How to drink coffee in an environmentally friendly way (not just take a reusable cup) - Om Activ

Side effects of caffeine

Coffee and tea are incredibly healthy drinks.
Caffeine can improve mood and mental performance. Research has also shown that caffeine is safe for most people when consumed in low to moderate amounts, but there are side effects of caffeine. High doses of caffeine can have unpleasant and even dangerous side effects.

Research has shown that your genes have a big influence on your tolerance to it. Some can consume much more caffeine than others without experiencing negative effects.

Moreover, people who are not accustomed to caffeine may experience unpleasant symptoms after consuming what is usually a moderate dose.

The following are the most known side effects of caffeine:


Caffeine is known to increase alertness.

It works by blocking the action of adenosine, a brain chemical that makes you feel tired. At the same time, it triggers the release of adrenaline, the fight-or-flight hormone associated with increased energy.

However, at higher doses, these effects may become more pronounced, leading to restlessness and nervousness.

In fact, caffeine-induced anxiety disorder is one of four caffeine-related syndromes listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association.

Excessively high daily consumption (1000 mg or more per day) has been reported to cause nervousness and similar symptoms in most people, while even moderate consumption can lead to similar effects in people sensitive to caffeine.

Additionally, moderate doses have been shown to increase breathing and stress levels when taken in one sitting.

One study of 25 healthy men found that subjects who took approximately 300 mg of caffeine experienced twice as much stress as those who took a placebo.

It's interesting to note that stress levels were similar between regular and less frequent caffeine drinkers, suggesting that the compound may have the same effect on stress levels regardless of whether you drink it on a regular basis.

However, these results are preliminary.

The caffeine content of coffee varies greatly. For reference, a large ("grande") coffee at Starbucks contains about 330 mg of caffeine.

If you find that you often feel nervous or anxious about little things, it might be a good idea to look at the amount of caffeine you consume and cut it down.


Caffeine's ability to help people stay awake is one of its most valuable qualities.

On the other hand, too much caffeine can make it difficult to get enough restorative sleep.

Studies have shown that increased caffeine consumption increases the time it takes to fall asleep. It may also reduce overall sleep time, especially in older adults.

In contrast, low to moderate amounts of caffeine do not appear to have much of an effect on sleep in people who always fall asleep quickly.

You may not realize that too much caffeine is interfering with your sleep if you underestimate the amount of caffeine you take.

While coffee and tea are the most concentrated sources of caffeine, it can also be found in soda, cocoa, energy drinks and several types of medications.

For example, an Energy Shot can contain up to 350 mg of caffeine, while some energy drinks contain as much as 500 mg per can.

It's important to note that the amount of caffeine you can consume without affecting your sleep will depend on your genetics and other factors.

Research has shown that while caffeine stays in your system for an average of five hours, the period of time can vary from an hour and a half to nine hours, depending on the individual's body.

One study examined the effects of timing of caffeine intake on sleep. Researchers gave 12 healthy adults 400 mg of caffeine six hours before bed, three hours before bed, or just before bed.

The time it took all three groups to fall asleep and the time they stayed awake at night increased significantly.

These results suggest that it's important to pay attention to both the amount and timing of caffeine intake to optimize your sleep.

Digestive problems

Many people think that a morning cup of coffee helps get their bowels moving.

The laxative effect of coffee is associated with the release of gastrin, a hormone produced by the stomach that speeds up the activity of the colon. Moreover, decaffeinated coffee has been shown to cause a similar reaction.

However, caffeine itself also appears to stimulate bowel movements by increasing peristalsis, the contractions that move food through the digestive tract.

Given this effect, it is not surprising that large doses of caffeine can lead to loose stools or even diarrhea in some people.

Although coffee was thought to cause stomach ulcers for many years, a large study of more than 8,000 people found no link between the two.

On the other hand, some research suggests that caffeinated drinks may worsen the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in some people. This is especially true for coffee.

In a small study, when five healthy adults drank caffeinated water, they experienced relaxation of the muscles that prevent stomach contents from moving into the throat—a hallmark sign of GERD.

Since coffee can have a significant impact on digestive function, you may want to cut back on the amount you drink or switch to tea if you experience any problems.

Muscle breakdown

Rhabdomyolysis is a very serious condition in which damaged muscle fibers leak into the bloodstream, leading to kidney failure and other problems.

Common causes of rhabdomyolysis include injury, infection, drug abuse, muscle strain, and venomous snake or insect bites.

Additionally, there have been a few reports of rhabdomyolysis associated with excessive caffeine consumption, although this is relatively rare.

In one case, a woman experienced nausea, vomiting, and dark urine after drinking 32 ounces (1 liter) of coffee containing approximately 565 mg of caffeine. Luckily, she recovered after taking medication and fluids.

It is important to note that this is too much caffeine to take in one sitting, especially for those who are not used to it or are very sensitive to its effects.

To reduce the risk of rhabdomyolysis, it is best to limit your caffeine intake to 250 mg per day unless you are used to consuming more.


Despite all the health benefits of caffeine, there's no denying that it can become an addiction.

An in-depth review shows that while caffeine triggers certain brain chemicals in the same way as cocaine and amphetamines, it does not cause classic addiction the way narcotics do.

However, it can lead to psychological or physical dependence, especially in large doses.

In one study, 16 people who typically consumed high, medium, or no caffeine took part in a word test after going decaffeinated for a night. Only consumers of the highly caffeinated drink showed a tendency toward caffeine-related words and had strong caffeine cravings.

Additionally, frequency of caffeine consumption appears to play a role in addiction.

Although the compound is not truly addictive, if you regularly drink a lot of coffee or other caffeinated drinks, there is a very good chance that you may become dependent on its effects.

