The dangers and benefits of coffee for the male genital area

How does coffee affect potency?

Men who are fans of this drink need to know how coffee affects potency. Everyone knows that caffeine stimulates sexual desire and serves as a powerful aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire. In fact, only natural coffee, ground and brewed in a Turk, affects potency. If you use a coffee maker or coffee machine, the effect of the drink is noticeably reduced.

Scientists have long studied the question of how coffee affects the potency of men, and have proven that it contains plant analogues of estrogens. In the male body, they provoke female-type obesity, enlarge the mammary glands and erectile disorders.

Many men wonder whether coffee is harmful to potency. In fact, it is not recommended to overuse the drink, but adequate intake helps not only improve fertility, but also increase sperm activity. Doctors say that you should not consider coffee for an erection as a medicine, since its regular consumption is unlikely to relieve a man of infertility and potency. The best option is to consume two cups per day.

Benefits of coffee for men

The fact that coffee is a useful product for male potency has been known for quite some time. This is due to the fact that the drink has not only been recognized as an aphrodisiac, but also contains a large amount of useful substances. However, to obtain this effect, you need to drink only a natural product. It contains natural caffeine, which facilitates the movement of blood to the penis and increases the sensitivity of the erogenous zones. All this contributes not only to the onset of an erection, but also helps to prolong it. In addition, the drink helps to increase the motor activity of sperm, which increases a woman’s chances of successful conception. This means that caffeine not only increases potency, but also improves its quality.

In order to understand whether coffee affects the potency of men, it is necessary to understand its properties. We can highlight some beneficial properties of the drink and the effect of coffee on male potency:

  • the likelihood of developing depression is reduced;
  • the risk of kidney stones is reduced;
  • the functioning of the body's immune system improves;
  • digestive function is normalized;
  • the risk of developing malignant tumors of various forms is reduced;
  • metabolic processes in the body are accelerated;
  • Coffee is an antioxidant, so it helps rejuvenate and renew the body's cells. In addition, the amount of energy increases, performance increases and drowsiness disappears.

Drinking 1-2 cups of the drink per day helps reduce the likelihood of a heart attack and heart disorders. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on patients with bronchial asthma and reduces the risk of diabetes.

Drinks that replace coffee

Some coffee lovers cannot stop drinking it, despite existing contraindications or poor tolerance. In this case, experts advise buying a harmless substitute that is not inferior in taste to the natural grain product.

Today, there are many analogues that do not contain caffeine, which have a gentle effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as blood pressure. But lovers of aromatic strong coffee will not be able to experience the usual excitement, vivacity and burst of energy.

If you have problems in the sexual sphere, coffee lovers can purchase a special product, Tongkat Ali. It, like a natural drink, stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area, increases activity during sexual intercourse, increases testosterone production and enhances libido. The product for men contains the main high-quality raw materials, dry cream and premium coffee. It is absolutely safe and has no side effects on the body.

The effect of coffee on potency

Coffee has a negative effect on testosterone levels in the male body, but not in significant quantities. The fact is that the drink is not able to stay in the body for a long time.

Interesting! Thanks to testosterone, a man acquires sufficient muscle mass, becomes physically resilient and mentally balanced. In addition, his sexual activity increases, and he has healthy ambitions.

When the level of testosterone in the body decreases, a significant decrease in erection is observed. Consuming too much caffeine can cause the body's production of the hormone to stop completely. It is for this reason that it is necessary to stop in time and not abuse the drink.

The effect of instant coffee on potency compared to a natural drink is not so favorable. The instant drink granules can convert testosterone into estrogen, and over time, a man's body begins to take on a female form.

Drinking the drink in an acceptable amount increases blood flow to the male organ and thereby coffee increases potency in men. In addition, the drink is considered a kind of stimulant of the central nervous system. Impulses travel quickly enough along the nerve fibers, and even with the smell of coffee beans, a man can feel slight arousal. The effect of coffee on male potency lies in the fact that its proper use helps to increase the mobility of male reproductive cells and their activity.


With an increased daily dosage of the drink, the harm of coffee for men is obvious. It consists in the influence on the body of such negative factors as:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • anxiety;
  • emotional excitability, nervous system overload;
  • feeling of nervousness, depression, depression;
  • increased heart rate, increased blood pressure;
  • there is a high probability of sleep disorders - insomnia, nightmares;
  • the appearance of urinary incontinence;
  • disruptions in the intimate sphere – low libido, weak erection, feeling of dissatisfaction;
  • People with ulcers, colitis, gastritis and smokers should not drink it, because it increases the risk of increasing arterial hypertension and can lead to other negative aspects.

