and prices , so that in the future you do not need to scour the whole city in search of capsules.
If you rented the device for a while, it will be somewhat easier for you: you can take the capsules from the lessor or find out from him where you can get them or order them.
Manufacturer of coffee capsules for coffee machines and coffee makers is Nestlé . It was this brand that first began to develop this product and still does not lose its relevance. There are 16 types of coffee for sale, with Arabica predominating .
The range consists of:
- Lungo (soft and rich, 110 ml per cup),
- Espresso: 7 varieties plus 3 elite,
- Decaffeinated coffee,
- Hot chocolate
- Tea with mountain herbs
The cost of a package of 10 pieces is from 320 rubles.
Dolce Gusto
For Delonghi and Dolce Gusto (Krups) devices . Produced by the Nescafe brand. Food-safe plastic is used in production. The assortment is extensive: more than 20 flavors are available to Russian coffee lovers .
Arabica with varying amounts of Robusta predominates. Limited edition products with 100% Brazilian Arabica are up for sale. Also available:
- 10 types of espresso
- Decaffeinated coffee – 1 type
- Latte, cappuccino, coffee with milk – 6 types
- Hot chocolate – caramel, mocha, chocochino flavors
Price per package (16 pieces) – 380-420 rubles.
For your information! The filling of the packaging is 6 g instead of what is required according to the gold standard 7.
The capsules look like discs, which makes them stand out from others . Each has a barcode that is read by the coffee machine.
This brand’s coffee brewing technology differs from that of most competitors: the coffee powder is not pressed, which has a positive effect on the aroma and taste of the drink . Dosage of coffee in packaging – 9 g.
types of flavors can be purchased on the Russian market :
- 1 type of cocoa,
- 3 types of black coffee,
- 3 types of coffee with milk (including latte macchiato for a large mug),
- 4 types of tea,
- Milk,
- Hot chocolate
A package of 16 pieces costs approximately 360 rubles . You can not only buy it in a specialized store, but also order it online.
The Italian manufacturer launched its products on the market relatively recently, but gourmets have already appreciated its composition. A significant disadvantage is that the packaging is below standard (6 g) .
The recipe is excellent, kept secret. Food-grade plastic and aluminum are used in the manufacture of capsules . The assortment is still small and includes decaffeinated coffee, 4 types of black coffee and hot chocolate.
Important! It is in these capsules that lovers of caffeine and characteristic bitterness will find 100% Robusta coffee.
Compatible with Squisito and Philips coffee machines. Cost – 35 rubles and more .
The consumer is offered more than 3 types of black coffee blends and 6 types of espresso.
Packaging – 7.5 g. Material used – food grade plastic. The cost of a package of 30 pieces is approximately 840 rubles. Capsules can only be used in Lavazza machines .
Prices for the Nespresso brand are hefty, however, quite good Chinese analogues have recently appeared on sale .
Their cost is 20-25% lower. Nespresso and Dolce Gusto capsules are quite successfully used for Krups brand devices.
Where to buy and how to store capsules
Most manufacturers have made sure that storing capsules is convenient. The containers are sold in special packaging that does not take up much space. Some manufacturers also produce special rack holders. This option makes it easier to sort and use your brew containers.
Gradually, capsules from top brands have ceased to be in short supply and today you can buy them without any problems (previously this was the main disadvantage of capsule coffee machines). For example, Nespresso products can be ordered directly on the manufacturer’s website nespresso.com/ru/, the same applies to Dolce Gusto – dolce-gusto.ru. There is also a wide selection of capsules available in stores coffeemanich.ru, mvideo.ru and others.