High blood pressure

In general, caffeine does not increase the risk of heart disease or stroke in most people.

However, several studies have shown an increase in blood pressure due to its stimulating effects on the nervous system.

High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke because over time it can damage arteries, restricting blood flow to the heart and brain.

Fortunately, caffeine's effect on blood pressure appears to be temporary. In addition, it has a strong effect on people who are not used to using it.

High caffeine consumption has also been shown to increase blood pressure during exercise in healthy people, as well as in people with mildly high blood pressure.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the dosage and timing of caffeine intake, especially if you already have high blood pressure.


The stimulant effects of large amounts of caffeine can cause your heart to beat faster.

It can also lead to a change in the rhythm of the heartbeat, called atrial fibrillation, which has been observed in young people who consumed energy drinks containing extremely high doses of caffeine.

In one case study, a woman who took a huge dose of caffeine powder and pills during a suicide attempt developed a very fast heartbeat, kidney failure and other serious health problems.

However, this effect does not seem to occur in everyone. Indeed, some people with heart problems can tolerate large amounts of caffeine without any side effects.

In one controlled study, when 51 patients with heart failure consumed 100 mg of caffeine per hour for five hours, heart rates and rhythms remained normal.

Regardless of the results of the mixed studies, if you notice any changes in your heart rate after drinking caffeinated drinks, consider reducing your intake.


Coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks are known to increase energy levels.

However, they can also have the opposite effect, leading to fatigue after the caffeine leaves your system.

A recent review of 41 studies found that while caffeinated energy drinks increased alertness and improved mood for a few hours, participants were often more tired than usual the next day.

Of course, if you continue to drink a lot of caffeine throughout the day, you can avoid the rebound effect. On the other hand, it may affect your sleep.

To maximize the energy benefits of caffeine and avoid rebound fatigue, consume it in moderate rather than high doses.

Frequent urination

Increased urination is a common side effect of high caffeine consumption due to the compound's stimulating effects on the bladder.

You may have noticed that you need to urinate frequently when you drink more coffee or tea than usual.

Most studies looking at the compound's effect on urinary frequency have focused on older adults and people with overactive bladder or urinary incontinence.

In one study, 12 middle-aged patients with overactive bladder who consumed 2 mg of caffeine per pound (4.5 mg per kilogram) of body weight daily experienced a significant increase in urinary frequency and urgency.

For a 150 lb (68 kg) person, this would equate to approximately 300 mg of caffeine per day.

Additionally, high intake may increase the likelihood of developing incontinence in people with a healthy bladder.

One large study examined the effect of high caffeine consumption on urinary incontinence in more than 65,000 women without incontinence.

Those who consumed more than 450 mg per day had a significantly increased risk of urinary incontinence compared with those who consumed less than 150 mg per day.

If you drink a lot of caffeinated drinks and feel like your urination is more frequent or urgent than it should be, it may be a good idea to cut back on your intake to see if your symptoms improve.

Why shouldn't you drink coffee to cheer yourself up or wake up?

“Coffee has a tonic effect, and this can further lead to a state of increased excitability. If a person drinks coffee often and in large doses in order to cheer up, then after a while he will get exactly the opposite effect due to the depletion of those mediators that cause this tone. Roughly speaking, neurotransmitter function will be impaired,” says the nutritionist.

You should not drink large quantities of coffee in the morning, when the body releases the stress hormone, cortisol. Caffeine can inhibit its synthesis, and then over time the body will get used to being supplied with substances to wake up, and will no longer be able to wake up without an appropriate dose of caffeine. A person will simply develop a coffee addiction.


Stimulates mental activity

. Caffeine improves blood circulation, stimulating brain function. German scientists have proven that a cup of coffee increases productivity by 10%, but only if you have eaten well. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach has the opposite effect, turning off the brain.

Reduces the risk of developing cholelithiasis

.Caffeine prevents the crystallization of cholesterol (the main “component” of stones), accelerates the outflow of bile and the rate of lipid breakdown. One cup a day is a good prevention of cholelithiasis, in the absence of contraindications to coffee.

Protects against radiation

. Indian scientists came to this conclusion after a series of studies. Doctors recommend 2 cups of coffee per day for those who constantly work with radiation sources: radiologists, radiologists.

Helps fight depression

. Coffee is an excellent antidepressant. It stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy. A cup a day reduces the risk of depression by half.

Prevention of Alzheimer's disease

. Joint research by Finnish and Swedish scientists has shown that middle-aged people who regularly drink up to 5 cups of coffee a day are 65% less likely to suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Later, American experts confirmed this, with one amendment: the substance that prevents these diseases is not caffeine. What gives this effect remains to be seen.

Increases attention

. 75 mlg. caffeine improves concentration three times. But doctors warn: you should not abuse this method! Coffee is not a substitute for proper sleep.

Improves memory

. Surprised? Scientists at Johns Hopkins University conducted an experiment on students. They were divided into two groups. One drank several cups of coffee a day during the exam session. The second one is not. Students who drank coffee remembered course material better and faster.

Prevention of eye disease

. Caffeine – prevention of blepharospasm (continuous blinking caused by impaired brain function). It also prevents the development of cataracts.

How to reduce the harmful effects of coffee on the body?

  1. Do not drink caffeinated drinks on an empty stomach.
  2. It is not recommended to drink an invigorating drink at night.
  3. For diabetes mellitus, you can drink 100 mg of weak coffee without sugar daily.
  4. If you have gastritis, you can drink weak coffee diluted with milk or cream.
  5. Coffee is a diuretic drink, so when drinking it, do not forget to drink enough plain water per day.
  6. During pregnancy, it should be completely avoided.
  7. Buy only natural product in vacuum packaging.
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