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What kind of coffee is best to drink, and in what doses to improve potency?

Often representatives of the stronger sex are interested in whether coffee affects the potency of men and which drink is best to give preference to. In fact, the body is completely indifferent to what product its owner uses. However, it is still better to give preference to a natural drink and this is due to the following reasons:

  • The highest grade is made from grains of the highest quality, and the instant one contains only low grades;
  • the instant drink after heat treatment does not have any beneficial properties for the body;
  • There are no preservatives in the natural product, and instant coffee contains them in large quantities.

Surely every man has thought about how coffee affects potency and whether this factor depends on the caffeine content in it. Experts conducted research and determined the dose that is considered normal for the male body. It consists of 3 teaspoons of crushed grains, and during the day you are allowed to consume no more than 3 cups of this drink to maintain body tone.

At the same time, doctors say that you should not strictly adhere to this dosage, since each person has his own norm. The true indicator of the amount of coffee that can be consumed during the day is a man’s own well-being. The first sign that it is necessary to reduce the consumption of an invigorating drink is increased irritation and insomnia. Instant coffee is not at all recommended to be consumed before sexual intercourse, since the likelihood of failure is too high. The fact is that the drink disrupts the activity of hematopoiesis, changes the binding properties of iron and lowers testosterone levels.

Reviews from doctors

Many experts confirm the fact that coffee increases libido, has a lot of positive properties, and its proper use is beneficial for the male body. An important condition is the fact that the coffee must be natural and of high quality, and prepared in a Turk.

In recent years, a drink without any active ingredient has become especially popular. Thanks to this product, it is possible to minimize the negative consequences for the body and reduce the likelihood of developing malignant tumors in the prostate. When drinking such a drink, a man is unlikely to question how coffee affects libido.

Reviews from men about the effect of coffee on potency

Reviews from men confirm that the desired effect can only be achieved by drinking natural coffee that is properly roasted and of high quality.

Oleg, 34 years old, Moscow: “I have long been addicted to coffee, and every morning I drink a cup of a drink made from ground beans. I try not to save money and buy only high quality varieties. I have always been interested in the question of whether coffee affects male potency or whether such a statement is a myth. A few months later, I noticed that in addition to high activity during the day, potency also increased. I assume that this result is due to the quality of the drink.”

Anton, 44 years old, Samara: “I simply cannot live without coffee and until recently I drank everything I could get my hands on. However, soon stomach pains appeared, the heart began to act up and problems arose in sexual life. The doctor suggested giving up the drink altogether or using a premium product. I began to wonder how coffee affects erection and sperm quality. I started drinking coffee made from ground beans, and the problems disappeared over time. I began to feel normal, and my sex life improved.”

It is important to remember that each body is individual, and when drinking coffee you must follow a certain norm. Only in this case will the drink be truly beneficial for the body and have a positive effect on potency. You can find out how coffee affects male potency and which drink is best to choose from your doctor.

How to drink coffee?

The researchers noticed that the largest number of accidents occurred at a distance of 30-40 minutes from roadside cafes. It turned out that drivers, struggling with sleep, stopped to cheer themselves up with a cup of coffee. But after half an hour a rollback effect set in and drowsiness overtook them with renewed vigor, as a result they lost control of the vehicle. To avoid this, you need to drink a glass of water 30 minutes after the invigorating elixir.

In reasonable quantities, coffee has a place in the diet of healthy men, it is important to remember that:

  1. You can use it to shake yourself up or improve your performance at a difficult moment, but do not forget about proper rest. If a horse is whipped all the time, one day it will drop dead, and so will the nervous system.
  2. Do not replace the drink with meals or drink it on an empty stomach.
  3. For those watching their weight, you need to take into account the calories of sugar in the drink, milk, cream and other additives.
  4. You should not drink coffee before taking tests for hormonal levels, blood biochemistry or HIV, or visiting a tattoo parlor. Caffeine can distort results and causes increased tissue bleeding.

For many people, coffee has a prolonged invigorating effect, which makes it difficult to fall asleep or the rest is superficial. In this case, it is advisable to give up the drink at least 6 hours before going to bed.

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