- Price: $1.1
I recently acquired a capsule coffee machine of the Dolce Gusto system and on the same day, for the sake of experiment, I ordered a reusable capsule on Aliexpress. Today I finally got around to experimenting with it. The capsule lid closes tightly using a rubber rim. Below is a removable mesh. The Chinese made the spout incorrectly - its diameter is 10.15 mm, while the original capsule has 9.85 mm. As a result, the capsule gets stuck in the tray of the coffee machine and it is difficult to remove it by pressing something on the spout from below. There is a hole on the lid. When installing the capsule, it is important to install it accurately so that the hole is exactly in the middle in the front, otherwise you can break the coffee machine (it has a needle in this place with which it pierces the original disposable capsule). To begin with, I tried pouring ground coffee for the drip coffee machines I had into the capsule. Didn't fill it to the brim. Instead of coffee, it turned out to be a terrible muck that had to be thrown out. Then, for the purity of the experiment, I decided to pour coffee from the original capsule into a reusable capsule. The capsule is cleverly designed. Under the lid there is a film with small holes. The foil also has holes at the bottom. Apparently, the film and foil are needed to create high pressure inside the capsule. I poured the coffee into a Chinese capsule. It turned out to be filled to the brim and was even difficult to close. I put the capsule in the coffee machine and start brewing. The coffee turned out almost without foam. I immediately make coffee from the original capsule for comparison. The foam is dense and beautiful. The taste of coffee is also different. From the original capsule it is rich and delicious. From a Chinese reusable capsule, the same coffee turned out to be more liquid and sour. I’ll also have to try to conduct an experiment on making coffee in a reusable “folk” capsule made from two used original capsules, but I’m afraid nothing good will come of this either. The conclusion from all this is simple. A reusable capsule is not a complete replacement for disposable capsules. The quality of the coffee produced with it is much inferior, and it’s not the coffee itself. Yes, the original capsules are not very cheap (however, at a sale in Dixie yesterday I bought Dolce Gusto capsules for 19.30 rubles apiece - 309 rubles for a pack of 16 pieces), but the coffee from them turns out delicious with good foam, and with the help of a reusable capsule, Unfortunately no. © 2021, Alexey Nadezhin Sources used:
- https://iphones.ru/inotes/488897
- https://coffeemachina.com/kapsuly-dlya-kofemashin
- https://mysku.ru/blog/aliexpress/47143.html
Popular models
Quite a popular product. The cost of 5 pieces is no less than 800 rubles. Depending on the year of manufacture of the device, you should also choose packaging .
There are two types on sale: black and brown. Black ones are used in machines manufactured after October 2010, where the capsule receptacle tray is ribbed. Brown is used in machines equipped with a smooth tray, and such devices were produced until October 2010.
Product of a French brand. The cost of a set of 100 pieces is approximately 500 rubles. Food grade plastic is used in production.
The kit includes sheets with self-adhesive foil lids and a dispenser.
Attention! Foil lids allow you to use the product up to 20 times, but the plastic gradually becomes deformed, which affects the taste of the drink.
Suitable for Nespresso and Dolce Gusto machines. Capsules made of food-grade plastic are not used in machines manufactured before 2003 (F896/893/897 are easily recognizable from this series).
The kit includes a silicone ring. There are holes on the lid and bottom of the capsule; the hinged lid is easy to close and open.
Products of this brand are not suitable for devices manufactured before 2003 and for machines with automatic feed .
Cannot be used in Krups Nespresso devices from October 2010.
Dolce Gusto
Produced by the Sealpod brand. Made from silicone and steel. The set includes 100 paper filters, 1 capsule, and dispensing spoon. The cost of the set is approximately 3200 rubles.
The drink must be prepared according to a special scheme : a metal holder with a filter is installed in the capsule, coffee is poured and compacted, a perforated disc is inserted and pressed, and, finally, a silicone lid.
For your information! According to consumer reviews, this activity takes a lot of time, and the taste of the drink is far from ideal.
How to choose the right one
When purchasing, be sure to consider what model of coffee machine you have. Reusable Nespresso capsules come in different varieties and may simply not be suitable.
For example, the bigsis inox brand cannot be used in Dolce Gusto - the container there is of a different shape. Some types (for example, EMOHOME) are not suitable for machines with automatic feed and models manufactured earlier than 2003. But there are few of these in Russia; they can be identified by the markings F897, F893 and F896 of the Krups Nespresso series.
The silicone ring, which prevents liquid leakage, is not required for all machines, but only for those manufactured after 2010. For earlier models, reusable Nespresso capsules without a silicone gasket are suitable. For older coffee machines (pre-2010), you should look for the brand Coffeeduck . The capsules are available in packs of 3 and are golden brown in color.
How to brew without a coffee machine?
If you get your hands on a coffee capsule, but the machine is missing (or broken), allow yourself to conduct a fun experiment and brew it without a device. Remove the cap from the capsule. Make a semicircular cut on the plastic; just pierce the foil with a needle and pry it off with a knife.
Further actions depend on what you have in your home: a Turkish coffee maker or a geyser coffee maker.
If you have a Turk, pour coffee into it, pour in water (no more than 35 ml for espresso), put it on the stove and wait for the liquid to boil. Make sure the foam doesn't run away !
Pour a teaspoon of cool water into the prepared drink - this will allow the grounds to settle. The geyser coffee maker should be disassembled, pour water into the lower container (not higher than the mark), pour coffee into a special filter , put the device back together and plug it in (or put it on the stove). After waiting for the sizzle, turn it off and enjoy the taste.